Tuesday, April 16th at the Boise State University campus. In person and virtual attendance options are available.
This conference will delve into how best to enable a smooth energy transition on public lands in Idaho and across the West. Public lands are an important focus because the entire West is part of an interconnected grid and the abundance of wind and solar resources on public lands -- in Idaho and across the West -- bringing both challenges and opportunities for the state and the region.
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Registration for the limited in-person attendance is $100 and includes lunch. The virtual registration of $20, provides online access through YouTube live. | |
Sponsored internships with federal, state, nonprofit, or other mission-centered business enterprises provide Boise State environmentally focused students with meaningful work experience that will enhance learning and skill development, assist in post-graduation job placement, and ultimately support the development of the environmental and public lands stewards of tomorrow.
This year, six students were awarded the honor of assigned internships at partnering organizations:
Haley Hester - Environmental Studies Major
- hosted by Forest Service/Boise National Forest
Amy Johnson- Environmental Studies Major
- hosted by Bureau of Land Management
Jayden Rehwalt - Environmental Studies Major
- hosted by Idaho Conservation League
Leonardo Ryan- Interdisciplinary Studies
- hosted by Advocates for the West
Brianna Sali- Biology, emphasis in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
hosted by Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association
Iris Smith - Biology, Ecology Evolution and Behavior emphasis
hosted by Idaho Department Fish and Game
Andrus Scholars receive stipends to support the cost of BSU issued credit hours, travel needs, and cost-of-living expenses during their summer internships. These stipends are funded by our generous Andrus Scholars Fund donors and partner organizations. To support the efforts of growing this amazing student program, please consider donating to our Stewards of Tomorrow Campaign below.
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The Andrus Scholars program was launched in 2019 to support our future environment and public lands leaders through meaningful work experience and skill development. Boise State University students obtain hands-on experience at various agencies during a 10-week summer internship. Support the Andrus Scholars Program.
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Each year the Andrus Center invites women, men, and students to a two-day event comprised of trailblazing speakers and skill-building workshops.
The 2023 conference included an amazing lineup with retired basketball executive for the WNBA and entrepreneur, Angela Taylor, Associate Chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, Angela Coleman, Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist and founder of Too Young to Wed, Stephanie Sinclair, New York University Development Director who’s known as the “$6 billion woman” for bringing in over a million a day to NYU, Debra Lamorte, former award-winning Fortune 50 tech executive, Cindy Montgenie, and retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent, Sarah G. Draper.
Recordings are accessible to registrants now and will be made available to the general public in September 2024 on the Andrus Center YouTube channel (@theandruscenterforpublicpo2692).
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Save the date for Women and Leadership 2024
September 24 and 25, 2024
There will be limited capacity for in-person attendance and virtual and in-person ticket pricing will vary. Ticket pricing and further details will be posted soon.
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The Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University, the Public Lands Foundation, and the National Association of Forest Service Retirees will host the sixth biennial John Freemuth Student Congress October 7 – 10, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV. The 2024 Student Congress will focus on public lands policy issues associated with the transition to renewable energy.
Recruitment is underway and 58 applications have been received from 37 universities and colleges across the country! We look forward to sharing the selected cohort in April.
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What is our Endowed Chair up to? | |
Dr. Emily Wakild is the Cecil D. Andrus Endowed Chair for Environment and Public Lands. Dr. Wakild advances the Environment and Public Lands mission of the Center, including the scholarship and development of University’s students interested in these areas of study. | |
In 2022, Dr. Emily Wakild published the Spanish translation of her book about Mexico’s national parks called Revolutionary Parks: Conservation, Social Justice, and Mexico’s National Parks, 1910–1940 (University of Arizona, 2011) in coordination with Eugenio Fernández Vázquez and the press, La Cigarra. Adán Peña, the Director of CONANP, Mexico’s Commission on Protected areas (pictured below with Emily) read it and convinced the Mexican President (Andrés Manuel López Obrador or AMLO) that he could use the country's environmental past to create a better future. The President reallocated funds to create new parks in the style of the 1930s where parks created well-being for the surrounding communities as part of a program for a more equitable society. CONANP will also sponsor a second edition of the book since the first printing has sold out. | |
On February 26, 2024 Dr. Wakild was honored in Mexico with an award and book signing showcase. As Emily says, "History matters!" | |
The Andrus Center's Cecil D. Andrus Endowed Chair for Environment and Public Lands was established in 2018 through the completion of a $1.5 million fundraising effort that provides an annual stipend to oversee our mission work within the environment and public lands arenas. The endowed chair is paired with a professorship in the Environmental Studies department of the School of Public Service. | |
The Andrus Center for Public Policy serves as Boise State University’s primary academic center on issues of environment and public lands. To continue to grow our reach and impact, we are planning to grow our student programs. The Center is currently raising funds for an endowed Stewards of Tomorrow campaign that further assist students pursuing environmental and public lands careers with experiential development, workforce preparation, and career advocacy so that they may become our stewards and leaders of tomorrow.
Help us help students to become the stewards who protect our natural spaces for our children and grandchildren. Your gift makes a difference!
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If you prefer to donate by check, checks should be made payable to “Boise State University Foundation” with “Andrus Center” in the memo line and mailed to:
Andrus Center for Public Policy
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1935
The Andrus Center for Public Policy is an independent nonprofit entity within Boise State University’s School of Public Service. All gifts to the Center are managed by Boise State University Foundation, a tax-exempt Idaho organization under 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (#82-6010706), and are eligible for federal and state charitable income tax deductions. The Andrus Center is overseen by its Board of Governors. Tracy Andrus serves as Chairman.
Your support is sincerely appreciated.
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We acknowledge the indigenous stewards of the land on which we work and live and recognize the ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Bannock, and Paiute people. | | | | |