Conserve water now to save on future bills
Use less water this winter and save on future bills! Since there are no meters on the wastewater lines leaving your property, the City averages your home's water use during the winter months to determine how much you will be charged for wastewater for the next year.

Prepare for the holidays, weatherproof your home
From decorating your home for the holidays to preparing your car and property for upcoming winter weather, we've got you covered with our holiday safety tips. Now is the perfect time to stock up on important items and double check your plans.

Toss grease in the trash to prevent sewage problems
As fats, oils and grease go down the drain, they cool off and harden, causing sewer pipes to clog. When this happens, there is a high risk of a sewer backup, where raw sewage actually backs up into your home, yard, neighborhood and streets. The best way to dispose of grease is to collect it in a container and dispose of it in the trash. The City of Round Rock is currently offering a free "Cease the Grease" package for residents upon request.

Round Rock releases draft transit plan options
The City has been creating a Transit Development Plan to make recommendations for updates and additional transit services since the summer. The project team has developed draft options after meeting with several community leaders, over 870 survey responses and multiple open houses. Visit the online workshop link below to see draft options developed from the public input received.

Recycle right this holiday season
The City of Round Rock contracts with Round Rock Refuse to deliver your trash to the landfill and recyclables to a single-stream recycling facility. It’s important to take some simple steps to avoid contaminating your recycling container:
  • Only recycle approved items. View a full list of accepted items at roundrocktexas.gov/curbside.
  • Detach unlike materials. Remove metal lids from glass jars, liners from cereal boxes, foil from yogurt tubs, etc. Although recyclable, these cannot be separated properly at the recycling facility.
  • Simple paper wrap can be recycled, but foil or glitter-decorated paper cannot. Ribbons and bows cannot be recycled; if you cannot reuse them, place them in your trash bin.
  • Remove food, sauces and juices from containers, and be sure to rinse them before recycling. This helps prevent contamination and odors and makes it less likely to attract bugs to your cart.
  • Aim for clean and dry! Paper products and cardboard can rarely be recycled if they get wet.
  • Save space by crushing cans and plastic bottles and flattening boxes. Do not break glass as it jams equipment.

Don't forget — the City of Round Rock allows residents to recycle their Christmas trees at the Round Rock Brush Recycling Center located at 310 Deepwood Drive! Learn more
Public invited to MLK Walk and Celebration
The Round Rock Black History Organization, with participation from the Round Rock Independent School District and support from the City of Round Rock, is presenting the 35th annual MLK Walk and Celebration starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 15. The celebration includes a commemorative walk beginning at Buck Egger Park followed by a program at Prete Plaza.

Signup for Citizens Police Academy set for January
The application window for the spring 2022 Citizens Police Academy is scheduled to open Monday, Jan. 17. The free, 12-week program gives community members a glimpse of the realities of life as a police officer in the Round Rock Police Department. Among the activities are patrol scenarios and a SWAT demonstration. The class is scheduled to meet 6-9 p.m. Tuesdays, from March 8 to May 24.
Friends of the Library Virtual Tea Party
Saturday, Jan. 22
1 p.m.

Bring your favorite hot beverage and connect with the Friends of the Round Rock Public Library. Make new friends while supporting the library. The Friends of the Round Rock Public Library is a non-profit volunteer organization supporting the Round Rock Public Library. The organization is currently seeking applicants for the Vice President of Membership board position, which is responsible for membership engagement. For more information, email friends@folroundrock.org.
Upcoming board, commission meetings

Thursday, Dec. 16, 4 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 16, 5 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 12, 6 p.m.