We all are making modifications for remote learning!
Fr. Kevin live streams Mass from the Pastoral Center
Ms. Sedivy (3rd grade) recording her next online lesson!
Parents pick up "to go" lessons at the school office
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Wow... we have transformed our school VERY rapidly into a haven of remote learning. Kudos to teachers and support staff for working so hard, even while their children are also at home, to shift so quickly to a new format... and of course, to all of you who are now juggling all sorts of new experiences! We are all journeying together into this new realm of social distancing.
How do we do it?
Through community! We may be farther from each other physically, but our Many Parts still makeup the One Body of OLG!!! Whether it is continuing to practice our faith at home, watching and participating in the live streams of daily Mass, or connecting to teachers and friends through videos or "zoom" meetings, we are still staying connected. Our school and parish continue to thrive and serve:

  • School Office Hours: Tomorrow (Friday) 8am-4pm for packet pickup.
  • Next week adjusting to 8am-3pm, further adjustments as needed
  • Blood Drive next Monday is still going on (the need is great)!
  • Day of Service still on for next weekend (see website for modifications)
  • Care Kits still being collected (will be assembled at a later date)

This is a radical change in how we live our lives. This journey is not without bumps. We know that there is a lot of adjustments we're making... from loss of income, to worry and illness, to shifts in schedules and routines, to the many unknowns in front of us. Here is a positive and a confident I can share with you in this moment: We just completed our annual school survey and there were over 100 responses (out of 205 families in our school and that is the highest response rate we've had in years. Thank you! There is a lot to digest in this many responses, but in one of the first questions "Academic Excellence" listed as the highest ranked reason for sending your child to OLG school, followed closely by "Faith and Values." As we continue on our journey together (and look towards next year as well), I hope we continue to meet and exceed your expectations for academics, faith, and values! The school commission and I have begun the deep analysis of the data and more will be coming next week.

In these trying times, read on for a special message from our School Counselor, Ms. Heidi. I leave you with two more thoughts on how we journey together in this time of "distancing" ... a poem by Lynn Unger, and a request from Pope Francis for Worldwide Rosary tonight at 9pm. God Bless!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Now till April 26th - School Closed - Remote Learning
Mar 20th - [Cancelled] Lenten Fish Dinner
Mar 23rd - Blood Drive 1-7pm Walmesley Center - Sign up
( use sponsor code 3907)
Mar 28th - [Modified) Day of Service
School Happenings
2020-2021 Registration
Click here for a registration packet, or pick up a paper packet at the front office. Note this year has a new registration link!

If you have questions about enrollment, we are here to help! Contact Laura Wong or Shelley Bradley. Plus, documents are updated throughout the year on our Parents Documents & Links web page. Glad to have you back!
Still collecting thru Friday, March 27th

School may have moved to Remote Learning , but you can still help make a difference in the lives of our homeless & homebound community members! Supplies can be dropped off at the school or parish office.

 Click here for a list of supplies needed.
Counselor Corner
Dear OLG Families,

As we step along an ever-changing landscape, it’s bewildering and challenging to say
the least. It’s difficult to move ahead not knowing WHAT’s ahead. Along with family,
friends, the school community, the world community, we recognize this is an
experience we ALL share. As we remain focused on keeping our families calm,
healthy and safe, our children look to adults for guidance and how to react to
stressful events. How can we best provide them with clarity, support, and some

Staying connected through Distance Learning is one way. Just as teachers are
providing students with remote learning plans over the weeks to come, I will post
on my web page Social Emotional Learning (SEL) resources and activities for students
and families.

I invite you to begin by reading the following article:

Not only does this important message highlight how to speak to your child about
COVID-19, but it also provides specific guidelines and resources for the challenges

Let’s stay connected, take care!
Ms. Heidi

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us…
OLG Parish News
Live Streaming
Mass Tuesday-Friday 9am and Sunday 10:00 am
We are now live streaming our masses. There are two ways to access:
  1. Facebook: From the OLG Parish Facebook page, click RED LIVE in the upper left.
  2. Parish web site and email-blasts: We hope to have live links running by Saturday. Nonetheless, recordings will be available.

Safe Parking Update
We welcomed our first guest last week! They have settled in nicely and enjoyed the warmth of the hut during the recent cold spell. We are hoping to have a second guest by the time you read this.  If you are interested in volunteering with this program, contact Jennifer 

Volunteer at St. James “Cathedral Kitchen”  
If you have availability during the weekday, please consider helping with the Cathedral Kitchen dinner program. Many of their volunteers are seniors and have asked to step away for the time being due to the coronavirus. If you can volunteer once a week to prepare dinner and serve, starting at 1pm, please contact Patrick Barredo 206-382-4515.  
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: Meet Maria Ana  
Maria Ana and her brothers receive one meal a day at school, so that they can focus on achieving their dreams. How was education important for your future? How can you we ensure that all young people have a chance to be educated?   As the coronavirus spreads around the world, many of the countries where CRS serves will struggle. Infrastructures, resources, and conditions are already stretched thin. Our Rice Bowl Supper and first Fish Fry were cancelled due to the coronavirus locally.    Please consider contributing more to your Rice Bowl this year to make up for the difference and to address the growing need .  Visit crsricebowl.org for more.

What are you doing for Lent? 
Check out our  parish website for resources and information to enrich your family’s experience of Lent, including “Lent in 60 seconds-with Legos!” 
Day of Service 2020: modifications underway!
Over 190 people have signed up for the Day of Service on Saturday, March 28 ! Our service project sites are making decisions around the COVID-19 decrees from Public Health.  Continue to check out the website for more information! All registered participants should have heard from their project leads by now. If you haven't received a message, please contact Jennifer .  

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651