Happy 2024 Friends!
I hope you are all feeling as energized as I am to reach out to donors, promote what you do in the community, and raise more money to make a difference in the lives of of those we serve whether it be through human services, helping our four legged friends or enriching our lives through the arts and nature.
We are putting together an exciting year of programs and mixers to help you and your board members elevate your work.
If you are an AFP member, please check out the January 2024 Advancing Philanthropy Magazine. There are a number of articles on Artificial Intelligence which we will be focusing on in the March program. So, bring your questions and thoughts on how this ever changing tool is impacting our work.
Hope to see you at our February mixer!
Recap of January's Program
The AFP SLO County January 11th meeting was a resounding success, with an influx of new members and program attendees.
The meeting was a vibrant melting pot of ideas and discussions, with table topics ranging from the latest trends in digital fundraising to opportunities for collaboration. We dove deep into strategies for fostering robust donor relationships and explored many other facets of our profession.
Becky Gray, our facilitator, kicked off the meeting with rapid-fire questions. She challenged everyone to encapsulate their identity in less than three words—an exercise that underscored the importance of self-awareness in our line of work. As she rightly pointed out, "If nothing changes, nothing changes."
Unveiling her four pillars of importance, Becky encouraged us to develop a personal framework and reflect on who we are beyond our professional roles. She emphasized the importance of self-care, reminding us that one cannot effectively serve an organization without first taking care of oneself. She also urged us to plan for our personal futures just as meticulously as we plan for our organizations.
The discussion moved to leadership, where Becky advocated for selfless, humble leadership as a key to success in philanthropy. She stressed the need for a growth mindset, optimism, eagerness, discipline, and the ability to encourage others. After all, achieving our own goals often comes hand in hand with helping others achieve theirs.
We look forward to learning with you at our next AFP SLO County meeting!
Upcoming Mixer
Register Today!
Thursday, February 8, 2024
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
KROBĀR Craft Distillery at the Hub
1701 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401
Registration $5
Join us on February 8th for a heartwarming afternoon of connection, collaboration, and community building, bringing together nonprofit leaders in San Luis Obispo County. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we invite you to share your love for philanthropy in a fun and welcoming environment. Bring not just your passion for philanthropy but also a friend or colleague to celebrate the important work we do as an organization. All are welcome!
Our deepest gratitude to KROBĀR Craft Distillery at The Hub for generously sponsoring this month's social event.
Thu, Feb 8, 2024 3:30 PM PST
Share the Love: AFP SLO County Chapter February Networking Mixer
KROBAR Craft Distillery at The Hub,
San Luis Obispo
March Program
Save the Date!
Thursday, March 14, 2024
11:30 - 1:30 p.m.
1030 Southwood Drive, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401
Registration $35
Discounted tickets for AFP SLO County members with code $25
Includes lunch
*Please note this program begins at 11:30 a.m. rather than 12:00 p.m. We have added an additional 30 minutes to the program to allow for networking opportunities, lunch service, and less of a rush for those with meetings before or after the program.
Join us for an exciting event, AI in Fundraising 101, where we'll explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on fundraising. Discover how AI can revolutionize your fundraising efforts and help you achieve remarkable results.
Choose your lunch option during registration. Lunch will be catered by Urbane Cafe. Register below!
Thu, Mar 14, 2024 11:30 AM PST
AI in Fundraising 101
Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County (CAPSLO),
San Luis Obispo
Free Webinars Hosted by AFP this February
Why Donors Are Hanging up on Phonathons (And What to Do Next)
February 15, 1 p.m. EST
Crossing the Bridge to Transformational Fundraising
February 21, 1 p.m. EST
AFP San Luis Obispo County Chapter proudly connects individuals and organizations through job opportunities in development and fundraising on the Central Coast. Click here to learn more about each posting.
Executive Director
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO County
Executive Director
Montecito Family YMCA
Have a Fundraiser Coming Up?
Got an upcoming event? Shoot us a direct message on Instagram or Facebook once you've posted, and we'll feature it on our stories! Make sure to follow us using the links below so you don't miss the chance to spread the word!
Guiding our vision to inspire a world of generosity and positive social change through fundraising best practice is the Board of Directors of the San Luis Obispo County Chapter of AFP.
Outreach and Development Director, CAPSLO
CEO, Woods Humane Society
Senior Director of Gift Planning, Cal Poly
Executive Director, San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance Foundation
Chief Executive Officer, Literacy for Life
Director of Development & Operations
Interim Executive Director
Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County
Deputy Director of Partnership and Giving, AGE Africa
Director of Development, Habitat for Humanity
Associate Director of Development, Foundation for California Communication Colleges
Executive Director, San Luis Obispo Symphony
Executive Director, Bike SLO County
Are you employed by, donate to, or serve on the board of a San Luis Obispo County nonprofit? If so, please consider joining our chapter. With your membership, you will enjoy a wealth of career-building programs, educational resources, networking opportunities and exclusive member discounts. Learn more.
AFP San Luis Obispo County Chapter