July 30, 2021

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Upcoming Events

Memorial for Renate Steinert

July 31st at 11:00am at Hope Lake Weir Campus

Clothe-A-Kid with Love INC

August 3rd & 5th

Fish Fry

August 6th at 4:30pm and 6:00pm at Hope Central Campus

Men of Hope Breakfast

August 12th at 8:00am at Hope Central Campus

Memorial for Bob Brooks

August 12th at 10:30am at Hope Central Campus

Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse

August 15th from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at Texas Roadhouse in Lady Lake

To access the full calendar, click here!

Get Your Tickets Today for the Next Fish Fry!

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Our next Fish Fry will be August 6th at Hope Central Campus. Once again, you'll be able to choose between 4:30pm and 6:00pm seatings. 

This month, we will also have Root Beer Floats! Don't miss out!

Registration has begun. Tickets are available until noon on August 2nd. Tickets are $10 per person.

Because of the Fish Fry, please note that there will be NO Social Supper on August 4th.

Register for the 4:30pm seating
Register for the 6:00pm seating

Lutheran World Relief School Kits


Each year, the Women of Hope assemble 80 school kits for children in need, with specific and exact items collected for each bag. Interested in helping support Women of Hope as they pack these school kits? You can help by purchasing the items listed below and dropping them in the basket located in the Information Hallway at Hope Central Campus marked SCHOOL KITS.

The items in each bag are:

  • Four 70-80 sheet notebooks
  • Wide or college ruled paper (NO loose leaf paper)
  • One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other
  • One pencil sharpener
  • One pair of blunt scissors
  • Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers, secure together with a rubber band
  • Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink) secure together with a rubber band
  • One box of 16 or 24 crayons
  • One 2 ½ inch eraser

Please note that these items should not have religious symbols or messages on them.

For further information contact LaVera Wiberg at (352) 259-4575 OR by email at lavera114@yahoo.com.

Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse on August 15th

Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse is back!


It's been a while, but we're excited to once again be partnering with Texas Roadhouse for a delicious Dine to Donate afternoon!

If you dine at Texas Roadhouse's Lady Lake location on August 15th from 12:00pm to 4:00pm, they will donate 10% of your total food purchases to Hope Lutheran Church!

Invitations are available at each Hope campus. If you forget your invitation, simply tell your server that you’re with Hope Lutheran Church.

Come on out and enjoy some delicious food for a good cause!

Grief Support Group

Losing a loved one is very painful and can be overwhelming as we often must adjust to living and socializing alone. The goal of our Grief Support Group is to help people realize that as they journey through their grief, they are not alone.

The group will discuss the stages of grieving and how we each travel differently through our grief, yet experience the same human sorrow. We will learn about helpful distractions and the importance of using them to aid our progress. A sense of community will develop as we travel along together and we will know there is hope for all.

The group will meet at 1:00pm, one day a week, for four weeks, starting on August 10th and ending on August 31st. To register, call Ruth or Jimmy Jenkins at (352) 205-8181.

Council Connections

July 20, 2021

Council Meeting

Mid-Summer greetings from your Council.

Click on the attached link to check out a summary of July’s Council meeting minutes. Remember, full Council minutes are on file in the church office (after they are approved). July minutes will be approved on August 17th, 2021.

Feel free to contact any Council Member if you have questions or concerns – we are representing YOU!

Pam Fenn

Council Member at Large

Click Here for the Meeting Minutes

You're Invited to the Lake Weir Ladies Bible Study

The Lake Weir Ladies Bible Study continues to meet at Lake Weir Campus on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month. New members are always welcome!

Join us August 10th from 1:00pm - 2:30pm at our next meeting; BYOB.

Our Bible Study topic will be part three of Just L.I.F.E. The August lesson from the Gather magazine is titled Just Hope by Angela Ikhabeb. This article takes a look at frustrations and fears and addresses them with Hope. What can we learn from her this month? Come with an open heart and an open mind and find out.

Questions? Call or email Denise Marter at gardencrone@centurylink.net or

(352) 643-1010.

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Monthly Breakfast Prayer Meeting

Thursday, August 12th at 8:00 AM

It's time for the next Men of Hope Breakfast!

Please reserve your place online before August 9th.

Also register a friend you are bringing.

Doors open at 7:45am and breakfast is served at 8:00am.

Menu: Smoked ham, French Toast, Fresh Fruit, Biscuits with Butter and Jelly, Scrambled Eggs, Homestyle Grits, English Muffins, Yogurt.

Donation $7 at the door. The program will be “Solomon – Why was he so successful?”

A Nominating Committee will be named to suggest leaders for 2022.


Click Here to Register

Walk to Emmaus 2021

Do you seek... Spiritual Renewal; New understanding of God's grace and love; Worship and community with other believers?

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It has been over a year since the last Walk to Emmaus in March of 2020. But we are happy to announce the Schedule of Walks for October 2021:

  • Men's Walk to Emmaus #160 - October 14-17, 2021
  • Women's Walk to Emmaus #160 - October 21-24, 2021

For information about this life-changing opportunity, please contact Kathy Langley at (352) 753-8557 or cklangley97@embarqmail.com

Worship Attendance for July 24-25, 2021

Central Campus:

4:00pm = 156

6:00pm = 55

8:00am = 120

10:00am = 175

Lake Weir Campus:

10:00am = 72

Everglades Rec Center:

8:00am = 74

10:00am = 76

Scripture Reading for

July 31 - August 1

Ephesians 6:10-20

Matthew 10:28-31

Scripture Reading for

August 7 - 8

Acts 2:37-42

Mark 1:9-1

Have news to share? Please fill out the Newsletter Article Request Form for inclusion in a future edition!