THIS SUNDAY, Feb 3rd: Family Faith Sunday
The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our faith and attending Mass each Sunday strengthens more deeply our call to discipleship. Mass is something we do joyfully,
as a people of God. We celebrate God’s unending love for each of us, and as a family, we experience in a deeper way how we are part of a community of God’s people. Sunday Mass allows us to praise God together and to support each other by our presence and our prayers. Please come to this very important Family Faith Sunday at
9:30am in Walmesley Cntr
, and plan to attend Mass the 11:00 a.m. together. We will have fun engaging activities and will have take-home worksheets for parents and guardians to continue their role as the primary teachers of the faith to their children
This Week's Tip on Caring for Creation: Bring your own water bottle
When you use a reusable water bottle, you can keep up to 217 plastic water bottles per year out of a landfill, and save an average of $260 per year on bottled water! More to come next week…
Confirmation Celebration, Feb 16th 5:30 pm
You are invited to join Bishop Mueggenborg and Fr. Jack as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our youth and adult candidates. A reception will follow in the gym.
Looking for a way to serve others and earn commitment hours?
Volunteers are needed to host our Confirmation reception after the 5:30 pm mass. Reception will be simple with cake, nuts, fruit, and drinks. If interested, please contact
St. Vincent de Paul Helps Federal Employees with Rent Assistance and Food
If you or a friend are a Federal Employee adversely impacted by the government shutdown, know that St. Vincent de Paul is here to help. Food, free clothing, personal hygiene supplies, etc. are at the Georgetown Food Bank (5972 4
Ave S); open T/Th/F/Sa from 11am to 2pm. For more information or help with other services, call the SVdP hotline at
. You can also call the Parish Office and we will do our best to help:
Help Support Safe Streets by the Duwamish Longhouse
The Duwamish are asking for help advocating for safer streets outside their longhouse. They have a proposal in with the City of Seattle and the community can weigh in on its priority level. The proposal is for a safe street crosswalk and slow down signal along W Marginal Way SW near the longhouse and Herring House Park. You can attend an SDOT meeting on February 4 from 6:30-8 at South Park Hall or
rank the application online
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Camp Second Chance Open House
City-sanctioned “Camp Second Chance”, located on city-owned Myers Way Parcels, is petitioning the City for an extension to allow their encampment to stay and they are asking for our advocacy. You can learn more about the situation in a recent
West Seattle Blog.
The residents of Camp Second Chance also invite all to attend an Open House in the camp on
Sunday, February 10 from 1-4pm
. There will be music, dancing, food, fun and fellowship. Tour the camp, see the Tiny Houses, meet the residents. If you cannot attend that day, contact
Erik Davis
to arrange a tour.
Day of Service 2019: Veterans Administration
Save the Date for the 2019 Day of Service on
Saturday, April 6
. With 12 projects to choose from, you may need more information! This week's featured project is
Veterans Administration - Community Living Center.
Located at the VA Medical Center, the VA - Community Living Center is a place where Veterans stay to receive nursing home level of care. Their mission is to restore each Veteran to his or her highest level of well-being. On the Day of Service, volunteers will bring their lunch and eat with the veterans, then join in a game of bingo while visiting with the veterans. This is a great project for all ages.
Learn more
Help Plan the Day of Service
Plans are underway for the 5
Annual OLG Day of Service on April 6. If you’d like to help with the planning, promotion, and implementation for the final couple of months, please join us for our next meeting on
Friday, February 22 at 8:30am
in the Pastoral Center. This counts for volunteer hours in the school and you get to meet some fun people!
OLG Immigrant Ministry is Welcoming New Members
Come check out OLG’s Immigrant Ministry as we seek new ways to encounter our immigrant brothers and sisters through education, advocacy and community building. Our next meeting is
Friday, February 15
at 1:00pm in the Pastoral Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
February Community Meal
All are invited to this free, sit-down meal on
Sunday, February 24
at 1pm in the Walmesley Center. Come meet others in the community and enjoy a wonderful meal. This month’s meal is provided by Hope Lutheran.
RSVP stands for "Ritual, Scripture, Verse, and Prayer"
Lent begins on March 6th. During the season of Lent and this time of transition, you are invited to participate in a six-week, parish-wide series designed to build closer relationships in our community while fostering a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through Scripture.
More details