Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental
community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Check out our
parish website for resources and information to enrich your family’s experience of Lent. Follow the
CRS Rice Bowl Calendar as we reflect on our role to care for the most vulnerable - those with hunger, lack of economic opportunity,
or those impacted by natural disasters.
Dear OLG Families,
What amazing times we live in! There are rapid changes everyday to how we live our lives and carry forward. Earlier today Governor Jay Inslee announced all public and private schools in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties are required to close through April 24th. As stated earlier, OLG will enact its Remote Learning on this upcoming Monday, March 16th but will now extend the duration through Friday, April 24th. Teachers and I are meeting tomorrow in our professional learning day to update our plans and send you more information as this continually unfolding situation develops.
In preparation for a lengthened school closure, we anticipate some of our families might need additional tech assistance.
Click here
if your family will need to check out a chromebook for home use.
We anticipate our 80 to 90 available chromebooks will be available for pick up on Monday. The parish and school office will remain open at this time for business.
Our annual
Parent Survey gives each family a voice in things upcoming at our school and will remain open for input through Sunday, Mar. 15th.
As we wrapped-up this short week, Mrs. Savio and the entire middle school had great experience celebrating all things Pi with our annual Math Games, taking small groups of students around to all the math games they had prepared! Also congrats to our amazing memorizer reciting 120 digits of Pi from memory (Matthew, 6th Grade)
Thank you to each and every one of you for prayers, for words of support, and for patience as we journey together as one OLG community! If you haven't heard it yet,
Archbishop Ettiene's message to all of the archdiocese is well worth a listen! More to come tomorrow as our teachers prepare and build on lessons for our upcoming days...
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Mar 13th - NO SCHOOL
(Staff Inservice)
Going on till Friday, March 27th
School may have moved to
Remote Learning
, but you can still help make a difference in the lives of our homeless & homebound community members! Supplies can be dropped off at the school or parish office.
2020-2021 Registration
The registration deadline is less than 2 weeks away!
Click here for a
registration packet, or pick up a paper packet at the front office. If you have a student in Preschool/Pre-K, notice a change in ELC Aftercare hours and pricing
here. Note this year has a
new registration link!
Internet Safety
As we move to remote learning, our recent internet safety presentations has provided us with these additional resources to help protect children online:
Safe Parking Update
We are on our way! The keyless entry for the basement has been installed and new amenities continue to be added to the hut. Our first guest has been screened and approved by Urban League. If you are interested in volunteering with this program, contact
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: Meet Yvone
Meet Yvone from Kenya. Through Catholic Relief Services programming, she learned proper nutrition and hygiene practices to help keep her healthy and in school. Yvone now has a chance to dream and the strength to follow those dreams. How can you ensure that young people in your community receive proper nutrition and hygiene support? As the coronavirus spreads around the world, many of the countries where CRS serves will struggle. Infrastructures, resources, and conditions are already stretched thin. Our Rice Bowl Supper and first Fish Fry were cancelled due to the coronavirus locally.
Please consider contributing more to your Rice Bowl this year to make up for the difference and to address the growing need
. Visit
crsricebowl.org for more.
What are you doing for Lent?
Check out our
parish website for resources and information to enrich your family’s experience of Lent, including “Lent in 60 seconds-with Legos!”
Day of Service 2020: modifications underway!
Over 190 people have signed up for the Day of Service on Saturday,
March 28
! Our service project sites are making decisions around the COVID-19 decrees from Public Health.
Continue to check out the website
for more information!
All registered participants should have heard from their project leads by now. If you haven't received a message, please contact
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651