4th Graders share their posters celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day!
Bridget Lawler and her nephew offered her neighbors Earth stress balls!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Prayers with you and your family this Easter Season. Three fundamental questions have been hanging over my head ever since mid-March when we started this new adventure together called "continuous remote learning." That is (in no particular order), communications, health, and safety.
Communications: one aspect of education is grades. I apologize that the Trimester 2 grade reports have not come home yet. Our grade reporting system (Powerschool) has had serious delays/frustrations in producing our standard report cards in a timely fashion. Not to worry, the data is there! Those should be in the mail next week. I will discuss more on grades for our current trimester, as well as other big school-wide events in next weeks newsletter and communications.
Another aspect of communication is feedback. As we did after "week 2", here is a quick survey to provide feedback to me, and our teachers: TAKE SURVEY HERE !
(P.S. Additional chromebook requests can be done through this survey.)
Health: Finding a work-life balance is increasingly difficult in our stay-home, stay safe environment. Stress is huge right now... be kind to one another! And PRAY for all those who are ill, in recovery, and families of those who have passed away.
Safety: Thank you to Sal for continuing to keep our campus safe and well in these times. To all our Parish Staff and especially Fr. Kevin for leading us through Lent and Easter Masses in strange and uncertain times. Thank you to all parents for picking-up packets safely, keeping your families in shape together, and staying true to our mission and calling in serving others whenever we can.

In a final note (I'm trying to keep this short) is just to say that we realize there are families in all sorts of situations. No one-size-fits-all solution exists. An approach such as "everyone gets an A" misses the mark entirely for what we believe in. We are continuing to find the best balance of engaging in learning while also providing flexibility. The hybrid model we are using is continuing to be refined and improved. Thank you for journeying with us!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer

P.S. Monday I sent other notes that I won't repeat, but you can click here to see those again for registration and more!
Important Dates

Apr 23-24th - School office open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm -Packet Pick up/Drop off

Mondays - School office open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and by appointment for Packet Pick up/Drop off

May 8th - stay tuned for our Salmon Release!!!
Counselor Corner
Stress and Resilience
Of all the books on my office shelves, there is one that stands out as an invaluable resource. It gives parents and educators well-thought-out advice on raising children and providing them with tools for success in life. Dr. Kenneth Ginsberg’s book Building Resilience in Children and Teens – Giving Kids Roots and Wings provides effective strategies to help young people
·      Make wise decisions
·      Recognize and build on their natural strengths
·      Deal effectively with stress
·      Foster hope and optimism... Continue Reading

2020-2021 Re-enrollment
Questions about enrollment for next year? We are here to help! Contact  Laura Wong or  Shelley Bradley Here are some resources :

Parent Org News
Pizza Friday REFUNDS

Please email Kelsey to let her know if you want a refund for unused Pizza money or if you would like to convert it to a donation to OLG.
Please do so by May 1 so we can wrap up for this year.

Mark your calendar for May PO Virtual meeting - MANY exciting things you won't want to miss! ( May 12th 6:30pm) . All are welcome! We will be planning and talking about many events, looking forward to next year and being back together!

Help from home by posting to our OLG Facebook page!
Comment on posts and share stories with others

Read more of the PO updates here:

Yearbook Photos Needed
We are looking for pictures for the yearbook!

Send in your photos of OLG students at special events,
sporting events, and school day fun!
OLG Parish News
Share this with your friends and family!
St Vincent de Paul Sunday this Weekend
We normally have ushers at the doors of the church to accept your donations. Since we are not able to do that at this time, please consider making an online donation or mailing in your SVdP envelope. The need is great and your donations are greatly appreciated!

Unemployed Together During the Corona Virus: The Spirituality of Work
This six-week small group series will be offered  remotely using Zoom  beginning Thursday, April 30, 1:00-2:30 pm . We will focus on how unemployed Christians can come to better see how God is inviting us to be a part of building the Kingdom. Marion and Helen will be facilitators. To register, contact   Helen
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: Happy Easter! 
 Happy Easter! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl challenges us this Easter season to share what we have with our global family. Remember to turn in your Rice Bowl funds online or to mail/drop off a check at the OLG Pastoral Center made out to “OLG” with “Rice Bowl” in the memo (mail slot to the left of the doors). Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Relief Services as they respond to COVID-19 in 114 countries. Remember, 25% of Rice Bowl donations also stay local to help with hunger alleviation in our own communities!

Youth Migrant Project
By this time of year, we are usually collecting applications for the Youth Migrant Project summer mission trip for teens (graduating 8 th graders through graduating seniors). Due to COVID-19, we are not sure whether the program will run this summer. We will share an update as soon as possible. Even if the regular program isn’t possible in its entirety, we hope to do something to assist the essential farmworkers and their families as they labor to put food on our tables!
COVID-19 Assistance: Ways to Get Help
Homeschooling, stress, isolation, layoffs, financial strain, health concerns, and more are the new challenges we are facing in this difficult time. Know that you are not alone. We are here to support the community in any way we can. To that end, we are continually adding to our new COVID-19 Assistance page . Whether you need assistance, want to lend a hand, or both, we’ve got resources for you. We have also included prayers and reflections to strengthen you on the journey. Have a resource to share? Jennifer.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651