"Faith That Feeds"
We believe that faith should feed and nurture our spirits.
We believe also that faith should lead us to feed people
in the many different ways they hunger,
both physically and spiritually.
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Veterans Day
Sat. November 11, 2023
Thank you to the soldiers who gave their service to this country and sacrificed a piece of themselves for us.
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Immanuel Newsfeeds
for the week of November 10 - November 16, 2023
Sunday Worship, Church Announcements,
Community Events & Resources
Immanuel Newsfeeds is a weekly e-blast where you'll find the spiritual and the latest information about our church & community for the upcoming weeks. If you have announcements or news to share, send it to [email protected].
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The Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost
November 12, 2023
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Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. Paul urges us to encourage one another with the promised coming of the Lord. Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Surrounded by the faithful of every time and place, we celebrate Christ’s coming in our midst in the word of life and the feast of victory—the marriage feast of the lamb. | | |
Sunday Worship
Prelude begins at 10:20 am
Service at 10:30 am
Masks are optional but recommended during worship service. For the Worship service, you can join via Immanuel's Zoom, so click on the button (or click on this bold link: https://zoom.us/j/95133316087?pwd=NmZVMW9wSHR3eUp4azFKNUZkejFZdz09
Meeting ID: 951 3331 6087; Passcode: 461416
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,95133316087#,,,,*461416# US (Chicago)
| Click to make your offering. | | |
Immanuel Community Online Directory
Take a moment to check or update your contact info and upload your photo. Click on the logo to sign in!
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Feeding Our Faith Sunday Morning Class
9:00 am, Fellowship Hall
Gatherings include viewing short videos and lively discussions. You can participate either in-person or via Zoom.
November 12 – Making A Land Acknowledgement – discussion of a recent article in The Christian Century, My Land Acknowledgment: My family owns a residential plot in suburban Chicago. I decided to find out what used to be there, by Ben Norquist, a researcher for Churches for Middle East Peace, Wheaton College, and independent scholars.
November 19 – Brian McClaren – Faith After Fundamentalism – Through reflections on his own fundamentalist upbringing and faith journey, Brian McLaren encourages listeners to continue growing in their faith in a way that allows them to embrace where they have come from and be gentle with their past selves.
November 26 – Otis Moss III, By Any Green Necessary – In this passionate talk, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III presents innovative, inclusive, and environmentally conscious ways the church can partner with God in bringing about community transformation.
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Midweek Adult Spiritual Growth & Study
on Zoom
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, 12:00 pm -1:00 pm
Lunchtime Conversations about faith and upcoming Scriptures for Worship during midweek Adult Bible Study/Spiritual Growth Discussion on Tuesdays. We gather for prayer, check in, and conversation around the Word and things that matter. Meet either in person or online.
Here's the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86372212374?pwd=U3RwUEJpWEN2eUJydkFndXFMSTNOdz09
or click on the button below.
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Organ Scholar Concert
This Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023, 3:00 pm - Church Sanctuary
Please join us for our second concert in the 2023 Organ Scholar Concert series,with a performance given by Kelsey Berg, the 2023 Graduate Award recipient. The concert will begin at 3:00 pm. Following Ms. Berg’s performance, the award will be presented and will be followed by a champagne reception to be held in Fellowship Hall. Please invite your family and friends to one of our favorite church events. Admission is free.
The concert can be viewed with livestreaming, and links will be posted on our website. Go to www.immanuelevanston.org and click on the "What's Going On" tab.
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No Rest: The Epidemic of Stolen Indigenous Women, Girls & 2Spirits Viewing
On Sat. Nov. 4th, a group of Immanuel members and friends attended a special viewing of No Rest: The Epidemic of Stolen Indigenous Women, Girls & 2Spirits, an exhibit bringing attention to the little-known incidents of missing and lost Indigenous communities' members. The exhibit is being shown at the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian in Evanston, and is extended through 2024.
The viewing was arranged by Audrey Moy and was an outing under the direction of the Justice Ministry. Joseph Gackstetter, Development Director, served as our docent. He explained the history of Indigenous people in North America, and the crimes of human trafficking, abduction and homicides occuring in the communities. Even more distressing is the lack of law enforcement or hinderance of reservation law enforcement, due to Federal land jurisdiction. Galleries showed paintings, sculptures, and interactive works featuring Native American/Indigenous expressions of pride as well as pain.
Afterwards, the group went to Curt's Cafe for lunch in fellowship, to talk about what they had seen and learned. Thank you to Audrey for helping us to grow on our journey of understanding and compassion for Indigenous people.
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Community News & Resources
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"Because of the incredible generosity of the Evanston community we need to pause donation drop-offs (for migrants/refugees in the City of Chicago) until further notice while we sort through what has come in," said Chris Djuric, Coordinator. Chi Welcome, the volunteer entity who has been picking up and distributing items, needs time to realign their distribution network, too.
Please tell your family and friends about this temporary pause, and to hold off on bringing donations to the church. The goal is to resume collection after the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Last Producemobile for 2023
While Interfaith Action will continue to give out toilet paper and Earth Breeze laundry sheets for SNAPGap at the Producemobile, November marks the last collection of items for 2023. For the Tues., November 14 distribution, we are collecting lotion, soap, hats, and gloves; Northminster Presbyterian Church is our coordinating faith community. The link for online purchases is below:
If you wish to purchase items locally, you may drop items off at
Northminster Presbyterian Church
2515 Central Park
Evanston, IL 60201
Days and hours open for drop-off: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-2:30pm. Friday: 8:30am-1:30 pm
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Evanston Go Club Hosts Fall Tournament
On Sat. Nov. 4th, the Evanston Go Club hosted its Fall Tournament at Immanuel. The Go Club has been hosting two tournaments a year at church for over 10 years. Click the link below to read about the tournament as featured in The Daily Northwestern.
Some photos courtesy of The Evanston Go Club.
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From The Daily Northwestern...
Evanston Go Tournament captures community with over 100 competitors
| Like most Go beginners, Mark Rubenstein's first few games weren't pretty. While living in Rogers Park during the 1970s, Rubenstein first became interested in the Chinese board game when he saw people playing it at a local cafe. Figuring out the rules through trial-and-error and occasional help, Rubenstein and his friends initially struggled to understand... | | | |
Learn more...
ELCA Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land
Click on the icon to go to a page of the ELCA to find ELCA letters, statements as well Global & Ecumenical resources including the United Nations, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan & the Holy Land, The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem, and the World Council of Churches.
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616 Lake Street + Evanston, IL 60201 + Bodéwadmiakén (Potawatomi) Territory
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A Reconciling in Christ congregation.
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