A little muddy, but fun!
1st and 6th graders release salmon
Last goodbyes
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Our Salmon had a wet and rainy send-off with our 1st and 6th grade "class buddies" yesterday. Thank you to Mrs. Gazewood and Mrs. Kunst on the great learning partnership together! As a school we made it through the power-outage yesterday but did get a little delayed in this week's newsletter. Here are some quick highlights to read more about below:
  • COVID updates: Just as in the greater world, our school is experiencing an uptick in cases (12 new in the past week). We are monitoring and adjusting our cohort and class precautions as necessary to continue the best learning environments for all. Thank you for continuing to monitor well for symptoms and reporting positive test results to school office.
  • Info on a "Positive Parenting" masterclass (from toddlers to teens)
  • More below on Free Throw Contest, Talent Show, Beer & Brats (5/21), Spring Concert (5/25), and Loop the Lupe (6/4)
  • More below on Summer Camp opportunities
  • Order Yearbooks!
Note that also in May is our Spring MAPS testing. Please limit absences/appointments from May 16-June 3rd ... and eat & sleep well on your classes test dates! Teachers will send class specific test dates in their homeroom communications. We look forward to a busy AND fun-filled weeks ahead!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
May 6 - OLG Spirit Wear - Wear OLG Spirit + "Everything BUT a backpack" more details
May 7 - First Communion Celebration 5:30 pm
May 10 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm calendar & link
May 11 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
  • NO After School tutoring
  • Band Festival 5-8th grade 7:00 pm
May 12 - New Family Night 6:30 pm

Calendar Changes / Save the Dates:
May 25th Spring Concert @ 7:00 pm
June 15th K-8 Dismissal @ 10:30 am (ELC stays till Noon)
School Happenings

Yearbook Memories
Don't forget to order this collection of memories for the school year. $35 for a hard cover, full color yearbook. Price goes up after May 20th!

2022 OLG Talent Show is back!  
  • Permission slips due Friday, May 13 -- to the front office
  • Tryouts Wednesday May 18
  • Talent show Friday, June 3 1:15-3:00 pm
Parent Org News
It's time to grab your tix for the Wurst Party Ever!
Coming up quick in just over 2 weeks. 

Still need 2 Brat Grillers (first shift, starting at 1:30pm) - check out the Volunteers page here
Reminder - All Volunteers (over 21) get a free Beer & Brat.

Have a Cornhole Set or White Pop Up Tent to loan? 
Reach out to Sandra Watson, Beers & Brats Chair to coordinate drop-off (sandralwatson@gmail.com
CYO News
May 6 Free Throw Shooting Championship!
The annual Knights of Columbus free throw competition for all boys and girls age 9 to 14 (age as of 1/1/2022) will be held Friday, May 6 at 6:00 pm at OLG's Gym. The KOC council will be supplying pizza to all participants and there will be prizes! More
Band News
The Band Festival is back!  
May 11th will mark the return of this annual musical event!  Kennedy Catholic High School is the location, and the concert begins at 7:00 pm.

All band members (gr. 5-8) and Honor Band join
the incredible Kennedy Catholic Band for an evening of music.

This is a graded performance. Attendance is required.  All Field Trip forms should be turned in at this time. Parents that have signed-up to volunteer for the dinner hour, please arrive in the gym at 5:45 pm. Thank you for your help!

We are looking forward to sharing our music!
Loop the 'Lupe
If you haven’t signed up to attend this fun filled event, you still have time!  Go here to sign up for – and find out more about – the 5K obstacle course, 5K fun run, Senior Saunter, or Youth DashUse discount code OLG5 for a discount through the end of May.  Proceeds from Loop the ‘Lupe support Our Lady of Guadalupe’s ministry and outreach programs. We need your support! 
If running, walking or navigating obstacles isn’t your thing, we also need volunteers. Be a Course Monitor or part of the Senior Saunter Cheer Squad and cheer people on as they navigate the course. Sell food and drink tickets to help us raise more money. Congratulate racers at the end of the finish line and grab their race bib chip. But wait, there is more help needed.  Volunteer Here (Loop volunteer hours count towards the 2022/2023 school year).  
Summer Camps
June 20-24
PreK-5th grade
June 27-Jul 1
Grades K-8
July 11-15
Grades 5-8
OLG Parish News
Intersections of Mercy: Catholics Advocating for Housing Justice and Homeless Services
Join others from South Seattle Deanery parishes for an advocacy day on Saturday, May 14th from 9:30am-12pm at St. James Cathedral Hall (803 Terry Avenue).  Hear the state of housing and homelessness from Marc Dones, the CEO of the King County Regional Homeless Authority, and City Councilmembers Lisa Herbold and Andrew Lewis, who sit on the KCRHA Governing Committee. See how Catholic parishes and agencies are supporting efforts in our region. Engage in dialogue and find ways to work together to bring housing justice to all. No RSVP required. Park in the O’Dea High School lot or take public transit. Questions? Erin at ErinMa@ccsww.org

BeautyCycle: Recycle Personal Care Product Packages
Gather up your hard-to-recycle products and drop them in our new BeautyCycle box in the church. The empty containers will be recycled through Nordstrom’s BeautyCycle program. To learn which items we can take, visit https://olgseattle.org/events/beauty-cycle
Help serve Coffee & Donuts May 15th and June 12th
Volunteers are needed to help the Knights serve coffee and donuts May 15 and June 12. If interested, contact Mike Galang
Volleyball Open Gym for Adults
Open to anyone! Sundays 7:00 pm at the Walmesley Center. All skill levels are welcome!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651