Thank you to all the Special Persons that joined us!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Good morning this final day of Catholic Schools Week. After the concert on Wednesday and Special Persons yesterday, I have to admit I was a bit exhausted and didn't get this written last night. Well, I'm in my pajamas this morning and happy to remind everyone to stay in pajamas today (or feel free to wear OLG Spirit Wear if that's more comfortable)! Pajama Day to finish our week!!! You only have to change if you're coming back tonight for the Free Throw championship :)

Parents, please note below updated info on the Safe Parking Program (you've probably seen that hospitality hut getting installed in the north gravel lot). Also Auction tickets and news are moving along, as is the Day of Service plans!

Parents, thank you so much for your support of all that OLG accomplishes. This week has truly felt like a celebration of all the wonderful things our teachers, students, staff and families do here at OLG.
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Jan 31st - Student Appreciation Day - Students wear Pajamas or OLG spirit wear
  • Free Throw Championship 6:00 pm
Feb 2nd - Family Faith Sunday
Feb 4th - OLG Auction Team Meeting 6:30 pm
Feb 7th - OLG Spirit Day - Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform
  • Chinese New Year Parade by 3rd grade/Pre-K 9:00 am
  • Deadline to RSVP for Auction Tickets
School Happenings
Free Throw Competition
Friday, Jan 31st at 6:30 pm
The OLG Knights of Columbus Free Throw competition is open to all boys and girls, ages 9-14. Parents/guardians - please come at 6:00 pm to fill out a participation form. Winners at each gender and age level will be awarded an engraved plaque and be invited to compete at the district level in February. State championship in March. All participants receive a certificate for their efforts.
Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Friday, Feb 7th at 9:00 am
The 3rd grade and Pre-K will celebrate the Chinese New Year with a parade in our hallway. Families are welcome to watch. Our parade will have Lion and Dragon Dancers, dragon puppets, and lanterns!
Extracurricular Registrations Now Open for Grades K-8 Details Here

Registration for Spring after-school classes and Vacation Bible Camp (June 22-26th) are coming soon. Questions? Contact Laura Wong
Parent Org News
Are you in need of volunteer hours? Want to support the event but can't attend as a guest?  What a great way to be part of the fun! Volunteer sign up is available now. Questions please reach out to
A few sponsorship opportunities remain! Please email Rebecca Arcarese

Tickets available now at
OLG Parish News
Safe Parking Update: Volunteers Needed! 
The Hospitality Hut arrived this week, signs will be going up soon, and our new ministry team met for the first time to assess how to welcome our new guests ! We are looking for volunteers to help keep the Hut organized, to help with the grounds, and to be on-call for freezing nights so our guests can get out of the cold overnight . With that in mind, we are installing a new keyless entry so volunteers can easily access the building. If you would like to volunteer and/or be part of a Safe Parking Ministry team, please contact Jennifer ASAP or 206-935-0358 x120. We will hold a training for all volunteers on Monday, Feb 10th at 6:30pm in the Pastoral Center basement.   

Catholic Advocacy Day: Register Now!
Are you interested in learning more about advocacy but aren’t sure where to start? Join Catholics parishes and organizations from around the state at the annual Catholic Advocacy Day in Olympia on Thursday, Feb 20th.  The day includes issue briefings, legislative visit training, and group meetings with legislators from your district (you can elect to talk or just listen).  Register by Friday, Feb 7th to get a seat on the West Seattle bus.  Click here to learn more about potential advocacy issues.
Join the Day of Service Planning Team
Looking for a fun, short-term volunteer opportunity? Need volunteer hours for school? The Day of Service team is looking for a couple people to help plan and implement the March 28 event. Join us on Friday, Feb. 7th at 8:30am in the Pastoral Center for our monthly meeting. 
Day of Service 2020: Tri-Parish Foodbank
Save the Date for the Day of Service on Saturday , Mar. 28th . With 18 projects to choose from, we feature one each week so you have more info! This week's featured project is Tri-Parish Food Bank.  Each summer, our teens volunteer with the Youth Migrant Project (YMP) in the Skagit Valley. A big part of the week is stocking and serving food through the Tri-Parish Food Bank at St. Charles in Burlington.  On Mar. 28th, everyone can serve migrant workers and others in need in the community while learning more about the realities of migrant life. Perfect for all ages, especially those who want to check out the site before YMP this summer.    Click here to learn more 

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651