We love your advent wreaths 3rd grade!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Another huge THANK YOU as Giving Tuesday and Advent 1 all happened this week! And tomorrow is jam packed with Spirit Wear, Auction item coming in, and to cap-it off our fabulous "Light-up-the-Night" event!
  • Vaccinations - As students receive their second shot, please verify vaccination status with the school office.
  • Thank you to our active parents on our OLG Parent Org Facebook Group for keeping the community informed of vaccine opportunities and helping connect everyone!
  • If unvaccinated or in case of an extended absence, this resource page can be helpful in answering questions as well!

Next week is another full calendar of events (see below for details)
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Dec 3 - OLG Spirit Wear Day Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform
Dec 7 - OLG Auction Meeting 6:30 pm click for calendar & link
Dec 8 - Vaccination Clinic at Holy Family 12:00-3:00 pm.
  • Advent Prayer Service for K-8 students 2:05-2:15 pm (Please no pickups between 2:00-2:15 pm).
  • Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
  • Adult Safe Environment Training 6:30 pm (Virtus)
  • Celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Dec 10 - All School Mass 9:00 am - Our Student Council performs a Juan Diego pageant for OLG Feast Day! K-8 in full uniform. Families, please join us Livestream
Dec 12 - Sunday Mass in person Parish OLG Feast Day + additional campus blessings.
School Happenings
Light up the Night! Dec 3rd 7pm
Join our annual fun, festive community caroling event. 

  • Fill up the sleigh with donations for Saint Vincent de Paul -- help our neighbors in need.
  • Limited Edition Glass Ornaments for Sale (while they last!)
  • More details
Wednesday Schedule Update
During the season of Advent, our school prepares for Christ's birth as a community. Each Wednesday, students gather for Advent prayers between 2:00-2:15 pm. If you have any appointments on Wednesday afternoons, please make arrangements to pick up students before 2pm or at 2:15pm regular dismissal.

8th graders McKenna and Avery lead students in prayer this past Wednesday with a message of HOPE.
Complete 2022-2023 Tuition Assistance Application before the Christmas Break!
We'd like to help you if any questions come up - make sure to catch the front office before Dec 17th. K-8 families must apply each year through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.
Fulcrum Application deadline is in January,
but we ask you to complete it before Dec 17, OLG's Christmas Break!
Parent Organization (PO) News
Donating an item to the Auction?
Please drop off your donations on Friday Dec 3 between 2-4 pm at the Juan Diego Room (park in south lot). If this date/time doesn’t work for you, please reach out to olgprocurement@gmail.com to arrange an alternative time.
Groovy Glass Ornaments
Demonstrate your school pride by adding one of these beautiful LIMITED EDITION OLG glass ornaments to your Christmas Tree this holiday season. 

Only 100 available. Retailing at $50 each. All profits benefit the Parent Organization.

There are two opportunities on Friday Dec 3 to purchase one of these beauties – Far Out! Available for purchase in the San Diego Room from 2-4pm (cash or check only) or from the Auction Table at Light up the Night (cash, check and credit card accepted).

Your Dollars and Donations can help us to make OLG spell GOLD!
Interested in purchasing OLG spirit gear for your student this holiday season? Spirit Wear is available for purchase in the online OLG store. Ho! Ho! Hot! Go Bulldogs! Uniform/Spiritwear information

Scrip is a Gift Card purchasing platform for OLG school fundraising. It is a great way to help our school for purchases you already are making! Watch this video for more information. It is a now easier way to help our school in your everyday life!

CYO Sports
CYO Basketball (6th-8th grade)
Register by Dec 10th
We are excited to announce that CYO basketball will begin in January and enrollment is now open. Click here to sign up! 

If you are interested in volunteering as a healthcare coordinator (required for each team), please contact Dan Campbell.
More details in last week's newsletter. Go Bulldogs!
OLG Parish News
OLG’s Giving Tree is both in person and online this year, filled with tags for children in need at Sanislo Elementary and Catholic Housing Services’ Santa Teresita apartments as well for seafarers who come through our port. This annual tradition, even more needed with the ongoing pandemic, helps us share God’s love with those who are struggling during the Christmas season. Please take a tag off the tree or sign up online. Return gifts by Sunday, Dec 12 either in the church or the Pastoral Center. Thank you for your generosity!
OLG's annual Ethical Trade Sale is staying online for one more year. Many of the artisans, farmers, and communities we support through the sale are struggling this year due to COVID and slow sales. Through our virtual sale, you'll find a large variety of unique, quality gifts AND 20% of sales come back to us!  serrv.org?a=olgfairtrade Interested in products from our other annual vendors? Visit our website for their links!
This season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36).  Here are some ways to celebrate this season:
  • Our website has a variety of resources, including blessings for Advent wreaths, Christmas trees, and creches. In addition, there are several video reflections to enrich your prayer life.
  • Join us for our Advent Communal Reconciliation services on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 7:00 pm or Saturday, Dec. 18, 10:00 am.
  • Pick up one of the “Little Blue Advent Booklets” that provides daily reflections during the Advent and Christmas seasons based on the Scriptures. It is a great resource to enrich your prayer life during this holy season. If possible, a small donation of $3 to help offset the cost would be greatly appreciated. Available in the church vestibule or parish office.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651