Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Our Advent Season continues right along...This week our candle of "PEACE" was lit on Monday morning... read more here for your family reflections this week. Wednesday our annual School OLG Feast Day Celebration took place with fabulous leadership of our student council re-telling the story of Our Lady and Ms. Sager and our amazing 4th/5th grade choir! It was anything but peaceful at the beginning and end of mass with our Band and Choirs praising the Lord in musical joy!

Continue to bring in those food and dollars for the St. Vincent de Paul drive, and read on for more events in the school next week. Join in other advent events providing a connection with our greater OLG community. In this season of light, let us continue to grow together in Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Dec 14th - K-8 Report cards coming home
Dec 18th - Christmas free dress and Santa pictures. Wear red and green holiday attire. Bring $1 to have picture taken with Santa. More
Dec 19th - K-8 Report card envelopes due back
Dec 21st - Noon Dismissal for Grades K-8 1/2 Day.  Sign up for EDC
FACTS to Know
Tuition Assistance Grant Application Available
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance this year to our school families. All families must apply each year through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.

Fulcrum Application Due Date: 1/4/2019 
(note this date is during OLG's Christmas Break!)
Honor Band Auditions
Information regarding Honor Band auditions have been handed out to all band students, grades 6-8. Auditions will be held at Kennedy Catholic High School on January 14th and 15th from 5:00 - 7:15p.m. In addition, all 8th graders have received details about the Cambronero Band Scholarship to Kennedy Catholic High School. Those auditions occur in conjunction with the 2019 Honor Band auditions.

Parent Org
Scrip Gift Cards Ordering - Deadline extended to FRIDAY at 3pm!
Great news! Still need to buy gift cards for the holidays? You can place your order by Friday and still receive by Christmas break. Cards will go home with kiddos unless you let us know otherwise. 

  • Turn in order form and payment to turn into school by Friday at 3pm
  • Directions to order online are here by Friday at at 3pm. If you order online and are paying with check, please make sure the check is turned into the school office by 3pm Friday.

Upcoming Dates
  • Jan 19th - Trivia Night!
  • Jan 27th - School Open House
OLG Parish News
Giving Tree
A BIG THANK YOU to all who took tags from the Giving Tree. All the tags were taken this year so we know many families will be helped! Please return all gifts by THIS Sunday, December 16. Gift cards go in the marked box in the church and WRAPPED Sanislo gifts go in the green barrel in the narthex. If you forgot your gift this weekend, please drop it off in the Parish Office on Monday. Thank you for your generosity!

Did you miss the  Catholic Relief Services Ethical Trade Sale?    You’re in luck because there are still many great items left! Check them out in the Parish Office!  

Simbang Gabi
All are encouraged to join Archbishop Sartain and Catholics from around the Archdiocese for the Simbang Gabi Commissioning Mass on December 15 th , 11am, at St. James Cathedral.  This annual Mass is part of the Share the Journey initiative of the Archdiocese. OLG parishioners will be gathering in the South Transept near the Blessed Sacrament in the Cathedral.  OLG and Holy Rosary will co-host a Mass at Holy Rosary at 5pm that evening. 
Our School Fund Drive is under way! Support the extras that make our school special... from essentials like Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique Distinguished Educator Award.
Thank You to those who have given already... we are over $30,000 towards our $90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" Button below or from the front of our website to make your gift before year end to receive a tax write-off for 2018.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651