July 10, 2020
My friends in family in Christ Jesus,

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to complete the reopening survey over the past week. While reopening seems to get further away due to circumstances outside of any of our control, I nonetheless enjoy thinking about it. It has been odd to begin our time together without being able to see most of you in person. The reasons for that, as we all know, are to protect all of us. Nonetheless, I mourn that we cannot gather. Know that when the time comes, it will still be odd due to the necessary restrictions we will need to have in place. I appreciate Bishop Susan’s leadership in calling for us all to hold of gathering in person through this month for that reason: it gives us more time to adjust our expectations.

Senior Warden Karen Sanchez, Junior Warden Katie Ho, reopening lead Mike Collier, and your favorite engineer Jack Cater and I all met (masks on and physically distanced) at the church building this past Wednesday to go over what may or may not be possible when we can gather again. While we have much work to do still in ensuring our mutual safety, it was so much fun to begin thinking of how we might finally be together. Please know that the reopening group is hard at work on our behalf in this venture.

Change and transitions, large or small, are never easy. Do you remember moving as an adult the first time? I do not mean from home to college either, when you could pack your things into a car and be off (ah, the freedom from stuff!). No, I mean, do you remember what it was like to move after you bought your first mattress, or a couch? Moving the big pieces of our comfy spaces is something that is tiresome, fraught with the possibility of stubbing toes or smashing fingers and is downright labor intensive! But you did for a reason, either because you had to or you knew something better was on the other side, maybe both.

We cannot know what all waits for us on the other side of the transitions that COVID-19 has foisted upon us. Yet, I am deeply hopeful, even joyful, at the possibility of being with you all on the other side of this time. Whatever the transitions, whatever the moves we must make, I expect to be waiting for you all with open arms. That is the Holy Cross I am excited to embrace!

Until then, keep calm, pray, and carry on. We’ll be here for you, no matter what may come.


Worship & Formation
When will we meet in-person again?
Have you completed your Survey?
Members and regular attenders of Holy Cross services should have recently received, under a separate email blast, our congregational survey for potential reopening! Our calling tree ministry is reaching out those who received the email to help ensure everyone received a copy.

Please remember, this is not a referendum on how or what reopening looks like. It is to help your leadership (vicar, Bishop’s Committee, and reopening group) gauge and scale our precautions, as well as to see how many of you plan to return   to in-person worship when we are are prepared to safely open the facility.
In-Person Worship in the Diocese Suspended for July

As a reminder, Bishop Susan has suspended in-person worship at all churches during the month of July due to the broad restrictions on in-person gatherings in our county and throughout the state. As Bishop Susan stated in her letter to the diocese "Although the governor is still allowing churches to meet, I cannot justify taking this risk with our members’ health, or encouraging our members to believe that gathering in groups is safe, even with all the careful precautions our parishes have instituted."

Holy Cross continues to livestream our service on Sundays and we hope you will join us via the link below. Know someone who would enjoy the services at Holy Cross or may need to be reminded of Gods' abiding love? Consider inviting them to join you and your Holy Cross family for worship this Sunday by copying and sending them this link to our online streaming platform: https://holycrosscarlsbad.online.church.
Sundays 9 AM

Please join us on Sundays for our livestream service via the button below or at holycrosscarlsbad.online.church.
A PDF of the service booklet is available here.
You may also join the service on our Facebook page here.
Wednesdays 7 PM
on Zoom

Join us Wednesday evenings as we tour the world via Evening Prayer and Compline services from countries throughout the Anglican faith tradition (and sometimes from our own prayer book). Come feed your soul and take a little time to socialize with your fellow Holy Cross family members!

Please watch for Tuesdays email with the link to join us via a Zoom video, or call in from your phone if you choose not to use video.
Miss last Sundays service?
Watch it below:
All past service video's (since mid-March of this year) are archived on our Youtube channel here and on our Facebook page here .
Adult Formation Forum
Sunday at 10:45 AM
June 21st - July 12th
on Zoom
"Conversation about Race"

Join an ecumenical group of participants from three of our neighboring congregations in this four-session overview series using the Sacred Ground curriculum. Through videos and discussion, we'll deepen our understanding of systemic racism as well as our connections.

Click  here  to join via Zoom or call 669-900-6833 (meeting ID: 224 586 038).
You will be placed in a "waiting room" prior to entry into the session.
Neighbors in Faith
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
in front of Holy Cross Church

Our Neighbors in Faith ministry continues to help with feeding the homeless and food insecure along with other inter-faith ministries at C hurch of the Advent in downtown Carlsbad. Our next evening to provide the meal is scheduled for Monday, July 27th.

We continue to need snack items to include in meal bags. The following items are needed on an ongoing basis. If you are willing and able to help with the purchase of any of these items in support of this ministry it would be most welcome.

On Sunday, July 26th, any time between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm, simply drive up to the front the church, pop your trunk or open your window and a member of the Neighbors in Faith Ministry will do the rest!

Items needed
Granola bars
Protein Bars
Small bags of nuts
Small bags of chips, cookies, etc
Fruit cups
Muffins (individually wrapped)
Juice boxes  
Zip lock sandwich bags
Bottled water (individual bottles to hand out)

For a printable list of the shopping items click here.
For questions or more information about Neighbors in Faith, please contact Brian Petersen at petersenbw@gmail.com.

Follow our Neighbors in Faith ministry on Instagram, @neighborsinfaith_carlsbad, and Twitter, @NIF_Carlsbad.  
Stewardship & Supporting Holy Cross
Bishop's Committee
Bishop's Committee meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. The next regular BC meeting is Wednesday, July 15th, via Zoom.
Church offering plate with some currency in it
Offertory - Supporting Holy Cross

We thank all of you who continue to support our mission and ministry during this time when we cannot meet in person.

While we continue to accept donations via checks mailed to the church office.We encourage you to prayerfully consider one of the following ways to make your offering electronically:

Zelle - look for Zelle in your banking app (no credit cards) and send your offertory/donation to: holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org . Please note "general fund" on the note/what's this for line. There are no fees for using Zelle.

Faithstreet - Use your credit card or bank account. There is a fee with each transaction (just like Paypal, Venmo, and other payment processing services), Faithstreet offers the option for donors to pay the fee (the fee is considered a donation to Holy Cross and is tax deductible) - Credit Cards: 3.5% +30 ¢; Bank Account: 1.5% +30 ¢.

Text giving  - text the amount you want to donate to 646-832-4848. Click on the link you receive and enter the Holy Cross quickcode,  hcec . Follow the instructions to finalize the process. (This is part of our Faithstreet platform and the fees outlined above apply.)
Please hold all on our prayer list in your prayers:
prayer candles in a church
Prayer for Discernment:
Brian Petersen as he continues to discern God's call for ordained ministry.

Prayers for Comfort:
Fr. Atwood, Tom & Wayne, Peter, Arlene, Tom & Ann, Keith, Corrina, Craig, Paul, all who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, and those who have no one to pray for them.

Prayers for the Departed
We commend to God all who have died, including those who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 virus, and those who have given their lives for freedom’s cause.

Prayers for those celebrating Birthdays
Alice Gobler and Sue Sebastian

Prayers for those celebrating Anniversaries
Lon & Jean Gillette and Bill & Maureen Hopson
If you would like to be added to the Prayers for Comfort, or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first) or add a family member to the Prayers for the Departed , please contact the church office at: email holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org or 760.930.1270. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line and include whether the prayer request is for "Comfort" or for the "Departed".

Individuals will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks. Please contact the office if you wish to have someone added for another 4 weeks.

Note: If you have lost a member of your family and would like us to include your loss in "Notes of Care" please provide the name and relationship of your loved one, the date they entered into glory, and the address of where you would like notes of care sent.
If you would like to be added, or suggest someone to be added (please get their permission first) to Notes of Care please contact the church office at: holycross@holycrosscarlsbad.org or 760.930.1270.
In the Diocese
Wednesday, July 15th, 2020
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
online event

Join interfaith leaders, elected officials, and San Diego’s LGBTQ community at this official San Diego Pride 2020 virtual event. To celebrate Pride Week, we will honor our LGBTQ interfaith community and witness virtually the Cathedral’s annual ceremonial rainbow lighting.

Join the celebration by clicking on the video below or by clicking here (Youtube link) or here (San Diego Pride FB page live video).
Camp Stevens is now open for registration for Day Use and Family Retreats. Day users can enjoy our 256 acres of trails as well as the pool, picnic areas, outdoor chapel, and gardens. Family retreats also include housing in private rooms with private bathrooms and meals for the weekend. Our number one priority is to maintain a safe experience for guests and staff so that each may experience the healing and transformative capacity of this peaceful place apart. All staff and guests must maintain social distancing and masks are required in certain circumstances including passing on trails. Meals are served outdoors and families may picnic on the lawn or use tables provided. There is room to roam, fruits and flowers in the gardens, and lots of fresh air to go around. Register for Day Use at  www.campstevens.org/day-use , or contact Sam Brasted at retreats@campstevens.org for overnight inquires. 
Humor Corner
Cartoon from Culyer Black, Inherit the Mirth.
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