Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Dear OLG Families,
What a Field Day this week! Thank you to Mrs. Sullivan and all our student leaders for putting on an enthusiastic and fun event, even with the scattered showers and all! Our wonderful 8th graders added thier extra creative energy by sharing their musical, "A COVID Life" with all students watching in their classrooms in special viewing parties as they dried off!
As we move into June, note the special events of next week in the calendar below. Also, a reminder that with all the news and excitement about counties' phases and mask wearing, our schools remain with the travel precautions and mask-wearing at this time for ALL our students. We are excited that our 12 yr old and older students are starting to receive their vaccinations, but a reminder that to be fully vaccinated, individuals must have two weeks after their 2nd shot. None of our current students will reach this point before June 11th, the last day of school. If you are traveling out-of-state then continue to follow the quarantine travel rules to help us all end the school year together safely!
As for next school year, we look forward to beginning on Sept. 1st with many more fully vaccinated in our building. We have the ability to be fully in-person with our regular 5 day schedule (no more a-synch days)! In the coming weeks this June we will have a few "work parties" in order to move middle school classrooms out of the gym and back into regular classrooms! Here are a few more key things we are planning for the Fall:
- Continuing "staggered start"/drop-offs (8am-8:30am)
- Continuing entrance/health "screenings"
- A return to less screen time! Note: We do value the tech tools we have learned and 5th-8th grade can count on frequent 1-1 device usage. More info coming next week direct to these incoming classes. School loaned devices of this year will need to be returned for refreshing this summer.
- Continuing Distancing practices... We can move to 3ft in the classrooms/learning spaces, but our plans include maintaining 6ft distancing for meals/masks-off times.
- Continuing cohorting of our classes (recess, restroom use, movement through the buildings, lunches, etc) allowing for contact tracing/quarantine needs.
With 3ft distance changes and continual growth in community vaccinations, we are able to have 6th-8th grade returning to the regular classrooms, creating improved learning spaces for next year. This will also provide the ability to open up the gym/Walmesley Center for parish, CYO, and our PE class use (of course, all in compliance with current public health rules).
Enjoy the three day weekend and we look forwrad to celebrating our 8th graders next week!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Connect with me @ M/W/F 2pm zoom office hour!
May 31st – NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
June 1st - 3rd grade returns inperson
June 2nd - Light of Leadership All School Mass 9:00 am - Live Streaming
8th Grade Graduation 3:30 pm - Live Streaming
Car Parade and Drive-Thru Reception in North Lot 4:30-5pm. Hosted by 7th grade. Masks Mandatory. Stand under the basketball hoops/hillside and cheer on our 8th graders! Park on street.
June 3rd - Jump up Day - Students visit with their teacher for next year
June 10th = Last academic day (full classes/schedule)
June 11th = Final 9am All School Mass – Optional Mass with two ways to attend: in-person (signup and attend in person with family supervision) or Livestream (from home on personal device) -- NO Classes, no EDC
Parent Organization (PO) News
Kick-off Meeting for the 50th Annual Auction & Gala
OLG is hosting its 50th Annual Auction & Gala next year, and the Auction Committee wants YOU to join in the fun of planning the event! Join us Tuesday night, June 1 at 6:30 pm for our kick-off meeting – we'll be solidifying our theme, discussing summer procurement and the new donation process/timeline for school families, identifying potential sponsors, filling committee positions, and, best of all, hearing everyone's ideas on how to make this Auction one for the ages!
Auction 2022 Kick-off Meeting!
June 1st 6:30 pm
Join us as we solidify a theme, identify potential sponsors and fill remaining volunteer roles!! We want to hear from you!
PO Meeting
June 8th 6:30 pm
You are all valued members of the Parent Org. please join us for our last meeting of the school year. Get a first look at next year's event calendar.
Family commitment hours/volunteering will accrue to May 31, 2021
Positions available for 2021-2022! Plan all your commitment hours for next year in one swoop! Click here for Parent Org Open Positions
Summer Camp
June 14-18 9am-3pm
Summer Camps are back! In-person for grades K-5. Don't miss out on the fun! Camps taught by our stellar OLG teachers.
A Blessing for High School Graduates
All high school students who are graduating or finishing up their GED are invited to attend Mass at 5:30pm on Saturday, June 12 to receive a special blessing from the congregation. Let us celebrate you and pray for the graces you will need on your journey. RSVP by Tuesday, June 1 if you would like to participate.
Safe Parking Update
We welcomed a new couple into our Safe Parking lot this past week. We are happy to be up and running again! If you would like to support this effort, we need a few more volunteers to help maintain the Hospitality Hut. You can sign up for the days and/or times that work each month. For more information, contact Jennifer
Young Adult Scavenger Hunt
All young adults (ages 18-39) are invited to a Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, June 19 at 1pm. Gather one or more people from your “bubble” and meet us in person, socially-distanced to receive your packet of clues. The hunt will take your team around the greater West Seattle area, then we’ll all gather to award prizes. If you would like us to add you to a team, just let us know. Or grab your dad for a fun Father’s Day weekend event! To sign up, email Jennifer by Friday, June 11. If you would like to be part of planning YA activities, let Jennifer know.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651