Light of Leadership Mass June 5th
Our 2019-2020 Student Council!!!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Here we are in the final days of this school for the year, yet I find myself with so much to say about exciting new developments looking ahead! This week our 2nd-7th graders voted on their 2019-2020 Student Council (Pictured above, not pictured: Kendyll King). I don't think I've every heard such an excellent set of speeches by students! From dreams and jokes to caring for the poor and marginalized, we heard it all. We are going to have a mighty student council next year! Mr. Casey and Ms. Hobbs are excited to be working with this amazing student leadership team over the next 12 months! Congrats to our Student Council for next year, and all the outstanding candidates!

  • President: Yonathon Fitsum
  • Vice Pres: Lily Sewell
  • Secretary: Rachel Croft
  • Asst. Secretary: Liam Stampe
  • Publicist: Sophie Nguyen
  • Asst. Publicist: Kingsley Womac
  • Lead Representative: Liam Baier
  • Representatives:
  • Katie M.
  • Ava L.
  • Gresham C.
  • Nico A.
  • Matthew N.
  • Kelsey O.
  • Benjamin V.
  • Joseph M.
  • Kendyll K.

Tomorrow at 9am on our final day of school, we'll be specially honoring Fr. Jack and Mr. Santos. We say goodbye as a school to both of these dedicated ministers / teachers / leaders / friends of our children, families, and peers. They both have been truly integral to our growth as a community, and have set us all up for success as we move ahead. We look forward to all things new as we continue to Grow in the Light of Christ. Save the date for June 30th for Fr. Jack's final goodbye BBQ party :)

Up ahead for us this summer is installments of new members of our community, Fr. Kevin Duggan and Ms. Kelly Smale. Fr. Kevin's bio was handed out at mass last weekend, but if you missed it, better read it here! He'll begin with us during the weekend of July 7th at masses, but we are looking forward to officially welcoming Fr. Kevin to the parish in several events this summer: a nice informal Pancake Breakfast on July 21st, and the formal installation on August 4th! Ms. Smale's bio will be up on the school website shortly and of course, she and Fr. Kevin are sure to be at our Supply Drop-off Night on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, kicking-off our new school year! First official day of school is Tuesday, Sept. 3rd! Have a happy and safe summer!!!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
June 13th – Jump Up Day - Students visit their classroom for next year
June 14th – Last day of school
  • All School Mass - Students in full uniform. Please join us 9:00 am for our last mass
  • Noon dismissal
  • NO afternoon EDC or Pre/Pre-K Aftercare
June 17-21st - OLG Summer Camps
June 30th – Fr. Jack Farewell BBQ!
Aug 12-16th - OLG Vacation Bible Camp Preschool to 5th Grade
School Happenings
Last chance to pick up Lost and Found
Lost and found will be on the outside ramp by the front doors. Please stop to look for missing items (stop by after Friday mass!). Items will be donated to our friends at St. Vincent DePaul after the last day.
Please pick up Medications
If your child has medicine stored in the school office, please pick it up.
Uniform Exchange
The end of the year is upon us. We are collecting uniforms every day this week. There are empty boxes at both drop off/pick up areas at the north and south parking lots. Please bring in your  gently used pants, jumpers, skirts, etc. Or, at any time you can bring them to the office. E-mail  Erin Pedras with any questions.
Summer Hours
  • For the remainder of June, the office will be open 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • In July and early August, the office will be available by appointment only
  • After Aug 12th, the office will re-open 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

FACTS Questions - If OLG office staff is not available, FACTS customer service is available 24/7 at 1-866-441-4637. Make sure to make contact at least 5 business days prior to any scheduled payment.
ELC Summer Camps - For Preschool/Pre-K summer camps, please call the ELC directly at 206-223-3486
Summer is a good time to get immunizations up-to-date and obtain a copy of Certificate of Immunizations (CIS) signed by a parent or guardian Also make sure your Called to Protect is up-to-date for school volunteers.  School supplies lists and other enrollment forms will be available on our web site this summer.
Summer Learning
Summer Math and Reading
Parents: We highly encourage you to keep your student on the suggested schedule so they can maintain the skills they have learned this year. Students in these current grades will receive:

  • Kindergarten - a summer packet with math and reading review
  • 1st grade - a summer packet with math and language arts review. They also will receive individualized book lists at their reading levels and are encouraged read aloud 20 minutes a day
  • 2nd-4th grades - a math packet and are encouraged to read 20-30 minutes a day
  • Grades K-4 - Math Whizz and XtraMath will be available to your students throughout the summer. We recommend that you continue to use these resources as well! For optimal results, use Math Whizz for 45 minutes a week and XtraMath 3-5 times a week.
  • Grades 5-7 Math - Students will receive a mandatory summer math packet assignment in class. A digital version can also be found on Ms. Savio's website.
  • Grades 5-7 Reading - A list of summer reading assignments will be available after Jump up day on Ms. Hobbs web site: 6th grade will need to read one book of choice; 7th-8th have a required novel. 8th will have an additional book of choice requirement.

Also, check your student's report card for comments and recommendations (report cards will be mailed this year). Here is an article on easy ways to avoid the summer "loss".

Students in K-4 who complete and return their packets to next year’s teacher on the first week of school will be eligible to participate in an ice cream party . If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Lawler. Middle schoolers (no ice cream party) just tests and a book assignment in September. Have a fun and safe summer!

Bridget Lawler, K-5 Math Specialist & AST Coordinator & OLG Middle School Teachers
Save the Date
Sunday, June 30th
Let’s celebrate 17 years of ministry together with Fr. Jack

We will gather after Fr. Jack's final Mass at 11:00 am on June 30th, 2019. BBQ celebration to follow for the parish and Fr. Jack’s family! We will bring burgers, hotdogs, utensils, and all of the trimmings, if you could please help bring the rest? Sign up to contribute
Wednesday, August 28 th
School Supply Drop Off & Social 5:30-6:30 pm
ELC (Preschool/Pre-K) Orientation 6:00-7:00 pm

Join us to connect with other OLG families, greet your child’s teachers, drop off school supplies, uniform exchange and more! School supplies lists and other enrollment forms will be available on our web site this summer.

First day of school: September 3rd (noon dismissal)
CYO News
Welcome Dan Campbell as new Athletic Director!  Coach Daren has done an amazing job over the years and is staying involved in track&field coaching.  Thank you Daren & welcome Dan!

Thank you to all students, parents, coaches and the CYO Board for their hard work this year. FALL sports signups are going on now:

Interested in coaching? Contact Dan Campbell, see link above, or your recent CYO Constant Contact email!
Congratulations to our OLG Track & Field Team! Their Second Place trophy on display at the front desk. Go Bulldogs!

You should have received a new CYO email through Constant Contact recently for our fall sports signups. If you haven't seen it, check out the OLG CYO webpage.
Summer Camps
Please consider these excellent summer opportunities! 

OLG Parish News
Spotlight on Catholic Relief Services  
Join CRS’ Footsteps in Faith recurring giving program and become a part of sustainable, long-term solutions around the world....

The Price of Fashion on our Planet
As consumers we have the power to change our habits, choose sustainable options and care for creation! Learn more at  e   

Eliminate Hunger: Tell Congress to Protect Programs that End Hunger
The House appropriations committee recently passed bills on the budget and the  first  of those connected to foreign aid is expected to be voted on this week in the entire House. Send your representative an email today.  

What is your Carbon Footprint?
The Nature Conservancy has developed a Carbon Calculator that helps you calculate your personal “carbon footprint”. Use this interactive tool to discover your impact on the environment and find ways to reduce it. Visit to learn more.  

Join us for the June Community Meal
All are invited to the June Community Meal on Sunday, June 23 rd  from 1-2pm in the Walmesley Center. This is a free, restaurant-style meal open to everyone in community. Come enjoy fellowship and good food. This month’s meal is provided by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

Come Together Catholic "Cornerstone":  Oct. 18-19, 2019
Early bird registration going on thru June 20th, more details
School Fund Drive
School Fund Drive Payments Due!
Time to make payment on your pledge! Your gift must be received before the end of this school year to help us fund our staff's professional development and our school tuition assistance commitments.

Support the extras that make our school special: from essentials like Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique Distinguished Educator Award. We continue to move towards our $90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" button below or from the front of our website to make your gift.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651