6th graders work on taking notes on Old Testament prophets
8th graders plan a visit to Providence Mount St Vincent
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

I know this week has had a lot of communication coming out from school.. picture days, vaccine updates, all sorts of fun! Thanks for reading each of these notices carefully as there is a lot happening at OLG! I'll try to keep things short in my section here:
  • TRAVELING out-of-state at upcoming holidays? Please do this quick survey to help our teachers plan for any extended absence needs for unvaccinated students (remember, "unvaccinated" includes all students who have NOT verified their vaccination status with the school office).
  • The Nov 17th Vaccine Clinic for OLG 5-11 year olds signups are underway (further info in email earlier today to classes with those age students).
  • Safe Environment: Every year our classes focus on a special topic of safe environment for children. Just as volunteers and staff in all our parish and schools hold adult safe environment training (through Virtus), we also teach student lessons on how to stay safe. If you'd prefer to opt-out of this class discussion for your child, then print this letter (sign-off) and return to school office by Monday.

Thank you to all our 3rd Grade saints this week... they did a great job leading our All Saints Day mass! Their saint presentation posters will be up in church all week and through this weekend... come to Mass to add your families saint's names to the allsouls prayer table!

Read on for more info on upcoming events such as tomorrow's Rocket League deadline, restarting our AST (After-School-Tutoring on Wednesdays), our Veterans Day celebrations, and an upcoming Kindergarten Open House (refer your friends!)
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Nov 5 - OLG Spirt Wear Day Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform
Nov 6 - CYO Take-Away Dinner 4:00-6:00 pm
Nov 7 - Day Light Savings Time Ends ☀️
Nov 9 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm click for calendar & link
Nov 10 - Veterans Day Assembly - 9:00 am - Join us Livestream 🇺🇸
  • Wednesday 2:15 pm early dismissal
Nov 11 - NO SCHOOL Veterans Day
Nov 14 - Kindergarten Open House 9:30-11:00 am
Our school is partnered with other West Seattle Catholic Schools to hold a vaccine clinic for 5-11 year old OLG students on Nov 17th from 12 to 3pm (follow up / second shot on Dec 11th). This is held at Holy Family Bilingual just south of us (9815 20th Ave SW).

  Signups are now available here (pick Pfizer!)!
School Happenings
Volunteers Needed for Wednesday Tutoring
Please consider helping out with the after school tutoring program Wednesdays 2:15-3:00 pm. We need your help in order to run the program. Please contact Ms. Julie or call 206-458-8335.
Kindergarten Fall Open House Nov 14, 9:30-11:00 am
Do you know some families who are interested in Kindergarten at OLG? Invite your friends and neighbors to our Kindergarten fall open house. RSVP HERE. If you would like brochures to hand out, stop by the front office, or click here to print. We are thankful for your referrals! Remind new family applicants to add your name on the application so you qualify for a $500 referral credit. We recognize your support and care in nurturing our OLG family of faith and learning.
Tuition Assistance Applications window is open!
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG, we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance each year to our school families. Families must apply each year through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.

Fulcrum Application deadline is in January,
but we ask you to complete it before Dec 17, OLG's Christmas Break!
Parent Organization (PO) News
Charleston Wrap
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Charleston Wrap fundraiser! We are very appreciative of the support of our caring families and friends... we beat last year's totals! Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Continue to place orders through Dec 3 (not for student prizes, but still helps the school). Organization ID: 12596

Questions? Event Chair: Nayara Prechtel
Family Procurement Auction Deadline November 19, 2021

Looking for ideas of what you can donate to the Auction? 

Season Ticket holder for Seahawks or the Kraken or to the Paramount Theater? Would you consider donating a pair of tickets? Tickets to a concert, to the Theater or to a sports game are always super popular!!

Cases of wine, premium spirits or rare bourbons. If you can obtain a bottle of Pappy, that would be off the hook!

Looking for other ideas? Click here

Your Dollars and Donations can help us to make OLG spell GOLD!
Find out what's happening with the Parent Org!
CYO Sports
CYO Take Away Italian Dinner
Thank you for all of the CYO Italian Dinner support. Limited dinners are available but tickets are selling fast! There are less than 40 meals available at press time! There will also be an in-person raffle: If you are coming to pick up your meal on Saturday (11/6) don't miss the opportunity to buy raffle tickets to win fabulous prizes, including the coveted CYO-Fee Freebie Golden Ticket! $5/ticket! Bring cash!

The CYO 4-8th Basketball program start date has been pushed back to January. 
The state of Washington considers Basketball a “high-risk sport” because it takes place indoors and athletes are in close contact. Due to this there are much more stringent rules compared to other sports. CYO has postponed the upcoming season with the hope that proper protocols and processes are set up to have a successful basketball season in January.

Rocket League is back (deadline is Friday Nov. 5th) - Season to start in November!
CYO will be registering teams of 3 players from our parish/school to compete against other local Catholic parishes and schools in a private CYO season of Rocket League (4th-8th grade). Visit our website registration portal to sign up your child! If your child has 2 friends they want to be a team with, indicate in the registration who you request your teammates to be. Otherwise, we will work to group your child with other kids looking to play. Each team will need to have one parent point of contact take the lead as “Coach” and help facilitate a mutually agreeable time to play with the opponent, so in your registration please also indicate if you are willing to be the team “Coach”. Games will be played each week, starting in November. Register here for $15/player
OLG Parish News
Shoeboxes of Joy
Help create ‘Shoeboxes of Joy” for the variety of people served by CCS’ Volunteer Chore Services. Suggested items are HERE. Bring your donations in a shoebox that is wrapped with Christmas paper to mass or the parish office NO LATER THAN Sunday, Nov 28.  They will be blessed by Fr. Kevin at the 11:00 Mass. Information, Helen Oesterle

Turkey Drive: Help Families in Need this Thanksgiving
OLG Immigrant Ministry has been hard at work trying to procure turkeys for Thanksgiving for the new Latino Civic Alliance Center in Burien. Thanks to a very generous donation from Leschi Market, we can provide 100 free turkeys to these families in need in our area! We still need 50 turkeys to meet the need. If you would like to contribute to the cause, we will be collecting donations through Sunday, Nov 21. Please consider giving $25 to help purchase a turkey and some additional fixings. Amazingly, we have a generous donor who will match donations dollar for dollar! To donate, drop off cash or a check (made out to OLG with “turkeys” in the memo) at Mass or the Pastoral Center. You can also give online at (use the “turkey donation” section on the Donate page). 

Remembering Those who have Died
During the month of November, beginning with the Feast of All Souls, we remember all those who have died, including parishioners from this past year. We invite you to bring a picture of your loved one and place it on the Memorial Table near our All Souls Banners. You can also write their names in our special Book of Prayer. We will keep all of them in our prayers.  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

Immigrant Ministry Meeting
OLG Immigrant Ministry is welcoming new members as we strive to provide direct service to immigrants in need in our community as well as advocate for just policies. We are also in the process of launching a new Multicultural Ministry to recognize and celebrate the many cultures present at OLG. If you are interested in joining us in these efforts, contact Jennifer. Our next meeting is Wednesday, Nov 10 at 6:30pm

Ethical Trade Sale: Get Your Chocolate Advent Calendar, Gifts, and Coffee Today!
OLG's annual Ethical Trade Sale is staying online for one more year. Through our virtual sale, you'll find a large variety of unique, quality gifts AND 20% of sales come back to us!  Win, win, win! Simply shop through our custom parish link: Bonus: From 11/8-11/22 get free ground shipping with promo code SE4SERRV21. Interested in products from our other annual vendors? Visit our website for their links!

Buy Pura Vida Coffee
Purchase Pura Vida coffee for $12/bag and $4/bag comes right back to us! Pura Vida has been VERY generous every year, donating 100% of sales (sometimes even more!). Order by Nov 29. We’ll have coffee ready to pick up at OLG on December 11/12 or via the school that week! 
Synod ’21-’23  
Pope Francis invites all the baptized around the world to journey together in a global listening process called, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” This global consultation process is a major historical event and will provide guidance for the Church to discern “the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel” (GS,4). At the same time, Archbishop Etienne’s local mission-focused Pastoral Planning efforts align well with Pope Francis’s synodal process. Parishes are encouraged to move forward in pastoral planning by first participating in the global synodal efforts from November 2021 through early March 2022. Our parish will actively participate throughout the entire process as we, too, begin forming a new mission statement and 5-year plan for OLG. More to come…

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651