September 20, 2024

This past Tuesday, the church observed the feast day of a saint who fits particularly well into the Season of Creation – St. Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard was a medieval German abbess and mystic, writer, and composer who is also one of the four female “Doctors” of the church (a designation from the Roman Catholic Church recognizing a person for having made significant contributions to doctrine and theology). She is also known as a gardener, who found deep spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit through her observations and interactions with the created world.

Hildegard taught of a concept she called “greening”, referring to the force of life within all beings that she identified with Spirit: “the Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity.” Just as plants use photosynthesis to transform light into energy, all beings have the presence of the divine within us that calls and invites us to be co-creators in bringing that creative energy into the world.

In her book Scivias, Hildegard wrote that “You understand so little of what is around you because you do not use what is within you.” She saw an intimate and essential connection between the way that we experience God in the world around and within ourselves. This sacramental understanding of the world means that we can also directly encounter God through our calling to care for both the human and more-than-human creatures of this world.

I am reminded also of the words of Augustine that are sometimes spoken during the invitation to Communion: “Be what you see, receive what you are.” At the core of our spirituality, the sacrament of Holy Communion also connects us to the limitless grace of God through elements of creation in the form of bread and wine. By this physical act, we know that we are renewed and transformed spiritually. Our practice of the Eucharist is the “greening” taking place within our bodies and our souls – and it empowers us to be caretakers of God’s world together.

The Collect for St. Hildegard’s feast day speaks of this calling to join with all of earth’s beings in making the Creator known:

God of all times and seasons: Give us grace that we, after the example of your servant Hildegard, may both know and make known the joy and jubilation of being part of your creation, and show forth your glory in the world; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

In Christ,


An Exciting Start to our New Ministry Partnership!!

Here is a picture of what was donated by Holy Cross in our new ministry partnership with ASV. Socks and underwear will be delivered before this Friday’s Humanity Showers event and HC congregants will be making bags for distribution to clients following next Sunday’s service.

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, September 29, 2024

9:20am at Holy Cross

Sunday, September 29th, in honor of St. Francis, (who's feast day is on October 4th), our liturgy will include the annual Blessing of the Animals.

This service is always a wonderful celebration of God's great and diverse creation! Come give thanks for all creatures of our Lord. You are invited to bring your beloved pets* to church to receive God's blessing. All creatures great and small are invited. Please make sure all animal friends are on a leash, in a crate, or otherwise secured.

Our seating will be structured a bit different to accommodate our animal friends. The pet zone for the service will be on the lanai. The "fur free" /non-allergen section of seating will be inside the bay doors.

Help spread the word to your neighbors, friends and family; invite them to what may likely be a howling and purring celebration of God's great and diverse creation.

* bring a picture of your beloved pet for a blessing if you are not able to actually bring your pet to the service.

RefugeeNet Benefit Concert, September 28

You’re invited to a benefit concert to support RefugeeNet on Sat, Sep 28 at 5:30 pm at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church (4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, 92121). In addition to traditional east African music performed by members of St. Luke's, the evening will showcase classical pieces such as Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms and The Swan by Saint-Saens performed by the North County String Ensemble. Click here for tickets. Funds support RefugeeNet's life-saving work with San Diego's resettled refugees. Contact: Kristen,


Join us for a special Evensong service centered around the theme of Spiritual Imagination, inspired by the quote, "Spiritual imagination flows from divine truths revealed by the Spirit of God." Through reflective music, prayers, and readings, we will explore how spiritual imagination connects us to deeper truths, opening our hearts and minds to divine mysteries.

This peaceful evening invites everyone to embrace the ways the Spirit guides us toward greater understanding, creativity, and faith.

We hope to see you there on Thursday, October 3 at 6:30pm 651 Eucalyptus Ave in Vista 92084

Worship at Holy Cross
Weekly Services


9:30am Holy Eucharist*

In-Person & Livestream

Hear the Word of God, sing and pray together, bless those who are celebrating birthdays or wedding anniversaries, and share the Eucharist*.

*Eucharist comes from the Greek and means thanksgiving. It is central to our worship. It is also called Communion, Mass, the Lord's Supper and the Divine Liturgy.


12:30pm Contemplative Prayer - In-Person

Join us for a time of quiet reflections, prayer, and meditations using practices from a variety of spiritual traditions.



Evening Prayer

A short (30-40 minutes) service rooted in ancient monastic tradition. Our service includes some lovely hymns and provides a wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer and a midweek respite. A perfect way to end the day. All are welcome.

Sunday Livestream

and Service Bulletin Links Livestream
YouTube Livestream
Worship Service Booklet

We use a screen to project the service bulletin - please download the worship booklet (use the button above) if you prefer a copy for watching the livestream. Thank you for helping us to be better stewards of God's creation in reducing paper waste.

Monthly Service

First Thursday of Month

 10:00 am Episcopal Service

at La Costa Glen

(for residents only)

Next service, September 5th

All residents of La Costa Glen are welcome to join us - 10:00am at the Parkside Building in the Palomar Room. Clergy from Holy Cross and St. Andrews Encinitas are sharing duties presiding at these services. Help spread the word!

Audio only channel: Mixlr. (also available when we have livestream issues).

Video on Demand (VOD): Miss any of the past services?

Find them on our YouTube channel here.

Adult Forum Opportunity

Modern Mystics Class

Wednesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm via Zoom

All Saints' Vista holds a zoom Celtic Spirituality class on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. It is generally based on the Modern Mystics series and is usually 30 mins of watching a segment and 30 mins of discussion and conversation. They are inviting Holy Cross attendees to join.

You may join the class using the Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 814 1928 1703

Passcode: 722228

Questions? Facilitator Information:

Misty Brogan: Email -; Phone: (760) 525-0351

Caroline Celia: Email -; Phone:(760) 803-2256

Calling All Godly Play Kids!

Godly Play is grounded in the Montessori tradition and uses special materials and storytelling that invite the children into scripture and church tradition.

For more information please contact Sue Baas.

Doing God's Work with our Hand's

Looking Ahead:

Important Dates, Gatherings & Events


Contemplative and Meditation Prayer Service

12:30pm - A service of quiet reflection, contemplative and meditation prayer.


Evening Prayer

5:30pm - Rooted in ancient monastic tradition, our service includes some lovely hymns and provides a wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer and a midweek respite, this is a perfect way to end the day.

First Thursday each Month - Next service October 3

Episcopal Service at La Costa Glen

10:00am at the Parkside Building in the Palomar Room. All residents of La Costa Glen are welcome! Clergy from Holy Cross and St. Andrew's Encinitas will be sharing duties for presiding at these services.

2nd Tuesday of each Month - 1pm at the Church

Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care team shares Christ’s love with our community in the form of prayer, home visits, phone calls, cards, and bringing Communion to those unable to attend our Sunday services. If you are interested in joining the Pastoral Care team, or if you or anyone you know would like to schedule a pastoral and/or Communion visit, please contact Rev. Brian.

2nd Tuesday of each Month - on hiatus

Holy Cross Bridge Group

The group is on hiatus currently. If you are interested or would like to know more please contact Mike Collier or Grant Ford.

2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month

Wounded Warrior Battalion West - Camp Pendleton

Our volunteers deliver healthy snacks to, and visit with, service members of the Wounded Warrior Battalion staff and the Marines and sailors recovering from wounds, injury and illness. Contact Tom Mauro at 847.989.0305, for more information about this ongoing ministry or for how you might participate.


Ongoing, no set days

Gardening Club

Our garden plot is in the Centella St Community Garden next door to our church space. If you are interested in participating please speak with Rev. Brian on Sunday or email him at

We will practice continuous stewardship of all of God’s resources -
financial, human, and environmental.

Whether you worship regularly or when you can, join us in-person or online, your Holy Cross faith family thanks you for your faithful support. Your continued pledges and donations are integral to our ability to continue our mission and ministries, as well as to stay current on all of our financial obligations.

Make your 2024 Pledge Here
Donate/Pay Pledge via Faithstreet here
Donate/Pay Pledge via Zelle to
MAILING ADDRESS: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009

Bishop's Committee

Bishop's Committee (BC) meetings are the fourth Tuesday of the month from 4:00pm - 5:30pm. The next BC meeting is September 24, 2024 - our meeting is hybrid, in-person at the church and via Zoom for those unable to join in-person.

Meetings are open and anyone may attend. Please reach out to Rev. Brian for the Zoom link if you wish to attend remotely.

If there is something for which you wish to bring to the BC's attention, you may reach out to our Priest-in-Charge, Brian Petersen, our Wardens, Mike Collier and Grant Ford, or any BC member. Their contact information is at the bottom of the newsletter, in the church roster, or you may reach them at the church office:

Read reports from the August 27 meeting: approved June Minutes here; Controllers Report here; Priest-in-Charge Report here.

If you have a pastoral emergency and are unable to reach anyone at the church office, 760.930.1270, then always call our Priest-in-Charge, Brian Petersen, at 971.263.7874.

Our Pastoral Care team shares Christ’s love with our community in the form of prayer, home visits, phone calls, cards, and bringing Communion to those unable to attend our Sunday services. If you are interested in joining the Pastoral Care team, or if you or anyone you know would like to schedule a pastoral and/or Communion visit, please contact Rev. Brian.
Please hold all on our prayer list in your prayers:
If you would like to be added to the Prayers for Comfort, or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first) or add a family member to the Prayers for the Departed, please contact the church office at: email or 760.930.1270. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line and include whether the prayer request is for "Comfort" or for the "Departed".

Individuals will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks. Please contact the office if you wish to have someone added for another 4 weeks.

Prayer for our Clergy:

For the Revs. Martie Johnson and Brian Petersen, protect, nourish and sustain them through the work of the Holy Spirit. May they find rest and encouragement in the loving care of God and this congregation.

Prayers for Thanksgiving

For our hosts JCo, for this community of Holy Cross, and for all who so generously support our faith community with their time, abilities and treasures

Prayers for Comfort:

Arlene Cull, Paul Vanderpool, Barb Ross, Sandra Rindge, Larry Sebastian, Lon Gillette, Zach Jones, Allen Sweet, Joyce Nehlsen, Ray Vance, Grant Ford, Larry Kucera, Dave Wells, Mike Collier, Donna Heyvaert, Joey Aszterbaum, Chris Mallory, Steven Vanderpool, Charley Flinner, Judi Shank, Jane Heath, Jerry Campbell, Daniel Bissler, Wendy Morray

Prayers for the Departed

We commend to God all who have died, especially Randy Echito, our loved ones, and those who have lost their lives to gun violence.

Prayers for those celebrating Birthdays

Allyson Gobler

Prayers for those celebrating Anniversaries

Alex & Alyson Gobler

Prayers for those Traveling

None known

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Church of the North India (United)

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Clergy and people of St. Timothy's, San Diego. Our diocesan clergy as they gather for Clergy Conference

Military Cycle of Prayer

1st Combat Engineering Battalion, Camp Pendleton


Those suffering from the violence of war and terrorism in Israel and in Palestine; We pray for peace and the end of war; All who are affected by gun violence.

Notes of Care
Thinking of you. Humming bird watercolor card illustration

If you would like to be added, or suggest someone to be added (please get their permission first) to Notes of Care please contact the church office at: or 760.930.1270

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers those who are unable to be with us in worship and reach out to them to let them know they are missed.

Arlene Cull

4714 Athos Way

Oceanside, Ca 92056

Fr. Walter Edelman

183 Third Ave, Apt 419

Chula Vista, CA 91910-1822

Nico Plumber

Note: If you have lost a member of your family and would like us to include you and your family in "Notes of Care" please provide the name and relationship of your loved one, the date they entered into glory, and the address of where you would like notes of care sent.

In our Community, the Diocese
and Beyond

This weeks diocesan newsletter: here

(please be sure to read all of the great information!)

Neighbors in Need: St. Paul in the Desert Stands with Section 14

By: Chris Tumilty, Director of Communications

“Aaron, your house is burning down!” Those words from a friend at work in 1967 struck like a bolt of lightning, leaving Aaron stunned. At just 13, he moved to Section 14 from Chicago, finding a new life in the predominantly black community adjacent to downtown Palm Springs. The neighborhood became home. But now, that home was gone—engulfed in flames as part of the city’s forced demolition of properties in Section 14. What started as a normal day at work turned into a moment that would stick with Aaron throughout his life.

Aaron is a proud member of The Church of St. Paul in the Desert, where many know the pain of being marginalized. For them, the fight for justice is personal. “Are we going to celebrate our personal liberty by holding it safe for ourselves or use it to bring liberation to those who still need it?” said the Rev. Jessie Thompson. Read More


Dearest Supporter,

We are excited to announce that tickets for our Annual Fundraising Gala: Welcome Home are now available to you at early bird pricing.


Please join us on Saturday September 28th at 5pm at our new venue, The Westin Carlsbad Resort and Spa. With dinner provided, drinks, dancing and an exciting auction, we will make this an unforgettable night. Our theme is Welcome Home, and colorful cocktail attire is encouraged. 


Because of support like yours, our center has been able to keep up with the critical services our community not only needs, but deserves. Now that we are moving into a larger center, our operational costs are also increasing. By helping us raise funds at our Gala, you are ensuring we can continue operating and serving our community at the pace it demands from us.  


Come celebrate this transformational year in our history as a center and purchase your tickets today!

Early Bird Tickets: $200

Tickets after 09/01: $225

Buy Tickets
Donate to New Building
Staff and Leadership

Our Clergy

Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Brian Petersen; 442.320.0548

Assisting Priest: The Rev. Martie Johnson


Bookkeeper: Muriel Wahl

Controller: Erin Sacco Pineda, CPA - ESP Accounting

AV Tech Guru: Jack Cater

AV Tech Asst: Esperanza Jimenez

Communications Coord: Ryan Cagle

Administrator: Amber Newman

Leadership - Bishop's Committee ("BC")

Sr. Warden: Mike Collier -

Jr. Warden: Grant Ford

Members at large: Judy Cater, Allen Zych

Treasurer: Al Johnson

Clerk: Robyn Hill

Contact information:

Church office: 760.930.1270

Church email:

Mailing address: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, CA. 92009

This communication provides you with information about Holy Cross and our Ministries. For comments or possible contributions, please email the editor at

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