The Most Important Source of Support for Finnish Culture in the United States
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Did You Know...

...that when Finnish students successfully complete their high school studies, they don white caps to signify that honor?

Then, each Vappu, Finnish May Day, they wear them to the carnival-like outdoor party that begins on April 30 and carries on through May 1.

Vappu, which began as a recognition of the labor force, is now more of a celebration to welcome spring and honor students.

Traditional foods and beverage include sima, a fermented, lemony drink, and tippaleipä funnel cakes. Finn Cooks Soile Anderson and Eleanor Ostman will take to YouTube on April 28 to show you how to prepare the treats.
This is Finland photo

We are excited about the recent addition to our programming with the successful launch of "In Conversation" by Maria Voltaine. The first of her monthly interviews was with Finnish-American Philip Bailey, a NASA robotic systems engineer (find it at the FFN YouTube channel).

Then again, "The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley." Or to translate, the best laid plans of mice and men can still go wrong. No matter how well you plan, there is no guarantee of success. 

Unfortunately, the introduction of comedy went awry. When issues appear---and they will---we will fix them, recover and move on. And this time, we improvised the improv. The entire show will now be available at Finnposium, with a live Q&A to Follow. Ei menny niinku Strömsössä.

We are pleased to report that in 2021 we were able to offer a significantly higher amount of money to support scholarships and grants. We want to continue on this trajectory, and it is all possible due to your support. Thank you.

Wishing you a joyful Vappu and Happy Mother’s Day,

Anne-Mari Paster
ampaster @ rcn. com
Chapter Spotlight: TexFinns
A Roundup of Finnish-Americans

About 30 or so years ago in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, John Laine and a few others pulled out the local White Pages in search of seemingly Finnish names, with the intent of rustling up enough potential members to start an organization for Finnish-Americans.
“If it looked like a Finnish last name, they picked up the phone and asked what the interest might be,” says Jeremy Martin, president of the Dallas/Fort Worth Finnish-American Society. That effort met with enough success to form the group nicknamed TexFinns, which became a chapter of Finlandia Foundation National in 1991.

John Laine joined the FFN board as trustee in 1992, and served as national president from 2003-2009.
Comedian ISMO (left) visits with Shannon and Jeremy Martin after a show in Fort Worth

Finns in Texas? It wasn’t a magnet for Finns during the Great Migration of the late 1800s and early 20th century. During the economic crisis of the 1980s, however, the Lone Star State saw an influx of job-seekers from the Upper Midwest, including Finnish-Americans.

That population has been augmented by employees of Finnish firms, such as Nokia, that have opened offices in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Mark Your Calendar for Finlandia Foundation Events
April 20: Comedy Show @ YouTube
April 22: My American Dream @ YouTube
April 22: Comedy Show Q&A with Miska and Nina
April 27: Virtual Joint Chapter Meeting
April 28: Finn Cooks Vappu Recipes @ YouTube
April 30: Eeppi Ursin Musical Vappu Cocktail @ YouTube
May 1: Soiva Music Online Registration Deadline; click here
May 6: In Conversation @ YouTube
May 9: Mother's Day Coffee Concert @ YouTube
May 31: Salolampi Scholarship Application Deadline; click here
Coffee Concert May 9
Cellist Jussi Makkonen and pianist Nazig Azezian will brighten Mother's Day with beautiful music from Finland.

Check the Finlandia Foundation YouTube channel on Sunday, May 9 for this special performance. Photo by Pekka Ovaskainen
Through your generous donations, Finlandia Foundation is able to offer scholarships to students like Hannah Loukusa, who is studying mechanical engineering at St. Cloud State University. Your gift is matched dollar-for-dollar by the Paloheimo Foundation (up to $100,000 annually). FFN is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Thank You! Kiitos!
Music, Books, Food, Discussions & More

Finnposium is Finlandia Foundation National's virtual symposium featuring a variety of online chats, webinars, cooking, musical and other presentations related to Finland and Finnish culture in the U.S.

Find the entertaining and informative programs at the FFN YouTube channel.
PO Box 92046
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone: 626.795.2081