Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Field Day & Picnic tomorrow!
details below
Thank you for a wonderful Spring concert
Dear OLG Families,
May is almost over! With Field Day tomorrow and Memorial Day holiday on Monday we're almost into June! While we celebrate these milestones together, we also take a moment to remember the lives affected by stress around us. Three resources you can use in your life and family around the recent tragedy in TX:
As in any situation, this sets us for a time of reflection and check of our selves. As a staff we've reviewed our protocols for school safety, including our secured doors, and more. We will continue to make sure students are well and cared for! As we head to the end of this week, remember the following:
Field Day & Picnic - TOMORROW wear weather appropriate free-dress, shoes you can run in, a water bottle, and look forward to a healthy and fun time together!
Covid cases regionally are on the rise: PHSKC recently recently published information for parents on the latest masking and testing information: Public Health Insider. ...Includes advice for families traveling Memorial Day weekend and beyond. NOTE: OLG only had 1 new covid case this week!
Loop the Lupe - only one week away and a great way to warp-up this year's volunteer hours, or kickstart into next year!
Enter this year's Volunteer Hours by Tuesday May 31st. Everything June 1st and aftet is a great "head start on 2022-23 volunteer hours" for school families. https://www.guadalupe-school.org/volunteer-opportunities/
Battle of the Books finished up this year with two teams in medal positions! Thank you Mrs. Sommerville for all your work and our excellent OLG readers!!!
Read on for continued events and opportunities this month and next. Let us live in love and enjoy these remaining weeks of this school year together!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
MAPS Testing wraps-up next week...
May 27 - Field Day & Picnic - Free Dress (Wear comfortable weather-appopriate and dress code appropriate (p.23) clothing + labeled water bottle)
May 30 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Jun 1 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Last day of Band - 5th grade welcome today!
Jun 2 - Talent Show 1:00 pm Walmesley Center
Jun 3 - OLG Sprit Wear - Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, (or your uniform is always good)!
Save the Date:
June 15th K-8 Dismissal @ 10:30 am (ELC stays till Noon)
Field Day & Picnic on Friday
Here's what you need to know
Free Dress - Wear comfortable weather-appopriate and dress code appropriate (p.23) clothing and comfortable shoes
Apply: sunscreen
- labeled water bottle
- snack for the morning
- The PO will provide a picnic lunch with hot dogs, chips, juice and otter pop.
2021-2022 Yearbooks available - Don't miss out!
Delivery to students on June 6th
Loop the 'Lupe
We could still use 20 volunteers for various opportunities the day of the event. This event isn’t possible without our amazing volunteers. You can volunteer and participate!
Need a Covid booster? We will again have Bird’s Eye Medical Covid-19 Mobile Vaccination Clinic at Loop the Lupe. Pre-register now or walk ups welcome too.
YES! There's medals!
Tell your friends: a new Auction season kicks off June 7 @ 6:30
Attending the PO Meeting on June 7? Just stay on the call (or join us at 6:30 p.m.) for the first Auction meeting of the new season!
We'll talk theme (and themed glassybabys), unveil graphics and early sponsors, start our procurement wishlist, and brainstorm any and all ways we can innovate, excite, and make our 2023 Auction the biggest and best party of the school year!
Again, if you're new to the school and/or haven't found your people yet, I'd love to meet you. Please join us! -- Hilary Reeves, Auction Chair, hilary.j.reeves@gmail.com
Thank you to all that joined us on the Walmesley Center Patio this past Saturday. The weather was glorious, the music celebratory, and there were smiles all around.
Very Special Thanks to our generous Donors:
* David Lindholm
* Ben Arthur
* Sam Hill
And a heartfelt shout out to the Volunteers that pulled it all together:
* Sophia & Geoff Wallace
* Cayley Crotty
* Amanda McAllister
* Lance Stevens
* Jon Zetlmaier
* Cheryl Roubicek
* Shawn & Julie McCullough
* Chatrice Beza
* Amanda Schmidt
* Joe Ross
Vacation Bible Camp
June 20-24
PreK-5th grade
Teacher-sponsored Camps
June 27-Jul 1
Grades K-8
Band Camp
July 11-15
Grades 5-8
Youth Migrant Project Applications Now Open
Join us for a "mini" YMP while the full week is on hold. Graduating 8th graders through seniors are invited to join us from August 5-7 (coming home in the evenings). We will prep the Food Bank in Burlington on Friday, hand out food on Saturday, and have a field experience picking berries in North Bend on Sunday afternoon. Apply by June 1 at www.olgseattle.org/events/ymp
Youth Hike and Mass
All middle and high school youth are invited to join us on Saturday, June 11 around 3pm for an urban hike through Camp Long. Enjoy some fresh air and a stroll through the forest with friends. Afterwards, we'll walk up to OLG for Mass at 5:30pm. RSVP to Jennifer by June 6
OPEN Employment Positions
Volunteer Opportunities
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651