Addressing our region's housing needs
Developer Kevin Bunker (left), land-use expert Jeff Levine and GPCOG Executive Director Kristina Egan discuss the region's housing needs at the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce Eggs & Issues event last Thursday. Tom Bell photo
Land-use experts: Large-lot zoning rules contribute to region's housing crises while diminishing traditional community character.

Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce event focused on ways to encourage more housing options.

Why it matters: Portland and its seven surrounding communities have about 65,000 housing units and have set a goal of increasing that by 10 percent by 2025 to meet demand, according to a GPCOG study.

State commission studies how local zoning
laws create barriers for affordable housing
The news: The Commission to Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions has been meeting since August.

GPCOG testified on Sept. 30, telling the Commission that municipalities recognize the leadership role they can take to expand workforce housing and will need technical assistance for zoning and new resources and financial incentives to successfully welcome more housing. A regional approach is an efficient and affordable way to expand housing. GPCOG is working closely with the Maine Municipal Association work group on housing issues.

New TV commercials tout region's transit options
The news: Two new commercials tout the region's transit options. The spots will run from Oct. 11 to Nov. 21 as part of a regional marketing campaign funded by the federal CARES Act.

Why it matters: Transit revenues have been down during the pandemic, and more people need to know that transit is a great way to get around, and there are many options.

Creating a vision for the region's
 transportation future
The news: We've developed a draft vision statement for Connect 2045, the region's long-range transportation plan. The draft is based on broad public input.

Why it matters: The draft will be presented for adoption to the PACTS Policy Board on Oct. 28. The vision statement is an important step for creating the long-range plan.

Tell us what you think! PACTS Committee members, stakeholders, and the public are invited to provide comments by Oct. 19 by emailing project manager Rick Harbison at

Apply now for planning funds
GPCOG and the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System (PACTS) has issued a call for project proposals to identify transportation planning activities that will be performed in 2022-2023.
Why it matters: GPCOG hopes to provide transportation planning funding and support to municipalities for high-impact projects and studies throughout the Greater Portland region in calendar years 2022-2023.

When is the deadline? The deadline to submit proposals is Nov. 4 at 4 pm. We anticipate selections and notice-of-awards by Dec. 15, 2021.

Bus Ambassadors to help new riders
with limited English proficiency
BA training photo
GPCOG is starting the Bus Ambassadors Program, in partnership with Greater Portland Metro and South Portland Bus Services.  

Who are Bus Ambassadors: Bus Ambassadors are a group of vetted and trained volunteers who speak: French, Portuguese, Swahili, Spanish, Tshiluba/Ciluba, Lingala and English.

Why it matters: The program helps new riders with limited English proficiency on how to use the public transportation in our region. It connects interested individuals and families to a Bus Ambassador who speaks their preferred language.

Make a referral: To make a referral or request an appointment, reach out to Marcel Ntagora at or call 207-835-1834. 
Help discover new Community
Transportation Leaders
We need your help recruiting people to join the second cohort of the Community Transportation Leaders Program.

Who should apply: The program invites people who have experienced barriers in transportation including young adults (over the age of 18), older adults, people with disabilities, people with lower incomes and people of color.

Start date: Placements will start on Oct. 15, and the program will run from late October 2021 through June 2022.

Apply: To learn more and/or start an application process, contact Kat Violette at or call 207-358-0089.

Oct. 27 webinar to focus on how upgrading
internet network could transform the region
Beyond "Good Enough": A discussion around what could be possible in our region with a foundation of reliable, affordable and ubiquitous high-speed internet for everyone.

Join GPCOG, the Maine Broadband Coalition, The Roux Institute, The Maine Technology Institute and Cumberland County in a discussion around the smart and connected infrastructure of broadband. 

Why it matters: Imagine what could be possible in the future with better broadband in our region.

Oct. 27 topic: Expert panelists will speak to the Wireless Internet of Things, public private partnerships, distributed energy generation and storage, and inclusive innovation to ensure that technology is designed for and benefits everyone.  


Oh no! Say farewell to our awesome
2020-2021 Resilience Corps team!
The service term for our 2020-2021 AmeriCorps Resilience Corps team is coming to an end. These talented young people have provided invaluable support over the past 11 months to help accelerate regional resilience through projects aiding small business support, transportation planning, climate action planning and broadband accessibility. We wish them all the best in their next endeavors!  

Read the latest blog post by Kelly Rehberg, Regional Planning Fellow, on how she's been incorporating data and mapping into community outreach.

Cutting-edge news: Communities band
together to shave costs
The News: GPCOG's recent bid for snowplow cutting edges is estimated to save participating communities at least $34,500 over the next year through our cooperative purchasing program.

Communities can take advantage of most bids even if estimated needs were not submitted.

Contact Tony Plante at for more information.

Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
970 Baxter Boulevard
Suite 201
Portland, ME 04103
Phone: 207-774-9891
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