June 10, 2021
Available only through Flyover Conservatives.
Learn why you should buy your very own Fauci for GITMO merch from David Whited, Founder of Flyover Conservatives.
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This past week, we received our first video removal from Youtube. As our freedom of speech begins to be limited by the tech overlords, we will be posting exclusive content in addition to our "less controversial" content to Rumble. Be sure to check us out on this site and give us a rumble.
Featured Podcasts

This is the number one song in all genres right now! Culture, entertainment, and politics all collide. Check it out...
Erin Olszewski was at ground zero for Covid here in the USA where she volunteered to be at the epicenter of the covid outbreak in New York in Elmhurst Hospital. She secretly filmed the atrocities she saw there and she is here today to share with us in Flyover country what she witnessed.

The video was removed from YouTube, but can still be watched from Rumble.
Join Political Insider Matt Meck and I as we broke down all the “what-ifs” as Arizona wraps up their audit, and the possibility of many more states jumping onto the audit bandwagon.
Are you ready for Shofar-Blowing, Jesus praising, Power-Packed Monday night session with Stacy Whited?! If not, then get your mind right because we are LIVE at 7:00 PM CST.
Featured Headlines

Thomas Horn and Jimmy Evans tackle the topic of Transhumanism and how close we are to seeing it become reality.
Thomas Horn shares more about the dark schemes of the enemy that are being exposed and what to expect in the days ahead as the coming of the Lord draws closer.
Why are we here? Literally. The latest science says we shouldn’t be. It says that the chance life exists at all is less than zero. So, is science the greatest threat to the idea of Intelligent Design or is science its greatest advocate? Best-selling author and lecturer, Eric Metaxas, poses this intriguing question and comes up with a very unexpected and challenging answer.

This week we were live with THE Doctor and we are talking about... SEX! How to have great sex for a larger part of your life! Join us, and feel free to bring all your health-related questions!
You know all of those people that you HATE - I mean TRULY HATE? You know - the ones that voted for ORANGE MAN (DJT) and are trying to tell you that it might not actually be a good idea to let everyone “do what thy wilt” - you know - those you call “The R-Word” (and maybe there’s multiple “R” words that you hate right now) - amongst other things….
Looking for the perfect Father's Day present for that special man in your life?
The most comfortable merch on the internet... and the designs are cool too! ;) Help support Flyover Conservatives AND start productive conversations with friends by getting yourself some Flyover Merch. For being a part of our Flyover Newsletter we want to give you 10% off! Use the code below to save now!
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