Ms. Savio works with her Middle School math classes from home
Mrs. Wilson prays her daily pray with her 4th grade class
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

I'm continually surprised and delighted by the stories from teachers and families on all our new learnings and experiences this past week! From Fr. Kevin's Live Streaming of Masses ( Tuesday-Friday 9am and Sunday 10:00 am + weekly Stations of the Cross Thursdays 3pm), to amazing teachers ( see pics above) to all the individual and classroom interactions... its been great to see so many different ways our community has taken to this new way of being! I know you've also been inundated this week with many messages and ways to connect; two I share again here are Fr. Kevin's letter to all families and our 2020 Annual Survey report. I also want to share the pictures here from several of our school families with what they have been up to...
This week 4th Grade started "Zoom" calls as a class...
The House family works together on 5th grade science project!
4th graders continues their service ministry at the VA Hospital by writing letters to veterans. Alexa shares her letter!

And with inspiration from Alexa... we can all continue to serve others through...

We are all in a time of radical change in how we live our lives. This journey is not without bumps. We know that there is a lot of adjustments we're making... from loss of income, to worry and illness, to shifts in schedules and routines, to the many unknowns in front of us. Here are a couple other brief notes that can also help:
  • How are you? A quick (4 question) family checkin/survey will be coming out on Monday morning as we start Week 3 of continuous remote learning. We value your input and want to know how else we can support you and your child's learning!
  • Trimester 2 Report Cards: Delayed - will be mailed home the week of April 6 upon conclusion of the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order
  • April 13-17: Spring Break: Yes! A well-deserved break for all!!!
  • June 12: Last Day of School: Current guidance from the state and Archdiocese says our regularly scheduled last day will still remain in effect!
  • Parish and School Offices continue to serve your needs. Voicemail and email is continually monitored to maintain our essential services!
This is a loaded newsletter with much more info... read on!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates

Now till April 26th - Remote Learning
Mar 28th - [Modified] Day of Service
Mar 29th - [Cancelled] Over 65 Dinner
Apr 3rd - OLG Spirit Day - Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform is always good :)
Counselor Corner

Spring is slowly making its grand entrance. Days are slightly warmer, with sunset now at 7:30 pm. The air seems fresher. Daffodils have bloomed, and tree buds are plumping! Are there more and louder birds out there, or is it just me? So much HAS stayed the same, in nature. But we see changes around us, and they are dramatic. Our individual experiences may differ…

Is your family able to hunker down (there’s that expression again) amicably? Are you working along side your spouse / remote learning kids? Or do you go out the door as an essential worker (thank you!) each day? Perhaps you and your family have figured out some things that are working, settled into a routine, found a balance of work and play, a flow, day to day.

I think it’s worth noting once again - if you haven’t already read Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus ) found on my webpage, please do so. As it notes, “You know your child best. Let their questions be your guide as to how much information to provide. However, don’t avoid giving them information that health experts identify as critical to ensuring your children’s health. Be patient; children and youth do not always talk about their concerns readily. Watch for clues that they may want to talk, such as hovering around while you do the dishes or yard work. It is typical for younger children to ask a few questions, return to playing, then come back to ask more questions. When sharing information, it is important to provide facts without promoting a high level of stress. Remind children that adults are working hard to address these concerns and keep them safe.”  

How can you make your day to day less stressful?... Continue Reading

Our Fine Arts and More...
The OLG Art web page will be updated soon with virtual lessons. In the meantime, enjoy Mr. Casey's 5th grade class art using natural materials
Music (K-5) - Ann Sager
Ms. Sager updates lessons weekly on her web page!

Middle School Choir - Mrs. Jessica Milanese
Middle School Choir is contacted directly by Mrs. Milanese

Band (5-8)- Miss Frances McKamey
Practicing is expected! Click on your band level below for important homework information and tracking - requires parent signature
  • Beg. Band (5th grade) - Practice festival music and continue on in your book
  • School Band (6-8) - Chromatic Scales & practice all concert music
  • Honor Band - Concert music + Sorrowful Mysteries.....Week 3, 4, 5

Access Senora Brodahl's weekly lessons on her Spanish Remote Learning page K-8

K-5 Math Specialist - Mrs. Bridget Lawler
Fun activities, lessons and resources are available on the Math Specialist web page

6-8 Math Specialist - Ms.Savio
Middle school is already in the flow with Ms. Savio's Math Specialist 6-7-8 home page

Physical Education (K-8) - Mrs. Powell
Mrs. Powell is updating lessons weekly on her Physical Education web page

Available by email, or find tech help on the Remote Learning FAQ page!
FACTS update & Tuition Concerns
We understand that many families in our community are experiencing financial challenges. We want to support families as much as possible, but are also limited in resources as well. We are still engaging students in teaching and learning and the expectation is that families will continue to pay tuition based on their contract commitment for the 2019-2020 school year. 
  • Should you reach a position where your family is unable to pay tuition, the School Office is authorized to postpone tuition payments and equally distribute them through August of 2020. We are also permitting 10 month (Sept-June) payment plans for families who request them for the 2020-2021 school year. We will not require documentation of a situation for these changes.
  • Please work with us closely to avoid any late or NSF fees.
  • If your family would like to request any reduction in tuition, you must apply/update financial aid thru FACTS or send an email to Mr. Kramer for our Scholarship Committee to review your financial situation and respond promptly. For any reduction in tuition, we will require documentation to process the request.

Our school has cut back on many costs to continue to keep a balanced budget for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year as we account for lost revenues. Our teachers have been limited to only essential purchases for teaching and learning. Options such as SmartwithArt and cleaning services are limited and under further review. In order that we continue to pay our teachers and staff, it is essential that we continue to collect tuition. We understand that for some families this may not be possible. Please call or email us so we can work together. 

Further tips on FACTS  you may find helpful:
OLG Parish News
Mass Tuesday-Friday 9am and Sunday 10:00 am
We are now live streaming daily and Sunday masses with Fr. Kevin so that everyone can participate in our parish prayer.    Masses are celebrated Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 9:00 am and on Sunday at 10:00 am.  

CLICK HERE   to live stream

Please note that if the livestream doesn’t appear in the feed automatically, click the red “ Live ” button on the left hand side of the page. You are also invited to print out a copy of the  " Spiritual Communion Prayer "  so that you can join Fr. Kevin in praying it at the time of communion.  You do not need a Facebook account to view it, but if you do have an account, " Like " 👍our parish page and you will receive notifications of when mass begins, along with other updates. Questions? Contact Helen

NOTE : Following the Sunday mass, a link will be immediately posted connecting you to the liturgical music Ann Sager and the Starry Crowns created for that particular mass..
Stations of the Cross
Thursdays 3:00 pm & Good Friday Apr 10th 3:00 pm
Stations of the Cross will be live streamed which can be accessed by Facebook or website .

Safe Parking Update
We are up and running and hoping to have a second guest by the time you read this. If you are interested in volunteering with this program, contact Jennifer 
Day of Service 2020
There are several options available!
If you would like to serve, check out the website for updated information. All registered participants should have heard from their project leads by now. If you haven't received a message, please contact Jennifer .  
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
As the coronavirus spreads around the world, many of the countries where CRS serves will struggle. Infrastructures, resources, and conditions are already stretched thin. Our Rice Bowl Supper and first Fish Fry were cancelled due to the coronavirus locally and there are no physical Masses during the usual CRS Collection weekend.  Please consider contributing more to your Rice Bowl this year to make up for the difference and to address the growing need.  Visit for more.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651