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previous sermon:
Sunday, May 21st
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Dear Galilee Family,
Yesterday a longtime member of our congregation passed into the nearer presence of our Lord: Betty Fitts.
Betty was preceded in death by her husband Dave, and both were enthusiastic members of our choir and congregation. They could often be seen taking daily walks together down Pacific Avenue, in front of the Cavalier. Betty was, until recently, able to be with us on Sunday mornings, and I will miss her.
Betty's service is still being planned, but is expected to occur in early June. We will send an email when we have more information. Please keep the Fitts family in prayer as they commend Betty in our Savior's hands.
Father Buchanan+
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Enjoy a breakfast sandwich this Sunday, May 28th during Adult Forum, and plan to join us for special Open Forums the next two Sundays, June 4th & 11th to have a family conversation about opportunities to improve our Sunday morning experience. | |
We are excited to announce our Vestry officers for the coming year! | |
Bonnie Wheeler, Senior Warden | |
Jerry Kent, Junior Warden | |
Mental Health Awareness Month | |
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Parishioners are invited to wear a green ribbon, the international symbol of mental health awareness during this month of May.
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The Galilee Women’s Bible Study is taking a break for the summer, but small groups are forming organically. Choose one of our favorite books (or a study of your own) and invite a friend to read with you!
100 Days of Faith Over Fear - In this 100-day journey to a fearless life, you’ll grow in your faith and find freedom as you reflect on the encouraging daily devotions, empowering Scriptures, and heartfelt prayers. This book comes with space for recording your own thoughts and prayers as you draw near to God and trust him to move you from weakness to strength.
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table - Bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio uses Psalm 23 as a framework to help us break free from unhealthy thoughts and emotions (things like fear, anxiety, insecurity, and envy) and experience peace and security in every circumstance. (There’s also a study guide!)
What if It’s Wonderful - Marriage and family therapist Nicole Zasowski challenges us to let go of worry, fear, and questions like “What if my hope leads only to disappointment?” and ask yourself: “What if it’s wonderful?” Nicole draws from the lives of biblical characters as well as contemporary illustrations to help us approach life with an expectant heart, knowing that God is as present in our joy as he is in our pain.
Looking for something a little more active? Why not try PRAYER WALKING this summer as a way to worship and pray over your neighborhood? You can do this one alone or with a friend - click here to download a printable PDF that will take you through four easy steps:
W - Worship
A - Ask
L - Listen
K - Know your land
Have a great summer! We can’t wait to hear what you read, studied, or learned from the Lord when we get together again in September!
Click here to view the most recent Women's Bible Study
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An Interview with Fr. Nigel Mumford | |
Click the thumbnail above to watch Part 2 of a recent interview in the UK with Canon J. John and Galilee's Father Nigel Mumford. | |
Click the thumbnail above to view the video from the Welcome Home Initiative, an annual retreat for veterans at Galilee, that took place November 2022. This news story was recently nominated for a Regional Emmy Award in the Category of Religion. The competition took place between markets in Washington, D.C. and various others within Virginia and Maryland. The winner of the the Emmy will be announced in late June! | |
This Sunday, May 28th | Combined Middle & High School Youth Group | 40th St. beach | 3-5 p.m. | |
Our Children’s Choir concluded the academic year last Sunday by participating in Ascension Evensong. Congratulations to our students who completed the first level of the Royal School of Church Musicians curriculum! It was a wonderful year for both Cherubs and Children’s Choirs, learning and growing our faith and our voices. These programs will resume in the fall.
Adult Choir: Join us each Thursday at 7:00 p.m. to rehearse for the Sunday 10:45 a.m. service.
To join adult or children's choirs, please contact Galilee's Organist Choir Master Mary Dolch at mary@galileechurch.net.
Praise Team: Leads the Contemporary Family Service at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday with rehearsal Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m.
To join the praise team, please contact Galilee's Contemporary Worship Leader Jennifer Gammill at jenniferfgammill@gmail.com.
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Free Resource: Behavioral Healthcare for Teens, Young Adults & Their Families
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Galilee's ministry of sending books to incarcerated men and women is growing. Our library of books is now located in a small room downstairs just off The Cove.
In 2022, we put over 800 books in the hands of inmates, and mailed approximately 100 Galilee Books Through Bars 2023 calendars to inmates who had requested books.
Soon you will see our new drop box! We would love for you to drop off books in our bookroom off the Cove or use this drop box to donate any of your gently used books so that we could send them to inmates. The types of requests we receive vary, but many are for non-fiction books that include Christianity, teaching Bibles, self-improvement, dictionaries, travel, art and hobby-related books. Requests for fictional works range from thrillers, graphic novels and science fiction to best sellers.
Galilee Books Through Bars' works would not be possible if it weren’t for the generous donations of our Galilee families. So please, look for our new drop box, and donate a few books to help these inmates. The men and women who will receive your books will be especially appreciative of your generosity and kindness.
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Galilee Church is proud to support the Judeo Christian Outreach Center (JCOC), and will be preparing and serving dinner for 100 guests on Sunday, June 4th.
The Galilee volunteers will be responsible for all food, beverages, paper products, gloves and clean up post-meal.
Please join the effort to serve our community needing a warm meal by signing up to volunteer here!
Questions? Please contact Bill Marzec
wmarzec@cox.net | 757-635-3988
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Galilee Montessori School | |
Join Zoom Meeting
Or navigate to the Zoom website, click "Join a Meeting," and enter the following:
Meeting ID: 835 6017 1059
Passcode: GalileeMPB
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On Wednesdays, the clergy leads a conversational
Bible study on the passages for the upcoming Sunday. It's a terrific way to have a mid-week spiritual boost, grow in Bible knowledge, and get more out of your Sunday morning!
You can listen and participate via Zoom at your desk, over lunch, or at home. Click here to join at 12 p.m. Wednesdays.
The final session will be on June 7th.
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We'll use the prayer format here or in your Book of Common Prayer on page 136. Click here to enter the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 889 5328 8973
Passcode: 367801
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From the Library
We have books to donate, for a change! Come check out the newly reorganized resource library at Galilee for study material and excellent scholarship.
The collection has been sorted by the Dewey Decimal System and subject matter labels. Outdated and duplicate works have been removed, leaving a couple hundred valuable works in the cabinets.
This summer we will be offering books to smaller parishes around the diocese and to centers for orphaned children. If you know of any facility or parish that could use good quality theological books, we have them.
If you are moved to donate, we have a special need to complete our New Testament resources: In the Anchor Bible Series, we need 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. Additionally, we accept hardcover theological works without markings and in good condition. Unfortunately, we do not have room for self-help books or Bibles.
Traveling this summer? Stop by and pick out a set of CDs on various biblical topics, taught by professors from the finest universities in America. There are also many short commentaries from the Episcopal Church and an interesting set authored by N.T. Wright.
Finally, your library also serves an archival function, but we need help. In some of our cabinets are photo albums and other resources dating back many decades.
To volunteer, please contact: diw1022@gmail.com.
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Tuesday-Thursday | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sunday | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
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Sedonia Triepel, Agnes Wynne, Kristi Deeley, Jim Baker, Claudia Buchanan, Joann and Lee Martin, Ann Robertson, Janie, Bob McCrudden, Suzanne Lawton, Betty, Monty Thomson, Ames Tillar, Bishop Haynes, Jean Rudy, Paul, Margie and Danny, Jolynn Chaffin, George Craddock, Norvell Butler, the family of Betty Fitts
Expectant Mothers:
Anne Douglass Gangwer, Virginia Berndt Greenberg, Alexis Markert Timms, Libby Clark, Sarah Gray Mikac, Caroline Lindvall Joseph, Stephanie Bachman Sautter, Meg Taylor Walbridge, Kelsey Jordan, Ragan Killen Cook
Parishioners in the Military:
Andrew, Angela, Bill, Erin, Evan, Hugh, Jim, Hannah, John, Josh, Matt, Michael, Rick, Sean, Strock, Will, Matt, Bryan, Joe, Tom, Sully, Ryan, Logan, Chris, Andrew, David, Clarke, Chris, Lauren, Lauren R., Ian, Charlie, Matt, Alex, Rafe, Samuel, Otis, Patrick, Rob, Blake, Mary, Parker, Lincoln, Cody, Jason, Mark, Drew, Chase
Judeo-Christian Outreach Center; Global Friendship House; Onesimus Ministries; Eastern Shore Chapel Food Pantry; Galilee Food Gap Program; People In Need; Solar Light for Africa; The Boys’ Home of Virginia; Crisis Pregnancy Center (South Hampton Roads); Good Shepherd India; Wycliffe Bible Translators (Mike & Heather Miller); Pioneers (Tim & Carol Avery); An Achievable Dream
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Diocesan Newsletter - Diocese of Southern Virginia | | |
Please email patsy@galileechurch.net by the preceding Monday for weekly e-news submissions, or to update contact information. | | | | |