"Faith That Feeds"
We believe that faith should feed and nurture our spirits.
We believe also that faith should lead us to feed people
in the many different ways they hunger,
both physically and spiritually.


Black History Month

Feb. 1 - 29, 2024

Photo: Portrait of Shirley Chisholm by Thomas J. O'Halloran via Library of Congress

Immanuel Newsfeeds

for the week of February 9, 2024 -

February 15, 2024

Sunday Worship, Church Announcements,

Community Events & Resources

Immanuel Newsfeeds is a weekly e-blast where you'll find the spiritual and the latest information about our church & community for the upcoming weeks. If you have announcements or news to share, send it to [email protected].

Hybrid Sunday Worship

Transfiguration of Our Lord

February 11, 2024

The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus’ baptism and end with three disciples’ vision of his transfiguration. In Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus’ three closest friends hear the same words naming him God’s Beloved. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus’ face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God’s glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see.

Sunday Worship

Prelude begins at 10:20 am

Service at 10:30 am


Masks are optional but recommended during in-person worship service. For the livestreaming Worship service, you can join via Immanuel's Zoom, so click on the button (or click on this bold link: https://zoom.us/j/95133316087?pwd=NmZVMW9wSHR3eUp4azFKNUZkejFZdz09


Meeting ID: 951 3331 6087; Passcode: 461416

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95133316087#,,,,*461416# US (Chicago)

Click for the Worship Bulletin
Click to join on Zoom
I'd like to make

Click to make your offering.

Immanuel's Calendar
Click for the Children's Bulletins

Immanuel Community Online Directory

Take a moment to check or update your contact info and upload your photo. Click on the logo to sign in!

Feeding Our Faith Sunday Morning Class

9:00 am, Fellowship Hall

Gatherings include viewing short videos and lively discussions. You can participate either in-person or via Zoom.

In February through March 3: Contemplative Vision: Awakening to Beauty, Truth, and Goodness

As we enter the Lenten and Easter Seasons, we’ll watch and discuss videos from a conference put on by Contemplative Outreach in 2007 featuring Father Richard Rohr and Father Thomas Keating, two renowned teachers of contemplative spirituality. Richard Rohr is a prolific author and speaker who founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thomas Keating, who died in 2018, was a Trappist monk known as one of the principal developers of Centering Prayer, a contemporary method of contemplative prayer. Contemplation is the well from which all our action in doing justice flows. It keeps the fire of God’s love burning and inhibits our burning out.

Click to Join Feeding Our Faith

Midweek Adult Spiritual Growth & Study on Zoom

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Lunchtime Conversations about faith and upcoming Scriptures for Worship during midweek Adult Bible Study/Spiritual Growth Discussion on Tuesdays. We gather for prayer, check in, and conversation around the Word and things that matter. Meet either in person or online. Here's the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86372212374?pwd=U3RwUEJpWEN2eUJydkFndXFMSTNOdz09

or click on the button below.

Click to Join Midweek Spiritual Growth

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024

Hybrid Worship Service at 7:00 pm

Click to join the Ash Wednesday Evening Service via Zoom

Lenten Activities

Join us for Lenten midweek worship, which will be held on Wednesdays—Feb. 21, 28 and March 6, 13, 20, and 27.

We will have soup suppers this year. Chris Djuric will be coordinating, and they'll start at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. At 7:00 pm we will move to the sanctuary for worship. We do plan to have the Zoom option available for these services, so you are also welcome to participate from home.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb. 14, 2024

Lost & Found - This bracelet was found in a pew after worship service on Sunday, Feb. 4th. Call the church office at 847-864-4464 or contact [email protected] to claim.

If you missed the Annual Meeting on Jan. 28th, click the button below to view/download a copy of the Annual Report for 2023.

Click for the Annual Report 2023

Pizza & Jesus?? Weekly, Starting Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024, 5:00 pm.

I've been working to schedule a single 90-minute block of time in the week when the whole Kloster family can sit down to watch "The Chosen" together, and we finally landed on Sundays at 5:00 pm.

The Chosen is a highly praised TV dramatization of the New Testament. We could just watch this at home on our couch, but we thought it would be more fun and interesting to watch it at church with our friends at Immanuel. Our plan is to bake some homemade pizza, watch the show, and stay a bit after for discussion as well.

If this sounds like fun to you and you are free on Sunday nights, we hope you'll join us! Each week I hope to make it a bit better and a bit more comfortable viewing as well. The first viewing will be Sunday, Feb 18th, 5:00 pm and we hope to make it a weekly event (with some weeks off depending on scheduling). If you'd like to come, RSVP by text or email so we know how much pizza to make: 630.217.1570 or email [email protected].

---God Bless! Michael

Photo by Vit Ch on Unsplash

Community News & Resources

An Evening of Merriment – Mardi Gras Cabaret Show & Dinner

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, 5:30 pm

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

1004 Greenwood St, Evanston, IL 60201


Come Join Us for an Evening of Merriment – Mardi Gras Cabaret show, followed by dinner in the Grand Hall of St. Paul’s on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 – doors open at 4:45 pm, show starts at 5:30 pm with dinner to follow.


The performance is an hour of an Old Friends Cabaret of Broadway Tunes by three ETHS alums. All free will donations will go to Bridges to Home, a Connections for the Homeless non-profit organization.


Seating is limited, so please contact the St. Paul’s Office to reserve a seat (or two) to attend!!!! Once the seating is full, no more seats will be available to attend this wonderful evening. The email address to send responses to is o[email protected]


About Bridges to Home:

Bridges to Home began in 2016 when five Lutheran churches in Evanston – Grace Lutheran Church of Evanston, Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, and the Lutheran Campus Ministry/Northwestern University learned of a lack of safe and stable housing for at risk youth. Originally, the program focused on a few participants in the Curt’s Café job training program. It has since grown and is a part of Connections for the Homeless in Evanston.


Connections partners with young people ages 18-to-24 who are experiencing homelessness and offering a range of services and housing supports to help young people unlock their potential. In addition to contributions from the five Lutheran churches, Connections also receives funding from other faith communities, foundations, individual donors, and government partners.


As of the end of 2021, Connections for the Homeless served 114 youth experiencing housing instability with new and expanded programming. With the expansion, Connections, in partnership with Bridges to Home, is the only agency in north suburban Cook County equipped to provide a range of housing types and services to meet the needs of all young people experiencing homelessness, including those who are parenting and who identify as LGBTQ+. Each year St. Paul’s generously gives $2,500 to the Bridges to Home program.

Evanston Interfaith Clergy Presents

Learning Together:

An Interfaith Approach to the War in Gaza

Saturday, February 17, 2024

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

From the Origins of Zionism to the Fateful Year of 1948

Second Baptist Church, 1717 Benson Ave., Evanston

Sunday, February 18, 2024

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm

From Independence/Nakba to October 7 and its Aftermath

Faith Temple Church of God in Christ

1932 Dewey Ave., Evanston

Click on the flyer for details and how to buy tickets. Advance tickets: $20, $25 at the door. As a sponsoring institution, members of Immanuel can use the code INTERFAITH all caps to attend for $5 when you register.

Talks at the Desk Trailer | Season 3 (2024) | Black History Month video series

Celebrate Black History Month with season three of “Talks at the Desk,” a four-part video series by African Descent Ministries of the ELCA. This season focuses on the Reclaim Gathering and will explore its themes: reclaim, embolden, embody and liberate. A new video will premiere each Wednesday in February at 7:30 p.m. Central time. 

Volunteers Needed for Overnight Shelter (OS) at Beth Emet: Feb. 5 - 25, 2024

Hello volunteers!

This is the sign-up for the Overnight Shelter (OS) at Beth Emet – 1224 Dempster Street. Use the Ridge Avenue entrance. We will be using google docs for sign-up and have provided written instructions/rules below. Please click on this link to sign up (read instructions/rules first). Check often to see if any spots remain open or open up. LINK:


Kitchen Starter Packs for Immigrants

Thursdays only, 9 am - Noon.

Per request by Chi Welcome, we are accepting Kitchen Starter Packs. Click on the flyer for instructions on what/how to pack.

Donations will be accepted on one day each week - Thursdays, from 9 am - Noon.

Thank you to all who have supported this vital ministry!

Interfaith Action is starting its first SNAPGap collection of 2024, beginning with shampoo and soap! These will be distributed at IAE’s March 12th Producemobile, located at the Robert Crown Community Center. You may purchase items online here. You can also buy these or similar products at another online store or shop locally. 

Items should be delivered or dropped off at our coordinating faith community: 

First United Methodist Church

516 Church Street

Evanston, IL 60201 

Drop-off Hours at FUMC: Tuesday through Friday 10am-4pm 


As with all Interfaith Action programs, we thank you for your generosity and participation. Please know these items are always welcomed with smiles and big thanks. 

Warm regards,

The Interfaith Action SNAPGap Team

616 Lake Street + Evanston, IL 60201 + Bodéwadmiakén (Potawatomi) Territory
A Reconciling in Christ congregation.
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