Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Welcome our new families to this newsletter. Tonight we welcome 43 new students to our community in our New Parent Information Night. The 2019-20 school year is fast approaching! Please pray for our new enrollees and greet them in our midst in the coming months!

Our 2nd graders today at all-school Mass reminded us to share our gifts with others. We certainly have gifts and talents abounding here at OLG, from Kennedy BandFest last night with our 5th-8th graders, to the Music Man performances tomorrow and Saturday, to the Spring Concert next Wednesday (5/22) and school Talent Show next Friday (5/24). Today Fr. Jack also reminded us that although sharing talents are excellent ways to make the world better, but it's really our gifts towards others such as forgiveness, and treating the poor and vulnerable that can matter even more!

Here at OLG we provide many ways to practice this gospel call: the service projects each class takes part in (currently a "West Side Baby Drive"), our school-wide drives (such as Saint Vincent DePaul in December), our own personal gifts to parish services, and larger organizations such as through the Archdiocese Annual Catholic Appeal. These gifts toward others provides excellent opportunities to teach our children and to help carry forward Christ's message to the world. Thank you for all the gifts, and talents, that you share each and every day in your family and our community!

This week we certainly have a lot coming-up these next few days with Jog-a-Thon pledges wrapping-up, all the performances mentioned above, and finishing Spring MAP testing! I also want to share with you our news of hiring next year's 7th Grade Homeroom and Middle School Humanities teacher, Ms. Kelly Smale. Ms. Hobbs will be looping with her current homeroom into the 8th grade homeroom. Ms. Smale comes to us from a Gonzaga undergraduate degree in History and English Literature and is very excited to be joining our staff. She is visiting OLG tomorrow and looking forward to seeing our musical in action! Let us welcome Ms. Smale and all our new families, and continue to Grow in the Light together!
Yours in Christ (He is RISEN!),

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
May 16th - New Family Night 6:30 pm Math Lab
May 17th - Music Man presented by OLG 8th grade 7:00 pm Walmesley Center (gym)
May 18th - Music Man presented by OLG 8th grade 7:00 pm Walmesley Center
May 21st - Salmon release 1st and 6th grades
May 22nd - Last day of After School Tutoring
May 22nd - Spring Concert 7:00 pm
May 24th - Talent Show 1:15 PM School Hall
School Happenings
Our 8th grade is ready to perform the Music Man May 17th and 18th at 7pm at the Walmesley Center (gym). Admission is free!
Westside Baby Drive

Tomorrow is the last day to bring in:

toothbrushes and toothpaste
diapers in any size, especially sizes 5 and 6
shampoo & conditioner
baby bottles

Presented by the 3rd Grade, Pre-Kindergarten and Preschool classes.
FACTS to Know
2018-2019 Wrap up
As the school year ends, we need to ensure any invoices outstanding are closed. This is a friendly reminder to check your FACTS account for any outstanding balances for the 2018-2019 school year and pay by the end of June. Please contact Laura Wong or Anton Kramer with questions.
Summer Camps
Please consider these excellent summer opportunities! 

Parent Org
Jog-A-Thon Money Due Tomorrow!
Pay online:
or bring a check to the school office with the invoice
Over $17,000 collected so far on $25k+ pledges. Thank you for your support!

A huge thank you to Lissa Baier and Linda O'Keefe
for making the Jog-A-Thon a huge success!
Volunteer for Next Year!
Your PO Classroom Rep has sent an email to your class with volunteer opportunities for next year.  Get a jump start on your commitment hours by committing to a classroom job now! Questions? Email for more information.
OLG Parish News
SIGN UP  for Loop the ‘Lupe! This exciting event includes an obstacle course, a Youth Dash for kids under 8, plus the 5K run/walk & "Senior Saunter" (events without obstacles) on Saturday, June 8th at Walt Hundley Playfield. Contact event organizer  Brian Callanan  (206) 459-4292 with questions. GET IN THE LOOP!!!

Third Annual Catholic Immigration Summit
Join Catholics from around the Archdiocese and members of OLG’s Immigrant Ministry on Saturday, June 8 from 9am-4pm for the Third Annual Catholic Immigration Summit at St. Catherine Parish (814 NE 85 th  St, Seattle 98115). Tony Cube, National Manager for Justice for Immigrants, will be the guest speaker. Hear about and reflect on current immigration situations. Learn, network, and develop personal and communal commitments.  Click here for more information and to register. Registration required by June 1. 

Anxiety in Youth:  Angst
St. James Cathedral invites all ages 10 and up to a screening of documentary film  Angst  on Sunday, May 19 from 4-5:30pm in the Chancery Building (910 Marion Street).   Angst  invites us to hear candid interviews with teens, educators, experts and parents. Recommended for all who experience anxiety, want to avoid experiencing anxiety, and want to be prepared to support children and youth who experience anxiety. A panel of young people who live with anxiety will provided a Q&A session following the viewing. Free parking in the Cabrini Garage and O’Dea parking lot.  Information or RSVP

Spotlight on Catholic Relief Services
In Ethiopia, about 2.8 million people were forced to leave their homes because of conflict and war. When they were finally safe, there were no bathrooms, access to clean water or privacy. When Catholic Relief Services arrived, they met immediate needs like food, water, shelter, and they also restored dignity and encouraged social cohesion. Visit  to find out how you can help.

Join us for the May Community Meal
All are invited to this free, sit-down meal on Sunday, May 19 at 1pm in the Walmesley Center. Come meet others in the community and enjoy a wonderful meal. This month’s meal is provided by Scout Pack 284. 

Take some Care Packets for your car!
This year, as part of the annual Day of Service, OLG school collected donations and volunteers assembled many Care Packets. These packets are intended for you to take with you in your cars. When you see someone in need on the street, you can offer them a little love from our community. Get your packets in the back of church or in the parish office. 
School Fund Drive
Our School Fund Drive continues... Support the extras that make our school special: from essentials like Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique Distinguished Educator Award.
We continue to move towards our $90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" button below or from the front of our website to make your gift.

Remember your gift must be received before the end of this school year to help us fund our staff's professional development and families' Tuition Assistance commitments.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651