Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
4th graders explore science experiments
Dear OLG Families,
Life is returning a little bit more of normalcy each and every day! As spring weather comes around and our temperatures rise, please remind your student(s) that dressing for school should be the traditional school uniform, especially as those sweatshirts come off. Beanies and extra warmth won't be as necessary in our coming pleasant weather, so we'll be tightening-up our dresscode in response.
Another step to normalcy is moving to full-mask optional on Monday, 3/21. The state-wide mask mandate is lifted and we are closely monitoring our peer schools. With student comfort level rising for whichever option family's choose, we are ready to go full mask optional, indoor and out, while also returning to best practices of instruction (relaxing instructional distancing) that are now allowed in the new public health guidance. while relaxing on masking and distancing slightly, we will continue the following layers of protection we've done so well with all year:
- Enhanced ventilation strategies and air treatment
- Support of testing and continuing remaining home when ill
- Hand washing
- Cleaning and disinfecting
- Maximizing outdoor time.
- Encouraging student and requiring staff and volunteer vaccinations
- Masks will still be required for singing and musical performers where extended distancing cannot be maintained.
Distancing at lunch and eating time will continue in the classrooms where all students are unmasked. The reason we can adjust these layers of protection is in factoring our lowering community transmission levels, lack of local outbreaks (0 new cases), and our tremendous vaccination rate in our K-8 population. Due to vaccinations rates in our youngest grades, the Preschool and PreK classes will continue with indoor masking at this time. We will continue to monitor for changes in Early Learning.
As with most of the challenges of this pandemic, individuals and families have had to make personal choices based on their comfort levels. Please discuss as a family in preparation the comfort level you and your child will have choosing to mask or not. As we make this transition together, please respectfully support the choice of individuals. This is our next step in bringing back normalcy into our school day.
Of course, info in this newsletter is more than just covid-related... read on for the following:
- Lenten Fish Fry and activities ahead
- Day of Service
- Registration (Due 3/25)
- Volunteer Opportunities (new and more each week)
- Pi Day fun
- Bystander Intervention workshop
and more...
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Mar 18 - After school Snack Shack (cash only small bills/coins) proceeds for 8th grade musical
Mar 23- Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Mar 25 - Deadline to register for 2022-2023 school year
Mar 29-31 Accreditation Visit! More info next week!
LAST WEEK to Register
Some classes are full so it is important to register on time to reserve your child's spot for the 2022-2023 school year! Check your email for a link to your family's parent portal (from <info+guadalupe-school@schooladminonline.com>)
Homeless, Homebound and Seafarer's Care Kit Supply Drive
Help make a difference in the lives of our homeless and homebound community. Thank you to our Student Council helping host this drive.
CLICK HERE for a list of supplied needed.
- Drop off items at the school or parish office.
- Your time counts toward your family's commitment hours.
THIS SUNDAY, help with coffee and donuts (it's back!) after both Masses. Call Mike G. 206-605-0684.
Day of Service On-campus, drop-in, and at-home projects available for the whole family. Sign up!
Loop the Lupe' - Help make this beloved event run to support OLG.
Many projects to choose from designed for all ages, abilities and schedules, including our drop-in campus projects and at-home projects. Some sites fill up fast so be sure to register now!
Middle School celebrated Pi Day with a smash!
On Monday, middle schoolers had the opportunity to participate in our annual Pi Reciting Contest - a contest where each participant recites, from memory, as many digits of pi as they can. All of our brave participants were rewarded with a certificate of achievement, and our first place winner, known as "Top Pi”, took home their very own apple pie. In addition, our Top Pi winner had the pleasure of choosing a middle school teacher to pie in the face! Sorry, Mr. Santos!
We had an amazing group of 13 middle schoolers participating this year. Please help us congratulate (8th grade) Matthew, Rebecca, Stella, (7th grade) Nathan, Evolette, Sophia, Paolo, Wyatt, (6th grade) Cameron, Gianna, Paulina, Vera, and Rocco.
A special shout out to 8th grader, Matthew, who set a new OLG record of 323 digits of pi! Wow!
Bystander Intervention Workshop
What can we do to create a safer, more inclusive world? What should you do if you see, hear, or witness acts of bias, harassment, or bullying?
OLG Parish invites you to participate in a Bystander Intervention Workshop. The in-person workshop will give you practical skills for interrupting bias, harassment, and bullying, as well as how to provide support to those being targeted. Join us on Saturday, March 19th from 1-4pm in the Walmesley Center Gym. This workshop is open to all adults and students in middle school or older, with a guardian present. Space is limited! To register, scroll down to "other" on the Registration Page. Suggested donation is $15 and masks are required. More information
We are so excited to welcome back children to VBC this summer! More information coming soon. Questions? Marion
Youth Dinner and Game Night
All high school youth are invited to join us for dinner and a fun night of games in the basement of the Pastoral Center on Friday, Mar 25 6-7:30pm. We'll have food available from the Fish Fry or bring your own. Hang out, play some games, and get to know other youth in our parish. RSVP to Jennifer by Monday, March 21.
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
Meatless Meal Kits and Cooking Class
Support Rice Bowl and the work of Catholic Relief Services worldwide!
Order a meatless meal kit and join us for a virtual Rice Bowl cooking class on Friday, April 8 from 5:30-6:30pm. The kits (similar to Blue Apron or Hello Fresh) will include the ingredients you need to make the Rwanda Rice Bowl recipe and will be available for pickup at the Pastoral Center (delivery available) the week of April 4th for a suggested donation of $20. We’ll cook together, learn more about Catholic Relief Services, and see how your Rice Bowl donations change lives around the world! To order a kit and/or RSVP for the presentation, contact Jennifer by Monday Mar 27 and Apr 4, respectively.
We love this OLG Event!
June 4th,2022
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651