Thank you for our first Teacher Appreciation parade!
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Our Appreciation/ Cinco de Mayo Parade was such a great time! Thank you for all who participated. We've got more community events too... Just about the time I send this there is the "Field Day Torch Lighting" tonight, and then more Field Day fun tomorrow (5/8). Wrap-up your week on Friday with a Live Stream @ 2pm of our Salmon release!

These fun events are meant to be enjoyed as a family and shared together with our whole community. Next week we'll also be having our first ever "Virtual Family Group" on May 15th (zoom invite coming soon from your child's family group leaders). Additionally, we continue to live stream Masses as a parish. Coming May 21st is our next "All School Mass" which we'll have special participants in.
Looking at the future also requires us to look at impacts from state and federal laws. One important change our state legislature has passed recently is around sexual education. Please read this letter of Support for Referendum 90 Letter from WA bishops. Given the current stay at home orders, and rules for social distancing, we are connecting registered voters with the following option to support Ref 90.
Parents for Safe Schools is part a a Coalition supported by Washington State Catholic Conference, that is, our WA bishops.

Finally, a word of news on the hiring front. Here's a special note to you from our most recent hire for Middle School Humanities:
  • Hello OLG! A little over a year ago, I needed time for some serious personal and professional growth. The last year of living and teaching in Maui has afforded me more growth than I could have imagined! I have loved every challenging experience, as well as every rewarding look at (and in) the ocean. Since I've been gone, I have led experiential and place-based learning projects; developed new elective classes; learned about Hawaiian culture, land, and language; lived and worked with international high school students in a boarding house; and eaten a lot of poke and acai bowls. I've taken up free diving and upped my ukulele game. I've driven, hiked and eaten all over Maui. Beyond all this, there are the many lessons I've internalized and am just now beginning to process; this year has just been relentlessly rolling with new experiences! And I can't think of a better place to share this with than home, OLG. See you in the fall, Guad Squad.
  • J.C. / Mr. Santos
We're so excited to welcome Mr. Santos back this next year as he brings strong continuity but also new insight and energy to our middle school. Exact homeroom duties and such will be worked out as we complete our Middle School team hires. More to come!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
From the Develoment Office

#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that took place on May 5, 2020. #GivingTuesday in May is in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

We had some great donors give through FaceBook! Thank you for your generosity.

You can still help us reach our $20,000 Goal to help our OLG Families and Staff during this time.

This platform is allowing us to accept donations online with reduced processing fees. Please help bridge the gap for our school and families in need due to COVID19.

Looking for other ways to help?
During this time at home social media has been our link to each other and the world. Can you share one of our posts ? Comment , like, sharing on Instagram and Facebook expands OLG's reach to the community. Please take a moment each day if you can and share!

Important Dates
Mondays - School office open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and by appointment for Packet Pick up/Drop off and Computer Check out

May 8th:
May 12th - 6:30pm Parent Org Meeting Online
May 14th - 6:00pm New Family Night Online ( by invite)
May 15th - 10am Family Groups Meeting: Zoom invites will be emailed to K-4 parents and to 5th-8th grade students
School Happenings
Order Now! 2019-2020 Yearbook 
$30 for a limited time* - orders close May 22nd
Don't forget to order this collection of memories for the school year.

*Orders received after May 22nd will be fulfilled while supplies last at $35 each
Note: Some families pre-ordered yearbook in October 2019. If you are not sure, check your FACTS account or, contact Laura Wong.
School Office Hours Mondays 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Have library books to return?
  • Need to pick up class handouts?
  • Need a Chromebook for your student's zoom meetings?
  • Questions about Enrollment for 2020-2021?

We are here to help! Stop by the school office Mondays or Email/call to set appointment.
Counselor Corner
Parent Org News
May 12th 6:30 pm
All are welcome!

MANY exciting things you won't want to miss! We will be planning and talking about many events, looking forward to next year and being back together!
Please continue to use Scrip to support our school, but please remember when ordering Scrip to not order physical cards at this time as there is no one available to distribute them.  Contact the   Scrip Team  if you have questions.
Help from home by posting to our OLG Facebook page!
Comment on posts and share stories with others
OLG Parish News
Youth Migrant Project is on! 
The Youth Migrant Project summer mission trip for teens (graduating 8 th graders through graduating seniors) is moving ahead! We will be accepting applications and preparing for a week of service in the Skagit Valley from August 10-14. This program, in its 5 th year at OLG, gives youth a chance to learn about migrant life by visiting the camps, working in the fields, and distributing food through the Tri-Parish Food Bank. We will join with youth from St. Anne, St. James and St. George. We will continue to monitor updated health advice as we proceed. Even if the regular program isn’t possible in its entirety, we hope to do something to assist the essential farmworkers and their families as they labor to put food on our tables! Applications are due by Sunday, May 31. Email Jennifer for more information.  

Help Get the Peace Garden ready to Grow!
Get some fresh air and exercise by helping out with Day of Service projects that were cancelled on the OLG campus. Help get our gardens ready to grow fresh fruits and veggies for the West Seattle Food Bank by weeding, spreading mulch, pruning, etc.  Sign up here.

Support the Welcome Table Meal Program
The Welcome Table serves a meal to homeless individuals and families in the White Center area every Saturday at noon at The Body of Christ Church at 1320 SW 102 nd St. In addition to a meal, snack food, hygiene supplies, and clothing are handed out to those in need. Support the meal by donating something for the meal (store-bought), non-perishable snacks (string cheese, canned meat, cracker packets, raisin boxes, fruit cups, etc.). They also desperately need men's clothing/shoes/coats/gloves, duffel bags, backpacks, blankets, Depends, tp, and toothpaste. Drop off donations between 11-11:30am before guests arrive. You don't even need to get out of your car....volunteers will unload it for you!

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651