Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Dear OLG Families,
Thank you to all our families and staff for another week together! Yes that picture above was a pre-covid/maskless shot, but it shows the joy we still have here in being in-person whenever possible. Good news is that although we're still working through many a covid-protocol here, there are many clearing and returning to campus, keeping us together! Here is some data of the current week and some reassurances of the strength of our covid resilience:
Vaccinations -- Thank you families for continuing to updated us with verified vaccination status with the school office (email a pic or simply present in person). This resource page continues to be helpful in answering questions as well! Classes that have completed this process are our middle school classes and our 1st and 5th grade classes, continuing our steady 90%+ vaccinated rate (or in-process). We're still filling in our data on other grades, so keep the data coming!
COVID #'s -- we hold steady at 12 positive cases this week! That numbers includes 5 verified new cases and 5 cases of students and staff returning from their quarantine protocols. Next week continues to have many quarantining students return to full in-person learning.
Two new grade levels were affected directly by Covid this week: 1st and 5th grade classes were notified and contact traced with those close contacts and unvaccinated students now following a precautionary moves to remote learning.
Remote Learning -- We believe that in-person learning has numerous inherent benefits for academics and social-emotional health, and that we learn best in community! That being said, if we are forced to switch a whole class to Remote Learning due to any statewide mandate, Archdiocesan decision, or extraordinary number of absences of staff/students, we know we have the ability. As with any transition, there will be a time needed to make a switch.
Public Health and the Archdiocese is consulted on each and every case and we continue to receive kudos for our protocols and response. While CDC recently shortened quarantine timelines for the public, as a school prioritizing in-person learning we are cautiously approaching any changes at this time. While SKCPH is continuing the effort to update their protocols (here) we are also keeping our procedures as tight as we can for the safety of all (see here). Reach out to us at the school office if you have questions regarding your particular situation.
- Thank you for your continued diligence and efforts to keep all our greater OLG Family safe! You make the difference!
Enjoy the Martin Luther King Holiday safely this weekend, and remember if you have a new student from your family you'd like to enroll, please make sure you've completed a full application and turned that into our office! See more details below regarding Catholic Schools Week , Volleyball news, Counselor update, volunteer/commitment hours opportunities, and more!!!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Jan 17 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
Jan 19 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Jan 30 - Catholic Schools' Week begins!
Some key items to mark on your calendar:
- Jan 30th: All-School Mass & Open House
- Feb 3rd: Special Persons Appreciation & All-School Mass
- Feb 4th: Pajama Day / OLG Spirit Wear
Stay tuned for updates to our 2022 celebration plans:
Hello OLG Families!
Here's a brief summary of some of the social-emotional-learning topics covered at OLG this week in our classrooms:
The 1st Grade heard our final story from Kelso's Choice, reminding students that if they have tried using two of Kelso's nine ways to resolve a conflict and it didn't work, then they should find a trusted adult to help.
Most of the elementary school had their reintroduction to the Second Step curriculum, with 4th and 5th graders setting goals that are specific, challenging, and doable.
In middle school we reviewed the class covenants students created and committed to at the beginning of the year, reflecting on examples of times we saw the covenant in action and brainstorming ways each individual can better support the class the rest of the year.
It was a great week full of good discussions!
School Counselor
Hello Bulldog families,
Christmas break greeted us with news that CYO has canceled the upcoming Basketball season. Refunds have been processed for all those enrolled. The cancellation is due to the challenge of applying new state regulations for "high risk" sports that require COVID testing by a medical professional three times weekly in order to practice or play. Not enough teams in the archdiocese were able to comply with that requirement. We are working on a possibility of some basketball activity using the gym this season among West Seattle schools, stay tuned.
GOOD NEWS! We are gearing up for our Volleyball Season and excited to announce that Volleyball Registration is OPEN. We are able to participate in volleyball (a designated "moderate risk" sport) as the state does not currently have a testing requirement. Volleyball is open to grades 4th-8th (4th grade is co-ed). Please register by January 21st. Season starts February 25th.
Parent Organization (PO) News
Stay Golden - Get Your Groove on with OLG!
Interested in funding our fantastic teaching staff so they can attend the auction? This year we are looking for sponsors for our teacher tables.
Please reach out to the Auction Team if you are interested in talking to potential business and community donors. Or indeed if you would like to sponsor at teachers table yourself
With gratitude to our 2022 Auction sponsors!
- Our presenting sponsor Sean Crowder from All State.
- Our Far Out sponsors Henry Real Estate and Pure Vida
High School Movie Night
Do you miss going to the movies? All high school youth are invited to join us for a movie night on Friday, January 28 at 6:30pm in the Walmesley Center. We’ll do our best to recreate the movie theater experience in a safe way with the movie showing on our large screen and all your favorite candies and popcorn. There’s plenty of room to safely distance, the air is filtered, and everyone will be required to wear masks. Bring a beanbag, chair, or blanket and enjoy a fun evening with us. All are welcome so feel free to invite friends. RSVP to Jennifer by Monday, January 24. We’ll send you the link to vote on which movie we watch.
Attention Crafters: The Day of Service Needs Supplies!
Our 9th Day of Service will be on Saturday, April 2, and we need help from our parish crafters! Are you ready to clear out your supply stash for the New Year? We need your unwanted supplies for our Gym "Crafting for a Cause" Projects. Needed items include: scrapbook paper, paper punches, stickers, rubber stamps, polar fleece, beads (all kinds), and ribbon. Please remember that items will be used to make gifts for those in need and should be new or gently used. If you would like to donate items or help plan the event, contact Jennifer. Our next planning meeting is Tuesday, Jan 18 at 9am via Zoom. Learn more about the Day of Service at: www.olgseattle.org/day-of-service! Thank you for your generosity!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651