"Faith That Feeds"
We believe that faith should feed and nurture our spirits.
We believe also that faith should lead us to feed people
in the many different ways they hunger,
both physically and spiritually.
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Immanuel Newsfeeds
for the week of November 29, 2024 - December 5, 2024
Sunday Worship, Church Announcements,
Community Events & Resources
Immanuel Newsfeeds is a weekly e-blast where you'll find the spiritual and the latest information about our church & community for the upcoming weeks. If you have announcements or news to share, send it to parish-admin@immanuelevanston.org.
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The First Sunday of Advent
December 1, 2024
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Advent is about the “coming days.” God’s people have always lived in great expectation, but that expectation finds specific, repeated enunciation in the texts appointed for these four weeks. The ancients anticipated a “righteous Branch to spring up for David.” The Thessalonians awaited “the coming of our Lord Jesus with all the saints.” Jesus’ contemporaries hoped for the time “to stand before the Son of Man.” With them we eagerly await the coming days: another Christmas celebration, a second coming, and the advent of Christ in word and supper. | | |
Sunday Worship
Prelude begins at 10:20 am
Service at 10:30 am
This Sunday at Communion, we will begin to use the new kneelers. Those who wish, please come forward as the ushers direct, to assemble around the rail to receive communion. Those who are able, you may kneel. Masks are optional during in-person worship service. For the livestreaming Worship service, you can join via Immanuel's Zoom by clicking on the button below. The Worship bulletin is also available.
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Click to make your offering. | |
Immanuel Community Online Directory
Take a moment to check or update your contact info and upload your photo. Click on the logo to sign in!
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Feeding Our Faith
Sunday, December 1, 2024, 9 am - 10 am
Gatherings include viewing short videos and lively discussions. You can participate either in-person or via Zoom. For November and December we’ll be viewing and discussing a video series: The system belongs to God. This series, based on conversations between Walter Wink and gifted pastor/preachers Janet Wolf and James Forbes, offers a way of thinking and acting and hope for transformation.
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Midweek Adult Spiritual Growth & Study
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 2:00 pm
Conversations about faith and upcoming Scriptures for Worship during midweek Adult Bible Study/Spiritual Growth Discussion on Tuesday afternoons. We gather for prayer, check in, and conversation around the Word and things that matter. We meet in-person or on Zoom. Click on the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86372212374?pwd=U3RwUEJpWEN2eUJydkFndXFMSTNOdz09 .
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Midweek Advent Prayers
Wednesdays, December 4, 11, 18, 2024
7:00 pm
Restore Our Hope: An Advent Midweek Prayer Service
In this evening prayer service, the assembly will reflect on scripture and the season in light of the many pressures of our surrounding culture that challenge the message of Advent.
Reflection: The Spiritual Practice of Florilegia
A medieval Christian practice called Florilegia (in Latin it means “gathering flowers”) is the act of gathering favorite words and phrases from a text like gathering flowers into a bouquet. In the seventh century, a monk in France named Defensor called his gathering of favorite words and phrases The Book of Sparklets. In this season we will collect sparklets! As you listen, you may underline or circle words, phrases, or whole verses that “sparkle” to you, or sketch a picture of an image you hear in the text. When the reading ends, you’ll have a few moments for quiet reflection to write one of your sparklets down to share.
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Poinsettia Orders for Christmas
As is tradition at Immanuel, we're planning to have poinsettias adorn the sanctuary for Christmas Eve and Christmas. If you're interested in ordering poinsettias, order forms are inserted in the worship bulletins on Sundays. Please give your completed form and payment to an usher. Or, you may complete a form by downloading the form below, completing it and sending it to parish-admin@immanuelevanston.org. Send payment to the church office. Deadline for ordering is Sunday, Dec. 8th.
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Indoor Farmers' Market
Saturday, December 7, 2024
8:00 am - 12:30 pm
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Slide into the Sanctuary for a Holiday concert during the Indoor Farmers' Market. Performance begins at 11:30 am. | | |
Caroling & Cocoa
Saturday, December 14, 2024
2:30 pm - 4:00pm
Fellowship Hall
Invite your family and friends to a festive time of fellowship & song! Cocoa will be served as we gather and sing our favorite Christmas carols in Fellowship Hall. Immanuel's Anne Heider will be the piano accompanist.
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Lost & Found
These items were found at church:
-Women's pink puffer jacket
-Black neck gaiter scarf
-Coach brand black coin purse filled with hearing aid batteries
To claim, come to the church office or call 847-864-4464, email to parish-admin@immanuelevanston.org
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Community News & Resources
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Join ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for a conversation about God’s Love Made Real. This ELCA movement encourages us to create a world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
12 p.m. (Noon) Central time
Zoom (save & click on this link). Registration is encouraged but not required.
What can I expect? -- Bishop Eaton will share why God’s Love Made Real is meaningful to her and the future of the church. The Rev. Lorna Halaas, bishop of the Western Iowa Synod, will host the conversation, and participants will have a chance to ask questions and share stories.
Learn more about God’s Love Made Real at lovemadereal.elca.org. We look forward to sharing this time with you!
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616 Lake Street + Evanston, IL 60201 + Bodéwadmiakén (Potawatomi) Territory
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A Reconciling in Christ congregation.
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