Ms. Heidi shares some fun ideas to do at home. More below
Kellen works on his 2nd grade science project
The 1st grade class meets Baby Nguyen via zoom
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Tomorrow wear your OLG Spirit Wear and share on our facebook and instagram sites for a fun connection with all our OLG friends!

Here we are in the third week of remote continuous learning and we've heard from a number of you! There have been 81 responses on the quick survey family survey I sent Monday and its been some excellent feedback. Only 4% have responded with "too little" amount of work and 18% have said "too much," so we're honing in on the sweet spot!
I'll leave the survey open tonight and tomorrow, so click here if you haven't taken it yet!

This week I share an update from Mrs. Gazewood and Ms. Nadalin on our salmon...
Here are our salmon fry thriving in the school. First grade students learn all about the Salmon of the Pacific Northwest by reading along with Mrs. Gazewood, now through her YouTube channel ! Learning about the salmon’s tenacity inspires us to persevere through the challenges of remote learning….”Just keep swimming!”

Thank you to our salmon caretakers while we're out of the classroom... our salmon tank doesn't have a livestream camera (they aren't as fun as those zoocams you can find), but this recent picture taken of our little fry shows they really are growing up quickly!

O ur OLG Art web page has a special live stream class offering Tuesday (2/7) and is continuing to be updated along with the other specialists mentioned last week, so keep checking each specialist's pages for additional fun and learning opportunities if you're looking for more to do and some variety as the days move along. Heidi has more tips for you below in her section as well!

As we enter into Holy Week this Sunday, please make special note of the services and offerings of our parish. Those little rice bowls can still be turned-in, even though our annual Holy Thursday Soup Supper our school staff puts on will be greatly missed. Read on in this newsletter and we'll be praying for all this Holy Week.
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Now till April 26th - Remote Learning
Apr 3rd - OLG Spirit Day - Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform is always good :)
Apr 5th - Palm Sunday Mass- Live Streamed 10:00 am
Apr 7th - Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction- Live Streamed 9:00 am
Apr 9th - Stations of the Cross- Live Streamed 3:00 pm
Counselor Corner
Finding Focus

The other night I watched a Garth Brooks Special on TV. I noticed immediately how odd it was to see a closely packed audience, the musicians side by side on the stage, and handshakes and hugs between presenters and performers. Not a hint of social distancing. We’ve all noticed the commercials on TV showing people on buses shoulder to shoulder, or playing sports, or crowded into a bar or restaurant. Rick Steves gets to travel through Europe, hoping on and off packed streetcars in Zurich, making his way through a market to sample cheese. How about game shows, or talk shows, with people jumping up and down and embracing? There are re-runs of cop shows, with police chasing the “perp” through herds of people crossing New York streets. These programs, commercials and events…are all normal stuff. But they are also PRE-VIRUS. Our awareness of these dramatic changes in our world cause us anxiety. How do we cope, how do we shift our focus, as our world seems to grow smaller and more threatening?

Family therapist Lori Gottlieb shares her thoughts in The Atlantic magazine-... Continue Reading

Click on these snapshots below for videos on keeping active at home. More activities here too!
Fort fun
Outdoor fun
If you missed Ms. Heidi's video from last week, click here

Yearbook Photos Needed
We are looking for pictures for the yearbook!

Send in your photos of OLG students at special events,
sporting events, and school day fun!
2020-2021 Registration
If you completed re-registration for the 2020-21 school year – THANK YOU!  Your on-time registration helps us greatly in determining class size, budgeting new books/chairs, etc. Re-enrolling families, use this checklist, or in a nutshell:

  1. Register here:
  2. FACTS: On-time registration fees are due April 20th -- More FACTS details here
  3. To qualify for in-parish tuition (K-8), please submit the Confirmation of Parishioner Status form EACH YEAR to the parish office. Return the form via email. Or paper forms can be mailed or dropped in the parish mail slot by their front door.

Questions? Contact  Laura Wong  or  Shelley Bradley
FACTS update & Tuition Concerns
We understand that many families in our community are experiencing financial challenges. We want to support families as much as possible, but are also limited in resources as well. Please contact us right away if your family is experiencing a change in your financial position. Changing payment schedule or tuition assistance is available. Contact Laura Wong or Principal Kramer for your needs
Parent Org News
Update on 2020-2021 Commitment Hours
Recognizing the current hardships and all the volunteer hours we as a community have invested already, and the fact that we are all now putting in many hours supporting our children's education in a different way (from home), it seems the right thing - and the Christian thing - to waive outstanding volunteer commitment hours for the remainder of this school year
It is our hope that the OLG spirit of community service and educational support will continue when we are once again able to volunteer in person more regularly. Log a few more hours virtually: you can still help out with posting to our facebook, commenting in the parish livestreams, and sharing stories with others!

Thank you to Marnie and Paul for your diligent work compiling and reporting commitment hours !

Yvette Messina , PO Chair
OLG Parish News
Mass Tuesday-Friday 9am and Sunday 10:00 am  
Holy Thursday Mass Apr 9th 7:00pm
Stations of the Cross Thursdays 3:00 pm & Good Friday Apr 10th 3:00 pm

CLICK HERE   to live stream

Click here for the "Guad Squad" weekly update
Safe Parking Update
Our Safe Parking program is now fully up and running with three guests each night! We will limit the program to these three spots for the time being. It is exciting to see this moving forward when so much else has necessarily been canceled! Thank you for your support. If you are interested in volunteering with this program, contact Jennifer
Help St. Vincent de Paul get Food to those in Need
During these unprecedented times, our St. Vincent de Paul conference could use your help serving our neighbors in need. Without our regular Masses, we are not able to collect food donations, so we are receiving bags of food from the West Seattle Food Bank for our clients. Could you make a run every week or two to pick up the bags and drop them off in the OLG food pantry below the church? Vincentians always do home visits in twos but many of our volunteers are in the at-risk category. Do you have time to accompany a Vincentian as a second volunteer every now and then? Please contact Jennifer .  Here is a picture of the OLG Student Council collecting for SVdP in December.
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl:
Do This in Memory of Me
As we enter Holy Week, we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist as our heavenly food. We continue to reflect on the challenge of global hunger. How does our faith inspire us to share the gifts that God has bestowed on us? Since we will not gather in person on Holy Thursday, the day we usually collect our Rice Bowl donations, we ask you to please donate online or to drop a check off at the OLG Pastoral Cente r made out to “OLG” with “Rice Bowl” in the memo (mail slot to the left of the doors). You can donate online and enter the amount in the “Rice Bowl” field.  Or, give directly at

Thank you for your continued support of Catholic Relief Services as they respond to COVID-19 in 114 countries. Remember, 25% of Rice Bowl donations also stay local to help with hunger alleviation in our own communities!  Also on the Rice Bowl website , are some excellent resources for Holy Week, including a virtual Stations of the Cross.  

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651