Communications Director announces retirement
Will Hampton, who has led the City of Round Rock’s communication’s efforts for the past 23 years, has announced his retirement. The City won more than 100 state and national awards for excellence during his tenure, earning Round Rock a national reputation for creativity and effective citizen engagement. City Manager Laurie Hadley will promote Sara Bustilloz, currently Assistant Director of Communications and Marketing, to succeed Hampton, who will retire in December.
Round Rock seeks input on draft transit plan
The City has been creating a Transit Development Plan to make recommendations for updates and additional transit services since the summer. The project team met with several community leaders, received over 870 survey responses and hosted a virtual open house and two in-person public workshops. The plan development team plans to release a draft plan on Wednesday, Dec. 8 and will host a public workshop for the public to learn more.
Council approves opioid settlement agreement
The Round Rock City Council voted unanimously Thursday, Nov. 18, to approve a resolution that could result in the City receiving up to $475,992 as part of the State of Texas’ settlement agreements with an opioid manufacturer and distributors. The funds can be used for training programs, treatment strategies, prevention programs and other approved uses defined in the settlement agreements.
City wins national code enforcement awards
The City of Round Rock recently accepted two national awards at the 2021 American Association of Code Enforcement conference in Glendale, Ariz. for its innovative approach to addressing code compliance and enforcement. The City’s Tool Lending Center, created in 2014, received the association’s highest honor for innovation, and the City’s Code Enforcement Manager, Margie Lopez, was named Code Officer of the Year.
Jump into the spirit of the season with our Round Rock holiday bucket list
Round Rock is magical this time of year, and you can feel the holiday spirit throughout the community. The City of Round Rock is expanding several events and including some new traditions as we say goodbye to our previous Christmas Family Night event, which has outgrown Downtown Round Rock. So although things are a little different this year, there are still plenty of holiday happenings for you to enjoy. Check out the amazing Hometown Holiday light display in Downtown all month long, and don't miss our popular Light Up the Lake event this Thursday through Saturday at Old Settlers Park.
City-wide Fire Station Open House
Saturday, Dec. 4
8 a.m. to noon
All Round Rock Fire Stations
The Round Rock Fire Department invites members of the community to visit their local fire station during a city-wide Open House. Families can learn all about the department straight from Round Rock firefighters, tour any of the City's fire stations and participate in activities for the whole family at this free event.
One-on-One Genealogy Coaching Sessions
Wednesday, Dec. 8
Noon to 2 p.m.
Round Rock Public Library
216 E. Main St.
Need advice on where to find that elusive record or data for your family tree? Visit the Library's Reference Desk on the Second Floor on Wednesdays for a one-on-one session with Genealogy Coach Mandy Cerrillo. Library cardholders can also gain free access to through the end of the year.
Light Up the Lake
Thursday, Dec. 2 through Saturday, Dec. 4
6 p.m.
Old Settlers Park
3300 Palm Valley Blvd.
The three-day Light Up the Lake festival around the lake and festival area at Old Settlers Park will feature giant balloons hovering over Bright Lake, an amazing light show, live music, holiday displays, holiday food and refreshments, crafts, family activities, yule log and more! Admission to the event and most activities are free.
Upcoming board, commission meetings
Thursday, Dec. 2, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 15, 6 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 16, 4 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 16, 5 p.m.