Online yearbook orders close Friday!
Thank you to 2nd grade for leading All-School Mass this morning
Principal's Letter
Fr. Negusse as guest priest today
Dear OLG Families,

Our All-School Mass this morning was a wonderful opportunity for our 2nd Grader's to share their newly enriched spirit of faith and love with the school as they read and led us with our guest priest, Fr. Negusse. We look forward to having Fr. Kevin return from his vacation soon to be with us at our next upcoming events. Thank you Fr. Negusse for joining us today!

A few notes and further explanations of upcoming events:
  • Drop by this Saturday, starting at 2pm for Beers & Brats. Presales are over, but walk-ups are welcome in this fun social event out on the "Walmesley Center Porch"!
  • Our May 25th Spring Concert features our MS Choir and our 3rd thru 5th grade class performances. Due to limited opportunities for signing instruction this year, and the volume/power needed to sing through the masks then our 2nd grade and younger students are encouraged to be great audience members this year for their siblings and peers. We look forward to having all signing again as we move ahead into next year.
  • Our Talent Show is pushed-up one day and the timeframe is now 1pm - 3pm on Thursday, June 2nd as we have so many great acts wanting to perform!
  • Some of our fabulous readers are in the finals for the Archdiocese "Battle of the Books" next week. Participants should wear their t-shirts on their day! (5/25 for MS, 5/26 for 5th grade).
  • And some updates regarding staffing for next school year: I'm excited to announce we have an amazing experienced (and OLG connected) teacher, Mrs. McKeehan-Hart joining our staff next year in the 2nd grade position. This changes our previous announcement of Ms. Simpson who is now looking forward to following the PreK students she currently works with into Kindergarten next year. More details and welcome letter will be shared in next week's communications!
  • Staffing (part 2): We continue to seek great candidates to join our staff in both 1st grade, Development, and Parish office positions. If interested in these for next year click the link above or seek our website postings. We also have a some immediate short-term assistance opportunities to close out this school year... contact the school office directly.

This week we have only 5 new Covid cases. We continue to monitor closely and adjust precautions as necessary to continue the best learning environments for all. Thank you for continuing to monitor for symptoms at home and reporting positive test results to school office. As we heard in today's readings and homily, it is the love that begins at home that enriches and makes all our lives better. That it may stretch outward to our school, and community beyond. Read on for great volunteer opportunities this month and next. Let us live in love and enjoy these remaining weeks of this school year together!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
MAPS Testing continues...

May 20 - LAST DAY to order yearbooks online to receive $5 discount!
  • Fulcrum Celebration of Light at T-Mobile Park 6:00 pm
May 21 - Beer & Brats 2:00-5:00 pm Walmesley Center Patio
May 24 - Sound Partners Info Night (by invitation)
May 25 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
  • Battle of the Books Finals for Middle School
  • Spring Concert! Doors open 6:30 pm; start time 7:00 pm at the church
May 26 - Battle of the Books Finals for Gr 4-6
May 27 - Field Day & Picnic - Free Dress (Wear comfortable weather-appopriate and dress code appropriate (p.23) clothing + sunscreen and labeled water bottle) - Volunteer Here!
May 30 - NO School - Memorial Day

Save the Date:
June 15th K-8 Dismissal @ 10:30 am (ELC stays till Noon)
School Happenings
Early Bird pricing ends May 20th!

Don't forget to order this collection of memories for the school year. $35 for a hard cover, full color yearbook invoiced to your FACTS account if you order before May 20. ($40 cash/check only after May 20 while supplies last)
Parent Org News
This Saturday 2:00pm!
Come have a beer/wine and brat with OLG parents - mix & mingle.

  • Adults-only event (21+)
  • Live music & games
  • Walmesley Center Patio
  • Parent volunteers will be grilling up brats.

A few more volunteer spots available here - All Volunteers (over 21) get a free Beer & Brat. Tickets available on-site.

Sandra Watson, Beers & Brats Chair (
Volunteer shifts are available for Field Day May 27!

No need to be present - food donations welcome - sign up! Join the spring fun!
Find out what's happening with the Parent Org!
Join the 1st 2023 Auction Committee Meeting - Tuesday, June 7 6:30 pm
Find out the theme!
Help brainstorm
Let's get the party started!
Counselor Corner
Hello OLG families!

Across the school for the remainder of the year we are focusing on respectful problem solving during our SEL classes. Below is a detail of what each grade focused on this week and how you can help reinforce the lessons at home. 

  • 1st Grade: Was it an Accident? Students practiced helpful and kind phrases for apologizing when a problem is caused by accident, such as "I'm sorry. It was an accident? Are you okay? How can I help?" At home, you can model apologizing and encourage your child to do the same using this phrasing.
  • 2nd Grade: Thinking of Solutions: Students learned that thinking of more than one way to solve a problem can help them find a solution that works better. At home, ask your student to explain why it is good to think of more than one way to solve a problem. 
  • 3rd Grade: Say the Problem: In third grade we worked thinking about what each person needs or wants, then stating the problem (the "s" in our STEP formula for problem solving). Ask your student how they would say a problem respectfully and without blame. 
  • 4th Grade: Saying it Respectfully. Students practiced solving interpersonal problems, stating the problem respectfully and without blame.
  • 5th Grade: When? Where? Who? This week students consider when, where, and with whom it is best to work on an interpersonal problem. At home, ask your child why this is important to think about. 
  • 6th and 7th Grade considered how strong emotions, making assumptions, involving other people, and jumping to conclusions make conflict escalate. 
  • 8th grade only has a few SEL classes left! We will be spending our last few thinking about all the changes coming as the class prepares for graduation. 

Loop the 'Lupe

There is still time to join OLG’s 5K obstacle course and walk/run. This is our parish’s annual fundraiser to help support our ministries.  There are still some volunteer opportunities left but we could really use course monitors. Volunteers cheer participants on and help guide them through the obstacles. You can volunteer and participate!

Summer Camps
Vacation Bible Camp
June 20-24
PreK-5th grade
School-sponsored Camps
June 27-Jul 1
Grades K-8
Band Camp
July 11-15
Grades 5-8
OLG Parish News
Join the High Point Bee Festival May 21, 2022.  
It is an open invitation to every Seattle neighbor to roll up your sleeves, come together, and give back, with volunteer opportunities in each neighborhood across the city. Register Here
OPEN Employment Positions

Volunteer Opportunities

Earn volunteer hours this summer by helping a refugee family!
OLG hopes to sponsor a refugee family from Afghanistan or Ukraine, starting this summer. Sponsorship requires support from dozens of volunteers, and we need a coordinator to keep things on track — convene weekly Zoom meetings, coordinate tasks and keep the family’s case manager updated. Are you good at project management and organization? This is a great way to earn volunteer hours for the coming school year — the position can be shared by two people, if desired. Contact Kathleen Sullivan, OLG Immigrant Ministry chair, with interest or questions. 

Afghan Sponsorship Planning Meeting
Interested in supporting the sponsorship in other ways? Come to our next meeting on May 26th, 6:30 pm in the lower level of the Pastoral Center, to learn about how to help, and sign up! Learn more about task areas here: Contact Kathleen Sullivan with questions.

Strengthening Our Journey: A Vigil for Racial Justice
Join others from the South Seattle Deanery Parishes on Wednesday, May 25 for a vigil to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. More
Youth Migrant Project Applications Now Open
Join us for a "mini" YMP while the full week is on hold. Graduating 8th graders through seniors are invited to join us from August 5-7 (coming home in the evenings). We will prep the Food Bank in Burlington on Friday, hand out food on Saturday, and have a field experience picking berries in North Bend on Sunday afternoon. Apply by June 1 at

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651