Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership.
Dear OLG Families,
You recently received from me a special bulletin regarding the next three days, the
Triduum. The Sacred Easter Triduum is a wonderful way to bring an end to Lent and to move into the celebration of Easter! We hope to see you tonight at our Soup Supper, or at any of the next three days-in-a-row-liturgical-blitz!
Jog-a-Thon, is coming just five days after spring break ends! Get all your pledges in by the run on
May 3rd! We've got prizes for anyone who's reached the $100 (~$5/lap total) and the $150 (~$7/lap) levels! Just send in your pledge form or simply notify your child's teacher you've reached that level. More info below or on the website to do an online pledge, emails, and more!
Tomorrow we end this Holy Week with a
Living Stations of the Cross led by our 7th graders. If you can't make it at 11am for this special student-led prayer, feel free to come at 3pm for a
Stations led by Fr. Jack! Happy Easter & Spring Break!
Yours in Christ (He is RISEN!),
Anton Kramer
Apr 18th - Holy Thursday Soup Supper 5:30 School Hall
- Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00 pm
Apr 19th - Living Stations of the Cross (student led) 11:00 am
- NOON dismissal; Good Friday
Sign up EDC
Apr 22 to 26th - No School; Easter Break.
See you Monday, Apr 29
Apr 30th - OLG Dine Out at the
Great American Diner and Bar
5-8pm Join OLG friends for a fun night out! 10% of OLG sales go to the school!
May 3rd - Jog-A-Thon (pledge forms due 9am)
- Noon Dismissal
Holy Thursday Soup Supper Tonight! 5:30 School Hall
Bring your bowl (and Rice Bowl) and spoon for a meal hosted by school staff.
Holy Thursday Mass Tonight! 7:00 pm
Bring your Rice Bowls (Or, turn it in to the school).
Please convert coins to cash or checks (made out to “OLG” with “Rice Bowl” in the memo). Our counters thank you! Lenten gifts can also be
given online
2019-2020 Enrollment
forms (optional for K-8 enrollment) can be dropped off at the parish office (Mon-Thu 8:30-4:30, Fri 8:30-3, or drop in the mail slot by the front door 24 hours a day). The parish will communicate to your family and to the school. Thank you for helping keep the Parish/School records up-to-date in preparation for our new priest.
We are here to help! Contact
Laura Wong
Shelley Bradley
Yearbook Orders due May 15th...The end of the year is fast approaching and our school yearbook is off to the presses! Don't forget to order this collection of memories for the school year. The cost is $30 each for a hard cover, full color yearbook.
Sign up online or fill out the yearbook
form in today's FCE. Yearbook fees will be invoiced to your FACTS account in early May.
OLG School Chorus Singing National Anthem at the
Mariner Game June 3rd
Deadline to order tickets is May 10
OLG Summer Camp Registration
June 17th to 21st
Incoming Kindergarten to 9th grade
In just 2 short weeks, students will be lacing up their athletic shoes and Running in the Light! Until then, keep getting those pledges!
We’ve got some great incentives along the way to help kids meet the end goal of $150 in flat donations or $7 totals per lap.
- Students who raise $100 in flat donations or at least $5 totals per lap will earn alight up, flashing bouncy ball.
- Students who meet the $150 total goal (or $7 totals/lap) get their very own light up magnetic gyro wheel!
To redeem your prize, simply send an email or signed note to your child’s teacher or the school office. Prizes awarded daily! Hang onto your pledge sheets, keep gathering pledges, and turn in the final tally on May 3
Also, we cannot run this event without your help! Help count laps, bring sliced oranges, set-up, tear down event and earn hours. Get a start on 2019-20 volunteer hours!
Sign up here!
Shop teacher
for the end of the school year. Scrip is perfect for teacher appreciation, grad parties, or a small way to say “thanks” while earning for OLG.
Famous Footwear
now available in eGift cards and physical cards. Contact
Scrip Team
if you have questions.
OLG 7th Grade Girls Volleyball Team Captures 2nd Place in the Playoffs
The 7
grade volleyball team advanced to the championship from the final four. After two very close matches, they came in 2nd place! Congratulations! The trophy is at the school front desk.
The 8th grade volleyball team also had two very close matches in the final four and came in 4th place. The 5th grade volleyball team was undefeated! Congratulations to all!
Send out Fr. Jack on a High Note
Fr. Jack is a big fan of the game of golf and has always been a part of our OLG Golf Tournament. Come out and send him off in style with a great turnout at our
12th Annual OLG Golf Tournament
– May 4th.
Sign up today to play and share a great round of golf in a fun scramble format with friends, family, and parishioners as we raise money for OLG CYO sports activities and the In-Parish Help Fund.
Questions? Contact our tournament chairperson
Jason Standifer, or
Walking + Witnessing for Immigrant Families: How will you pilgrimage?
Join people from parishes across Western Washington in a prayerful walk from April 29-May 11 showing solidarity with immigrant families. OLG will be hosting the pilgrims on Tuesday, May 7. You can participate by walking the whole pilgrimage, walking any leg(s) of the pilgrimage, helping to provide dinner for the pilgrims, attending Mass, dinner and/or the rosary with the pilgrims, joining for Mass at the Northwest Detention Center on the final day, donating, and/or praying. We are especially encouraging people to walk on May 7 or 8 and to attend the final Mass on May 11. You can also join us on May 7 at 4:30pm for a special rosary and/or 5:30pm for dinner and on May 8 for Mass at 9am with the pilgrims. For general information, visit
. For OLG specific information or to volunteer, visit
or contact Jennifer at
x.120 or
. You can also sign up in the narthex this weekend!
Please RSVP by April 28 if you plan to walk or attend dinner:
Youth Migrant Project Applications Available Now!
The Youth Migrant Project is back! We’ll be teaming up with St. James and St. Anne’s for a fun and life-changing week, July 21
. The trip is open to graduating 8
graders (or 14+ years old) through graduating high school seniors. We stay at Immaculate in Sedro-Woolley and serve in a variety of migrant ministries throughout the Skagit Valley, including distributing food and clothing, creating a fiesta for the children in a camp, working in the fields, and attending Mass in a camp. In addition to serving, we will learn about migrant life and reflect on our faith in light of these realities. There are two mandatory preparation meetings on June 2 and June 30, from 5-7pm. The cost of the trip is $200 but partial scholarships are available. Because there are three parishes participating, space is very limited.
Half our spots are already gone!
If you are interested in attending or have questions, contact Jennifer at
x.120 or
Applications are available in the parish office and
, and are due Sunday, May 12.
OLG Immigrant Ministry is Welcoming New Members
Come check out OLG’s Immigrant Ministry as we seek new ways to encounter our immigrant brothers and sisters through education, advocacy and community building. Our next meeting is Friday, May 17 at 9:30am in the Pastoral Center. Come learn about the Youth Migrant Project, supporting a local asylee family, and more! We look forward to seeing you there!
Fr. Greg Boyle Evening SOLD OUT!
Our evening with Fr. Greg is now SOLD OUT and will take place in church. Doors will open at 6:15pm!!!
Journeys of Hope and Hopelessness: Human Experiences on the US/Mexico Border
Here a first-hand account of the current situation on the Arizona-Mexico border from
Kino Border Initiative’s
Joanna Williams on
Wednesday, May 1 at 7pm
at Seattle U’s Wyckoff Auditorium. Visit
for more information.
Sponsoring Asylum-Seekers through National Organizations
Consider sponsor a detained asylum-seeker to support their chance of getting out of detention on bond. Read our past newsletters or contact Jennifer for more information:
Join us for the April Community Meal
(great way to end your spring break)!
All are invited to this free, sit-down meal on Sunday, April 28 at 1pm in the Walmesley Center. Come meet others in the community and enjoy a wonderful meal.
School Fund Drive continues... Support the extras that make our school special: from essentials like
Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique
Distinguished Educator Award.
We continue to move towards our
$90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" button below or from the front of our website to make your gift.
Remember your gift must be received before the end of this school year to help us fund our staff's professional development and families' Tuition Assistance commitments.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651