7th Grade performs Stations of the Cross
8th grade leads Family Groups
from their laptop
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

HAPPY EASTER! I know I'm a few days' early, but I know we've been preparing all Lent long. Earlier this week our 7th graders led us all in a special Living Stations of the Cross this year in our tradition of our school this Holy Week! We also took 5 minutes of daily reflective prayer time as a school. On this Good Friday and entrance into our Easter holiday, we pray for all of our community for a safe and happy holiday!

A couple other notes from the week and looking ahead:
  • The Student Council's Homeless/Homebound Drive wrapped-up officially this week, but donations can continue at the office all the way to Day of Service
  • Tweens & Teens Internet Safety sessions took place this week... see below for continuing the conversation!
  • Parent Org and volunteer opportunities are continuing to grow... next meeting Tuesday, 4/13
  • CYO, Earthday, and more coming up right after we come back from Spring Break!
The school office is closed next week, but we'll be back on Monday 4/12 and my M/W/F 2pm zoom office hour will resume then!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Apr 2nd - NOON Dismissal 1/2 Day of school
  • Good Friday Holy Hours 12-3pm Quiet Meditation (Church open for prayer)
  • Good Friday Masses
Apr 3rd - Easter Vigil Mass -Live Streamed 8:30 pm
Apr 4th - Easter Sunday-Live Streamed or In-person Registration 10:00 am
Apr 5 - 11- Easter break ... School resumes Apr 12th
Apr 13 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm click for calendar & link
Day of Service
OLG Day of Service (Apr 24)

Join OLG parishioners and friends on Saturday, April 24th as we strive to bring God's love to our greater community. Some of our projects are at agencies providing essentials services while others provide opportunities to do service from the comfort of your own home. There is something for everyone!  Click here for a video about OLG Day of Service - SIGN UP NOW
Library & Tech:
B.o.t.B. & Internet Safety
Battle of the Books is Underway!
The Battle of the Books program is up and running with the competitions planned for May.
The Sasquatch district final will be at 1pm on May 25th. The Evergreen final is tentatively scheduled for May 26th at 5pm. Both district finals will be held online using the Zoom platform. Students in grades 4-8 have formed teams and are busy reading the book selections. The OLG school library has at least one copy of each book which can be placed on hold for delivery to the homeroom teacher or (for remote learners) held for pick-up at the main office.
Mrs. Sommerville, Librarian
"Tweens and Teens" Internet Safety follow-up...
Thank you to our families who attended last Tuesday's presentation. Links to the parent presentation slidedeck and other internet safety resources are here on my parent & caregiver resource webpage. Curious what our 5th-8th graders are thinking? Talk to your tween/teen! Here's a couple anonymous poll responses we had from the student presentation as well:
More to come as we continue the dialogue in these times of increasing screen-time for our kids! I hope you have a screen-free Spring Break!
Mrs. Dickerson, Counselor
Parent Organization (PO) News
The Parent Org needs you!
Do you need a way to meet your commitment hours for this year and next?
We have several parent org roles on the Leadership Team open now and for next year. Take on a role for next year and start earning hours now!

  • Social media (Instagram/FB) manager(s) (automatic 50 hours)
  • FB Parent group moderator/administrator (automatic 20 hours)
  • Newsletter & Website Content Manager (automatic 50 hours)
  • PO Vice Chair (automatic 50 hours)
  • Class Representatives for Grades: Pre-K, K, 1st, 6th, 7th
  • Spirit Wear Store Manager
  • Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser Chair
  • Halloween Carnival Chair
  • Halloween Carnival Co-Chair
  • Game Night Chair
  • Hospitality Chair
  • Commitment Hours Chair
  • Scrip/Gift Card Sales Co-Chair
  • Greater Giving Software Administrator
  • Volunteer Hour Coordinator

For more info and to sign up, please contact Yvette Messina at olg.parent.org@gmail.com or (206) 941-4568. Coming Soon, more classroom roles for next year.

Please JOIN the ALL parent Facebook Group! We want to connect with you!
When clicking to join please answer ALL 3 questions in order to be approved.
Looking forward to a great year!
Join us 2nd Tuesday of each Month for PO Meetings!
Track registration open!
Track season (4th - 8th grade) is just around the corner. The season will be virtual this year with an 8th grade pentathlon on May 23rd (in-person). This is the last season for the amazing Coach Darren Monroe! Let's have Coach go out with a win. We are also looking for a Track coordinator to shadow Coach D this season. Hit us up if you are interested and remember to register your kids by April 18th.

We are looking for more coaches (Kindergarten soccer and 2nd/3rd girls soccer particularly) and Covid supervisors for the teams. We will definitely also need referees! More information here Contact olg.cyoathletics@gmail.com  
OLG Parish News

Earth Day Environmental Justice Discussion for Youth
All 7th-12th graders are invited to join us for a discussion on Environmental Justice to celebrate Earth Day 2021. Through prayer, videos, music, and discussion, we’ll consider how we might grow in our ability to be good stewards of God’s creation. Join us on Sunday, Apr 18 6:30-8pmRegister by Sunday, Apr 11
Rice Bowl Lenten Program: Happy Easter!
We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we rejoice because Christ is risen! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl challenges us as we begin the Easter season to share the joy of having a loving God that is alive and accompanies us always. Let’s do the same by being present to our global family by caring for their material and spiritual needs. Remember to turn in your Rice Bowl at Mass or the Pastoral Center. You can also donate online securely at www.olgseattle.org Thank you for your generosity!
OLG Church is Keeping the Lights on!
As many of you can see, we have kept our Christmas lights up on the our large spruce tree in front of the church as a sign of hope not only in the midst of a pandemic but also as a beacon of light to the injustice of racism. Let us all strive to be a light to all we meet!

2021 Day of Service: Rainier Valley Food Bank Youth Project
Signups are open for the Day of Service on Saturday, Apr 24! Calling all 7th-12th graders! This week's featured project is the Rainier Valley Food Bank, the busiest food bank in all of Seattle, located in one of the most diverse areas of the city. Serve alongside other youth and help RVFB fulfill its mission to “nourish with good food, empower with knowledge, ...Continue Reading
Attention Parents/Guardians of Young Children Seeking Baptism
Our parish will not only help prepare you for your child’s baptism but will also support you in the years to come. Our next Baptism Preparation Class is May 5, 6:30 pm by Zoom. Contact Helen to begin the process.   We look forward to welcoming your new addition to our parish family!

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651