"Faith That Feeds"
We believe that faith should feed and nurture our spirits.
We believe also that faith should lead us to feed people
in the many different ways they hunger,
both physically and spiritually.

Immanuel Newsfeeds

for the week of October 18, 2024 - October 24, 2024

Sunday Worship, Church Announcements,

Community Events & Resources

Immanuel Newsfeeds is a weekly e-blast where you'll find the spiritual and the latest information about our church & community for the upcoming weeks. If you have announcements or news to share, send it to parish-admin@immanuelevanston.org.

Hybrid Sunday Worship

The Twenty-second Sunday After Pentecost

October 20, 2024

Today’s gospel starts with disciples obsessing over who will be closest to Jesus, leading to Jesus teaching his followers about God’s take on importance and power. Here Jesus makes it explicit that the reversal of values in God’s community is a direct challenge to the values of the dominant culture, where wielding power over others is what makes you great. When we pray “your kingdom come” we are praying for an end to tyranny and oppression. We pray this gathered around the cross, a sign of great shame transformed to be the sign of great honor and service.

Sunday Worship

Prelude begins at 10:20 am

Service at 10:30 am


Pastor Mark has returned to the pulpit. Masks are optional during in-person worship service. For the livestreaming Worship service, you can join via Immanuel's Zoom, so click on the button (or click on this bold link: https://zoom.us/j/95133316087?pwd=NmZVMW9wSHR3eUp4azFKNUZkejFZdz09


Meeting ID: 951 3331 6087; Passcode: 461416

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,95133316087#,,,,*461416# US (Chicago)

Click for the Worship bulletin
Immanuel's Calendar
Click for the Children's Bulletins
Click to join worship via Zoom

Click to make your offering.

Immanuel Community Online Directory

Take a moment to check or update your contact info and upload your photo. Click on the logo to sign in!

Feeding Our Faith – Sundays 9 am – 10 am

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Gatherings include viewing short videos and lively discussions. You can participate either in-person or via Zoom. Join our Adult Discussion Class at 9 am in-person in Fellowship Hall or on Zoom by clicking the button below. This Fall we are delving into the issue of Climate Justice and share how God is calling us to be co-creators of a blessed tomorrow. We will again use videos to grease the wheels of our discussion.

Click to Join Feeding Our Faith

Organ Scholar Recital - Trevor Good

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 19, 2024

2:00 pm

Immanuel Sanctuary

Plan to attend the first Fall Organ Scholar Recital of the year, which will be held tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Trevor Good is the 2024 Undergraduate Organ Scholar Awardee and is a junior at the University of Kansas. He was one of six “Rising Stars” featured in a concert at the 2024 National Convention of the American Guild of Organists in San Francisco. On Oct. 19th, his concert includes works by J.S. Bach, Charles-Marie Widor, Louis Marchand, Josef Gabriel Rheinberger, Rachel Laurin, and Felix Mendelssohn.

After his performance, Trevor will be presented with the award by the Immanuel Lutheran Church Music Outreach Endowment Fund Committee and Jury. A champagne reception follows. Invite your family and friends for an extraordinary afternoon of music.

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Click here for Immanuel's Facebook page to see the post about the Organ Scholar Recital! Please Share this post to spread the word about this great celebration of music!

Trevor Good is an undergraduate student at the University of Kansas, pursuing organ performance with Dr. James Higdon. He serves as organist at the Church of the Resurrection-Brookside in Kansas City, MO and as student organ scholar at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center in Lawrence, KS. Good has been named an American Guild of Organists Rising Star and has won prizes in several organ competitions, such as second prize and audience choice at the Fort Wayne National Organ Playing Competition and first prize in the undergraduate category in the Immanuel Lutheran Church Organ Scholar Competition in Evanston, IL. This summer, he participated in masterclasses and performed at the Abbey of St. Ouen in Rouen, France. Good's former teachers include Dr. Grigory Frederick Guzasky and Dale Rogers.

To learn how Immanuel's Organ Scholar Program affects the awardees, watch a testimonial video from the 2019 Winner Josh Ring.

Solar Panels Celebration!

This Sunday, October 20, 2024, Coffee Hour (After worship service)

You're invited to a special Coffee Hour hosted by the Solar Team. One of the stipulations of the grant we received from Faith In Place for the Solar project is to have a celebration at the conclusion of the project. Pr. Mark will deliver a special commemoration blessing to dedicate this church milestone. We'll have special treats, too!

--Bert Mount

Midweek Adult Spiritual Growth & Study

on Zoom ONLY this week

Tuesday, October 22, 2024,

Special Time this week only: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Conversations about faith and upcoming Scriptures for Worship during midweek Adult Bible Study/Spiritual Growth Discussion on Tuesdays. We gather for prayer, check in, and conversation around the Word and things that matter. This week, we're meeting on Zoom only, no in-person. Click on the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86372212374?pwd=U3RwUEJpWEN2eUJydkFndXFMSTNOdz09 .

Joint Reformation Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, October 27, 2024, 10:30 am

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

1004 Greenwood Street, Evanston (at the corner of Maple St. & Greenwood St.)

We are worshipping together in a joint celebration of Reformation Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, which is a short walk to the west of Immanuel. Members from the Immanuel Choir and singers from St. John's, St. Timothy's and Grace will sing, and Pr. Mark will deliver the sermon.

After worship, all are invited to a post-worship Potluck Meal for conversation and fellowship! To keep the meal donations balanced, the churches have received food and beverage assignments (although all contributions are welcome) and Immanuel is asked to provide Salads/Sides. Please contribute if you are able.

Reformation Sunday Back in the Day...

Here is a photo of Reformation Sunday from the 1950s-1960s of Pr Johnson (pastor 1956-1963) outside of Immanuel's door with the 95 Theses.

Photo sent by Mark Johnson, Pr. Johnson's son

Kitchen Starter Packs for Immigrants

Thursdays only, 9 am - Noon.

In partnership with Chi Welcome, we are accepting Kitchen Starter Packs. Click on the flyer for instructions on what/how to pack. Donations will be accepted on Thursdays, 9 am - Noon.

Thank you to all who have supported this vital ministry!

Community News & Resources

From the ACLU Illinois...

Learn About Voter Rights

Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024, 2:00 pm

Unitarian Church of Evanston

1330 Ridge Ave., Evanston

Order Your 4 Free At-⁠home COVID-⁠19 Tests

From the USPS: Ordering for free at-home COVID-19 tests resumed on September 26, 2024. You will be able to place another order of 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests.

Click to Order Your Free at-home Covid-19 Tests
616 Lake Street + Evanston, IL 60201 + Bodéwadmiakén (Potawatomi) Territory
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