A small Math Group at work!
Third grade in session!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

We are up and running this week with all things moving ahead. Fr. Kevin and I were very moved to see such family togetherness at our All School Mass on Tuesday morning. Tonight I look forward to seeing all our K-5 families at our Curriculum Night Zoom @ 6:30pm! The link is available in the calendar (below and on our website)... come online with a refreshment in hand and we'll begin together, quickly moving into two rounds of grade-level "classroom visit"/breakouts. You will be able to hear directly from your child's teachers their overview of the year's curriculum and activities! In October we will have our individual conference opportunities.

As we begin this school year we are reviewing our safety plans and readiness. Two items to check in your family:
1) Emergency Notifications: Each family should have received an emergency alert test notification (Wednesday at 10:26am). This could take the form of emails, a cell phone message/text, or possibly a voice mail/phone call (depending on your ALMA contact settings). If you did NOT receive a test message yesterday, please call our school office to work out the details with Shelley or Laura. This applies to the primary contacts listed in ALMA when you registered this school year.
2) Earthquake Kits: We kept many of our re-enrollling student's kits over the summer, but if you are a new family to OLG or know you need to bring in an Earthquake/ Disaster Comfort Kit in 2021, please turn in to your classroom homeroom. We'd like to have these all collected by next Friday, Sept 17th!

We love how safe our school year has begun and I look forward to sharing more news tonight at the K-5 Curriculum Night, and next week with PreK & MS Families! Read on below for Middle School Elective info, Parent Org meeting update, Jog-a-Thon readiness, and even a teaser for Halloween Carnival!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Sept 9th - Curriculum Night K-5th @ 6:30pm via zoom
Sept 10th - First day of Band (Grades 6-8 this week)
Sept 11th - Band Instrument Rental @10am Grades 5-8
Sept 14th - Parent Org Meeting @6:30pm In-person or click for calendar & link
Sept 15th - First day of Middle School Choir 7:45 am
  • Wednesday early dismissal 2:15 pm
Sept 16th - Curriculum Night 6th-8th - via zoom
Sept 21st - Picture Day (All grades)
Back to School Essentials
Middle School Choir starts Sept 15th

Band (Grades 5-8) starts Sept 10th 

Spanish Elective (Grades 7-8)
  • Indicate your Interest now, register later as zero period Spanish will begin later this Fall as our new Spanish teacher is able.
Parent Organization (PO) News

Parent Org Meeting 
Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30 pm
In-person or via zoom

Our next meeting will be held in-person at the Walmseley Center Stage area which better lends itself to social distancing. A zoom link is available for folks who prefer to join remotely.  

Sept 24th

Details: The Jog-A-Thon will be in person this year, at the Walt Hundley Playfield, but the fundraising is going virtual. The website will be available in the upcoming weeks to assist with fundraising efforts. Details for fundraising and strategies for collecting pledges will be sent out soon!

Theme: This year’s theme is Rockin’ Rainbow Dash and Splash, so all students should be pumped up and dressed for the theme! Run, walk, jog or skip in rainbow apparel or dressed up as a rockstar.

DateFriday, Sept 24th . Friday is a 1/2 day (Noon dismissal) and will be filled with Jog-A-Thon events. (A schedule of events to be included in future newsletter.)

Goal: It is our goal to raise $25,000. Prizes will be awarded to those who raise the most! Also, if the goal is exceeded, additional recognition and prizes will be rewarded to celebrate the accomplishment.

Volunteers: Day-of Parent volunteers are needed! Email Co-Chairs Victoria Arthur ( and/or Heather Owens ( to sign up and get involved.

Mark your calendars!
The annual OLG Halloween Carnival is BACK!!
Saturday, Oct. 23rd, at 4:00 pm

This year's carnival could include a costume contest, the cake walk, trunk-or-treat, an inflatable slide & a giant bouncy house, skeeball, and more! We're working hard to make sure this event can happen in a great Covid-safe way! 

OLG Parish News
Resuming Our Regular Mass Schedule
Beginning September 12th, the Sunday, 8:30 am Mass will be open to the public. Livestreaming will continue at the 8:30 am Mass for those who are not yet able to attend mass in person. 

Volunteer for the Welcome Table
We are looking for volunteers who can help hand out food and supplies from about 11am-2pm Saturday, Oct 2. You can also provide donations or prepare supplies in advance (coffee, dish and laundry pods, wipes, non-perishable food, Ziploc bags, etc.). For more information or sign up, contact Jennifer or 206-935-0358 x120. Log commitment hours here

Preparing Children for 1st Communion
Families with children at about age 7 (1st Grade) can begin their preparation. 
  • Orientation Meeting for Families with Children in Year One (1st grade students) Sunday, Sept 19, 9:30-10:15 am by Zoom
  • Orientation Meeting for Families with Children in Year Two (2nd grade students who attended Sac Pre Year One classes or were in 1st Grade at OLG last year) Sunday, Sept 12, 9:30-10:30 am by Zoom
  • Questions? Helen Oesterle, 206-935-0358, x108 or Parish website

Confirmation Program for Youth
This year, 2021-2022, the parish program will be for all 7th & 8th graders, and next year will only be 7th graders. An Information Meeting for parents, guardians and students is scheduled for Sunday, Sept 26, 9:45-10:45 am. Schedules and FAQ’s on the Parish web site or Sarah Riggio

Help stock our St. Vincent de Paul Pantry
Most needed items include cleaning supplies (laundry pods, spray cleaner, paper towels), hygiene items (toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap), and non-perishable foods (pb, jam, canned meals, pasta, and instant oatmeal, etc.). If you’d like to help with the pantry collection, contact Wendi. Thank you! 

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651