News to Use features important information and resources for self-advocates, parents, and professionals to use now!
Around The Arc Maryland
Apply Today to be a Partner in Policymaking
Maryland’s premier advocacy training series, Partners in Policymaking®, is back this fall! Join us for a year-long journey of self-discovery, networking, and empowerment as you learn the ins and outs of advocacy in your community and beyond! Learn more about this exciting opportunity and the application process during an information call on Tuesday, the 21st at noon. Register for the info call to receive a link to attend!

This project is funded in major part by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, with programmatic support from our partners at People on the Go of Maryland.
Improve Your Self-Advocacy with Empowering Partners
"People with IDD need to understand advocacy and have a chance to demonstrate it. It is important to educate the next generation who will be in charge of carrying the movement forward," shared Aileen O’Hare, a county facilitator for Empowering Partners, a next-level self-advocacy training initiative. Aileen and fellow advocates are leading Self-Advocacy groups across the state right now, and you can join! Find a group near you below!
These projects are supported, in part by grant number CFDA 93.630, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.
Taking Action
Mobility Paratransit Virtual Town Hall
September 13th at 6 pm
Many Marylanders with disabilities rely on MTA services to work and thrive in the community. MTA Mobility is hosting a Virtual Town Hall on September 13th at 6 PM, and they want to hear from you on how to improve their services!
You can share your concerns in a number of ways, including:

You can also tune into the meeting through their Youtube Livestream here.
Opportunity to Testify Regarding Emergency Mask Regulations in Maryland Schools
September 14th at 10 am
The Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review is set to meet on September 14th at 10 AM regarding Maryland's emergency mask regulations in schools. You can sign up to provide testimony through the MGA website before 8 AM on September 13th. See directions below! You can also tune into the live stream on the morning of the 14th through the button below.
The Maryland Down Syndrome Advocacy Coalition recently sent a letter to Governor Hogan, State Superintendent Choudhury, and others on this important issue. See their letter here for information on why universal masking is needed to protect all students, and especially students with disabilities who are more susceptible to severe illness from COVID-19.
In the News
US House Committee Proposes $200 Billion Cut to Proposed HCBS Funding through the Better Care Better Jobs Act
The US House Energy and Commerce Committee is recommending $190 billion, less than half of the necessary funds from President Biden's request, to expand Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), reduce waiting lists, and strengthen our workforce that supports millions of Americans with disabilities to thrive in our communities.
You can read more about how the full, $400 billion funding proposal for HCBS, if funded, would impact the state of Maryland through the fact sheet below. Stay tuned for a day of action next week to contact representatives and ask them to restore the full funding needed; moving forward with the president's full proposal for HCBS!
We Watch the City: Stories in the Shadow of 9-11
With this Saturday marking the 20th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks on our country, we want to share the stories of those who faced the unthinkable. This 20-minute documentary contains personal accounts of people with developmental disabilities who worked at and around the world trade centers on 9/11 and their support staff who rallied together to ensure everyone emerged safely.

Not only did they take care of each other, but they took care of others around them. It is a story of perseverance and a reminder that when we all take care of each other, we all rise up. 
Celebrate DSP Recognition Week!
September 12th to 18th
Next week, we recognize the backbone of our workforce: Direct Support Professionals (DSPs)! Join us in celebrating DSP Recognition Week as we honor thousands of DSPs across Maryland who help ensure people with disabilities can live their best lives. Check out our social media throughout the week as we highlight professionals in our state who exemplify the extraordinary qualities it takes to be a DSP!
National Disability Voter Registration Week
September 13th to 20th
Next week, we also celebrate a huge week in civil rights: National Disability Voter Registration Week! We are far from the finish line where voting access rights are upheld and supported for all, including people with IDD. We can honor those who came before us and fought unceasingly for our voting rights by exercising those rights. Be ready! Register to vote!