May 28, 2021
Featured Podcasts

What a treat it is to have Johnny and Elizabeth on Flyover Conservatives. Johnny expounds on his word for the connection between Cyrus of the old testament and Donald Trump... heads up GREAT things are on the way!

After our interview with Heidi St. John we both realized if Washington can be saved then this is the lady to do it! SERIOUSLY get your notepads ready because Heidi St John brought so much wisdom and knowledge to this interview!
Are you ready for Shofar-Blowing, Jesus praising, Power-Packed session with Stacy Whited?! Join us LIVE every Monday night at 7:00 PM CST to help keep your mind right!
Featured Headlines

In Senate floor remarks, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) laid out reasons it may be possible that COVID-19 emerged from a lab at the Wuhan Virology Institute.
45th President of the United States speaks about 'big tech oligarchs' , 'censorship,' the border crisis, a creation of the Biden administration, issues with energy independence and gas prices, the former critics of his on vaccine rollout and early pandemic restrictions who have been proven wrong, and more.

This speech has never been more applicable than it is today. WARNING: goosebumps at 1:50.
Flyover Conservatives Blog
The Coming Truth Bomb by Uncle Ben Ghazi
As I sit down to write this, there are many things looming on the world horizon that show me that things are about to change in the favor of “the white hats”
the catch-all name for the group of “named or unnamed people” working in
“alliance” against the Cabal have come to be referred to as.
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