Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Happy Spring! Flowers are blooming and trees are pollinating; growth abounds! This week and next, we are helping bring in supplies for the Homeless/Homebound kits that will be assembled on Apr 6th, the OLG Day of Service. There are more than 200 folks signed-up for Day of Service, beating last years record numbers!!! That's some growth! Please support the Homeless/Homebound Kit collections in any way you can.

As we are currently mid-way through Lent, we also seek internal growth in our relationships and our purpose in the world. Our 2nd graders encountered their first of two sacraments last weekend; their First Reconciliation. Soon they will also have their First Communion. These are excellent reminders to us all that we can seek these sacraments beyond the first time. Our 2nd graders model this enthusiasm for new relationships with Christ, and with the entire community this Lenten/Spring season.

In Spring we have many opportunities come to us... from new enrollments in our school for next year, to Father Jack's upcoming retirement, to our staff transitions. As many of you know we've had transitions in our EDC staff this year and do currently have one more opening to fill for after school care. Please share this link with anyone you know who might be interested!

Also announced today to students and middle school families is a growth opportunity Mr. Santos is choosing to take for next year. Mr. Santos has been with us at OLG for 14 years and we are sad to see him go, but pleased that he has found a place to continue to stretch his wings! He asked that I share his letter here to the entire OLG community. We have been blessed to have Mr. Santos with us all these years, and we pray for his growth in a new place. Rest assured, a Santos presence will continue to be felt on campus as we welcome a new Santos (nephew) into our next year's Kindergarten class!

We are actively seeking a new middle school teacher. With this good lead time Mr. Santos has provided, I am positive we will find an excellent person to fill out our middle school team as we continue to Grow in the Light of Christ, together! I will keep you all informed to the progress as we continue to move forward in this school year.

Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Mar 29th - Lenten Fish Fry 6-8pm Walmesley Center
Mar 31st - Season of Lent & Faith Family Formation
Mar 31st - Over 65 Dinner 1-3pm School Hall
Apr 4th - Jogathon kickoff & FCE's heading home!
Apr 5th - OLG Spirit Day Wear OLG Spirit Gear, anything CYO, or your uniform
Apr 5th - Last Day to donate to the Homeless, Homebound and Refugee Care Kit Drive
Apr 6th - OLG Day of Service !!!
School Happenings
Enrollment for the 2019-20 school year

An invoice for registration fees will be set up in FACTS Friday for families who have re-enrolled and have not paid by check. (If your FACTS account is set up on AutoPay, the funds will be withdrawn on April 17th - no further action required. If your account is not on AutoPay, you need to log in or call FACTS to make a payment before the due date).

In-Parish forms can be dropped off at the Parish office (Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30, or drop in the mail slot by the front door 24 hours a day). The parish will communicate with school. Thank you for helping keep the Parish/School records up-to-date in preparation for our new priest.

Contact Laura Wong or Shelley Bradley with questions
Spring After School Classes starts April 1st

Sign up here to learn Chinese, create with Trendy Crafts, or perform in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory! Details on our web site. Contact Laura Wong  with questions.
OLG School Homeless, Homebound and Refugee Care Kit Drive
On now until Apr 5th!

Please donate items to our annual Lenten Drive supporting our neighbors in need!
Band News
ALL band members (gr. 5-8) are preparing for upcoming concerts! Please take note that these following dates are graded/required performances!

  • Wed, May 15th : BAND FESTIVAL/KENNEDY CATHOLIC H.S./ 7 pm - More details to come!

  • Wed, May 22nd: OLG Spring Concert

Please make sure your student is on time for class, brings their instrument
to rehearsals and practices in between!!

Spring is in the air! It's concert time!!
CYO News
CYO Track & Field Registration closes April 8th

CYO Track & Field is open to 4th-8th grade Boys & Girls. Cost is $30 per child and sibling discounts do apply. Please make sure you take the discount at check-out during registration. Practice begins April 9th at the SW Athletic Complex across the street from Sealth High School. Weekly practice is Tuesday 6:30-7:30 pm and Friday 6:00- 7:00 pm
Send out Fr. Jack on a High Note
Fr. Jack is a big fan of the game of golf and has always been a part of our OLG Golf Tournament. Come out and send him off in style with a great turnout at our 12th Annual OLG Golf Tournament – May 4th. Sign up today to play and share a great round of golf in a fun scramble format with friends, family, and parishioners as we raise money for OLG CYO sports activities and the In-Parish Help Fund.
Questions? Contact our tournament chairperson Jason Standifer, or 206-931-0268
Parent Org
Don't Miss out! - Auction Buy-a-Spot Socials!
There are still some Auction Buy-A-Spot events available. Don't miss out on fun events with your OLG friends! These spots will  go fast , so get them while you can! This is our final week of sales for these events (closing sales April 4th)!

B ring your check to the front desk with "buy-a-spot" in the memo line.

1.    Dance Class with Nikki Womac - $30 - 8 spots available 
Friday May 31 st , 7 – 10pm
Walmesley Gym

2.    Pushups, Pizza + Beer (Dad’s Night Out) - $40 - 2 spots available
Hosted by Patrick Lamb
Thursday April 11 th , 5pm
Project 968 + Supreme Pizza

3.    Moms, Margaritas + Barre - $50 - 9 spots available 
Hosted by Saragh Lamb 
Friday May 3 rd , 4 – 5pm (Class at Barre 3); 5 – 8pm (Mission Cantina)

Spirit Wear Sale
Kids outgrown their OLG spirit wear? Never enough spirit tees for a clean one on Spirit day? Spirit Wear is available for purchase again - now thru April 4th!

Get your family vacation ready with top brands like Kohl's, T.J. Maxx, American Eagle, and Journeys. Spring into style with   scrip ! We also have a new partner, Nintendo eShop. Level up your family gaming and earn an 8% for OLG. Shop scrip on your mobile phone. Please contact the  Scrip Team   with questions.

OLG Parish News
March 31st More information

Tip on Caring for Creation
As you might have heard, many churches are inviting their congregations to  give up plastic for Lent.  Easier said than done, but a discipline that is very appropriate for Lent. During this holy season, you are invited to find ways to limit or eliminate the use of plastic—and hopefully this will become a regular habit in your life!

Lenten Prayer Partners for the Elect & Candidate
(three of whom are school parents!)    It is not too late to “adopt” one of our Elect or Candidates as they prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.    You are asked to pray every day for him/her asking for God’s blessings and guidance. Also, notes and cards will be collected during Holy Week to be given to them before Easter. You can learn more about each of them in our  Book of the Elect

OLG School Chorus Singing National Anthem at the Mariner Game June 3rd
Mariners take on the Houston Astros in T-Mobile Park.    Click here for Order Form . Deadline to order tickets is May 10 th

Lenten Communal Reconciliation Services
Wednesday, April 10, 7 pm and Saturday, April 13. 1 pm

Day of Service 2019: OLG Campus Drop-In Project
The OLG Annual Day of Service is Saturday, April 6. With over 200 participants signed up, many of the projects are full but there are still a few left if you’d like to join us! This week’s featured project is the OLG Campus Drop-In. Looking for a way to participate in Day of Service, but unsure how to incorporate a full day project into your already busy weekend plans? The OLG Campus Day of Service Drop-In project is just for you! This great project is open to people of all ages and runs from 9:30am- 2pm.This year, volunteers will have the opportunity to partake in a variety of tasks, ranging from creating Care Kits for the homebound and the homeless, to making rosaries and cards for various organizations. You can also help prepare the OLG garden for planting so we will have a fresh crop to donate to the West Seattle Food Bank. To learn more about Day of Service or to sign up for a project, go to:

Encounter Kumba: Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl  
We encounter Kumba from Sierra Leone, who, through her education, is providing hope for her family and community. How has education fiven you opportunities in life? How do you use your education for the common good? Visit  for more.  

Volunteer with Holy Rosary’s Women Shelter
Did you know that OLG is now partnering with Holy Rosary to host a shelter for up to 10 women every Saturday and Sunday night from September to June?  With homelessness on the rise, this is a great opportunity to help provide a safe space for women in our community. Men, women, and girls over 15 are all welcome to help. You can serve as a driver or overnight host or provide food for the women. If you’re interested in getting involved, contact Diane at  or visit the website at

Fr. Greg Boyle is Coming to OLG: Get your Tickets now!
We are excited to host Fr. Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries on Wednesday, May 8. “Fr. G” is a Jesuit priest in L.A. who started the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program in the world. In his talks, Fr. G shares stories and much wisdom about difficult realities, humanity, restorative justice, community and God’s boundless love and compassion. We anticipate this event being very popular so be sure to get your tickets now! You can buy $12 tickets online (+$1.41 service fee), in the parish office, school office and after Mass.  Learn more. See more about his OLG presentation    

Spotlight on Catholic Relief Services
"A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that
individual can be you." ~ Pope Francis 

Are you looking to join a community of Catholic advocates confronting global poverty? Join Catholic Relief Services' mobile action network and receive text message alerts right to your phone when urgent action is needed. All you have to do is text the phrase “CONFRONT POVERTY” to the phone number  306-44  right now to sign up! It's that easy to make a difference.
School Fund Drive
Our School Fund Drive continues... Support the extras that make our school special: from essentials like Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique Distinguished Educator Award.
We continue to move towards our $90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" button below or from the front of our website to make your gift.
Remember your gift must be received before the end of this school year to help us fund our staff's professional development and families' Tuition Assistance commitments.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651