Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership.
Dear OLG Families,
It is performance season here at OLG! We've performed physically in the
Jog-a-Thon, academically in our Spring
MAP testing, and in the past week our 8th grade musical
Music Man and this past Wednesday's
Spring Concert! It's not possible without the love and support and dedication of all adults, but especially:
- Lissa Baier & Linda O'Keefe for their enthusiasm and organization of the Jog-a-thon. Their vision and motivation keeps us all Running in the Light...
- Ms. McKamey, Mrs. Milanese, and especially Ms. Sager for their dedication to the music programs of OLG and creating a program of joy and learning through the arts. Thank you for a wonderful Spring Concert!
- Building on the amazing foundation Ms. Sager and friends create in the music department, Natalie Trius, Nikki Womac, Mr. Santos, and Ms. Savio led our 8th Graders in an outstanding production of the Music Man. Behind the set talents of Ms. Heidi, The Well's Fargo wagon has come to River City and brought us all the gift of music and dance this spring! Great work 8th Grade team!!!
And we're not done with the talents and gifts as we move forward.... Friday (5/24) at 1:15pm we have the school-wide
Talent Show where more than 20 acts are signed-up from across all grade levels. And next Tuesday (5/30) @ 7pm is the performance of our multi-age theatre production of
Willy Wonka (great work from Sing-out-Seattle!). All are invited!
Finally, Field Day approaches quickly, (Friday May 31st) and thank you to all the Parent Org, and Mrs. Powell, and 7th & 8th grade leadership of this excellent School Family event!
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
Anton Kramer
Celeste I. (3rd grade),
Principal for the Day!
May 24th - Talent Show 1:15 PM School Hall
May 27th - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
May 28th - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory presented by OLG students 7:00 pm Walmesley Center (gym)
May 29th - AfterSchool Tutors Recognition Event 2:15-3:00 pm
No tutoring - EDC (K-8) is free 2:15-3:00 pm
May 31st - Field Day 9:00 am and Picnic -
Volunteer here Afternoon volleyball game Staff vs. 8th grade
June 1st - Safe Environment Class on OLG campus. To volunteer, you must take this class. Sign up on
Come see OLG students perform
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory on Tuesday May 28th at 7pm at the Walmesley Center (gym). One-time performance. Admission is free!
New to OLG? Looking to volunteer?
This class is
for all first-time volunteers. Take advantage of classes offered at OLG's campus on these dates:
Protecting God's Children
June 1st, 2019 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Sept 21st, 2019 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Register at:
If you do not have a VIRTUS profile, create one. Once you have logged into your profile, click on the “Training” tab and then on “Live Training”. Go to the bottom of the page and click on “Pre-register for an upcoming live training session in your area”. More trainings available throughout the area.
The OLG Student Council is having their final school-wide fundraiser for the year. Our school has sponsored international education and support of children through NPH for many years. Our donation drive will be going on through Friday, May 31st. If you would like to support an incredible organization and children throughout the world, please feel free to make a donation through the school's front office, or with your children, and help the students reach their goal of $1,000! Click for more information:
Students who donate $1 or more a day get a prize, and every $5 donation also gets a raffle ticket for prizes ranging from gift cards to free dress passes!
If every student donates at least $4, we will exceed or goal, and will be able to make a big difference in our Catholic community! Thanks to our Student Council for their wonderful lunch-time presentations about this important project.
The NPH fundraiser is short, next week only! It’s amazing what we can do when we work together!
2018-2019 Wrap up
As the school year ends, we need to ensure any
invoices outstanding are closed. This is a friendly reminder to check your
FACTS account for any outstanding balances for the 2018-2019 school year and pay by the end of June. Please contact
Laura Wong or
Anton Kramer
with questions.
Looking for tax reports?
They can be accessed in your FACTS account. See how to access
Please consider these excellent summer opportunities!
Volunteer for Next Year!
Your PO Classroom Rep has sent an email to your class with volunteer opportunities for next year.
Get a jump start on your commitment hours by committing to a classroom job now! Questions? Email
olg.parent.org@gmail.com for more information.
for Loop the ‘Lupe! This exciting event includes an obstacle course, a Youth Dash for kids under 8, plus the 5K run/walk & "Senior Saunter" (events without obstacles) on
Saturday, June 8th at Walt Hundley Playfield. Contact event organizer
Brian Callanan
(206) 459-4292 with questions.
7 Things You Didn’t Know about CRS
Learn more about Catholic Relief Services, the humanitarian nonprofit that we know through Rice Bowls every Lent, and our Fair Trade sale in the fall. Last year, CRS turned 75 years old. Find out more about CRS here:
A Rice Bowl Thank You!
We are happy to announce that we raised $5,413.72 this year through our Lenten Rice Bowl program, a 12% increase over last year and our biggest collection to date! Thank you for your generosity to our global family. A special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their support and donation, to our CRS Ambassadors, and our faithful coin counters!
Young Adults
Justice Café
Build community, deepen your spirituality, and act for justice with the Intercommunity Peace and Justice (IPJC) Justice Cafés for Young Adults! Topics for Season 2 on Justice for Daily Life will include Spirituality for Social Justice, Overcoming Polarization, and Social Justice as a Vocation. Contact
Christian Cousins,
206) 223-1138
Human Trafficking is a Modern Day Issue
Did you know that slavery is still a problem, even here in the U.S.? The U.S. government has led the fight against human trafficking with a policy of preventing trafficking, protecting victims and prosecuting traffickers. Catholic Relief Services has addressed the issue with more than 145 projects around the world. Catholics have the opportunity to urge our leaders to combat human trafficking by enforcing transparency in corporate supply chains. Together, we can work toward eradicating human trafficking. Visit these websites to learn about which goods may be products of forced or child labor, then make personal changes and invite your parish, school, or work community to join the effort to end human trafficking:
School Fund Drive continues... Support the extras that make our school special: from essentials like
Tuition Assistance, to the support services and extra-curricular programs, to our unique
Distinguished Educator Award.
We continue to move towards our
$90,000 goal this year. Use the "Make a Donation" button below or from the front of our website to make your gift.
Remember your gift must be received before the end of this school year to help us fund our staff's professional development and our school tuition assistance commitments.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651