Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Thank you Colonel Angello for a special Veteran's Day Assembly!
Dear OLG Families,
Corona Virus is surging in our state and we need your help. Just as our Veterans Day celebration focused our students on service to others, in today's newsletter I ask us all to face the difficult decisions around our holidays and how we can be of service to our own community.
It is clear from the recent public health briefing, from the Inslee family this evening, and in the news that our key indicators won't return to lower numbers anytime soon. Our schools are not the source of this spread and thankfully at this time OLG (and all of the Archdiocese schools) have had cases that only come to our door, but have not spread within. Unfortunately with the high case numbers in our community, we need to be ever vigilant that we maintain this protective environment. With holidays and possible travel in the coming weeks, it is vital we stop and think about our plans and the possible repercussions:
- Gatherings (if you must) ... fewer, smaller, safer, shorter!
- Masks up!
- "People who want to visit family for Thanksgiving should limit themselves to only the most essential activities now, and essentially quarantine for two weeks before even a small outdoor gathering." - State Health Briefing, Nov 10, 2020
- If you must gather with others, following this same guidance after your gathering... we ask OLG families to self-quarantine two weeks after Thanksgiving if traveling or meeting with others outside your home. A short survey is being sent to PS, PK, and Kindergarten families in order for teachers to prepare for students moving from in-person to remote learning. Families in Day Camp, simply adjust your day camp signups to match your family needs.
We are in this together. Some schools in our area have already reverted to remote learning, but we know that comes at a cost in transitions, in academics, and in stress on families. Our teachers are working hard on maintaining safe personal "bubbles" for themselves in order to continue to offer high level instruction to our children. Please, let's all do our part so we can continue to offer in-person instruction as much as possible.
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Saturday, Nov 14th - CYO Italian Dinner pickup 4:00-6:00 pm Pre-Order here
Fridays = Packet Pick up/Drop off Grades K-5 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Check with your child's teacher when packets are ready
We Truly Appreciate Our Veterans
Discussion started weeks ago. Fourth graders wrote essays on how to honor veterans. They spoke with parents to break open family stories and ponder big ideas such as service, sacrifice and love. Some students took their writing to final draft to enter the VFW annual essay contest. These same essays became student reflections for our OLG Veterans Day Assembly Zoom. Click here to watch the assembly.
What an honor to have our own Guadalupe parent, Colonel Anthony Angello, as our guest speaker. He encouraged us to think of three elements of service: fun, challenge and sacrifice. Colonel Angello gave specific examples from his life pointing to medals on his uniform to make his words concrete.
In recent years fourth graders visit the long-term care unit at the VA hospital in Beacon Hill. They practice the act of “being there”… sitting beside, listening, making eye contact and asking caring questions. Last spring we went to letter writing in place of in-person contact.
Thank you, OLG parents, for sharing family stories of service. Thank you to all our Guadalupe veterans. We are blessed, indeed.
4th grade teacher
Picture Retakes
Monday, Nov 23 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Yuen Lui emailed a direct link to families on Monday to view your student's photo. If you ordered a portrait package, they are ready for pick-up at school. There is still time to order: use the order link on the email from Yuen Lui. If you need a retake, please bring the pictures you want to return /retake on Nov 23rd and signup below.
Missed your picture or need a retake? Students, please enter the northeast entrance to the gym; Free dress.
Unable to attend? Send a portrait of your child in a JPG format to Janet McClelland by November 15 for inclusion in the yearbook.
Tuition Assistance Applications window it open!
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG, we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance each year to our school families. Families must apply each year through the FACTS Grant and Aid portal to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.
Fulcrum Application deadline is in January,
but we ask you to complete it before Dec 18, OLG's Christmas Break!
Parent Organization (PO) News
2021 Annual OLG Auction- Full Steam Ahead!
Share the event on social media and watch for the SAVE THE DATE coming soon!
If you have an item to donate and haven't yet reached out to Development Director Rebecca Arcarese, please e-mail her as soon as possible.
Join us 2nd Tuesday of each Month for PO Meetings!
Please JOIN the ALL parent Facebook Group! We want to connect with you!
When clicking to join please answer ALL 3 questions in order to be approved.
Looking forward to a great year!
CYO Italian Dinner Take-away
Saturday, Nov 14 4-6pm
Thank you for your support of our CYO programs!!
OLG’s Giving Tree is online this year and filled with tags for children in need at Sanislo Elementary and Catholic Housing Services’ Santa Teresita apartments. Through the Giving Tree, parents at Santa Teresita receive gift cards for their children, offering them the joy of picking out the perfect gift. Sanislo tags list specific gifts the children have requested. This annual tradition, even more needed with the pandemic, helps us share God’s love with those who are struggling during the Christmas season.
Please “take a tag” by signing up on our website. Returning the gift on December 12 between 11am-3pm. You can also drop gifts at the church or Pastoral Center by 12/13. Thank you for your generosity!
Get Your Chocolate Advent Calendar, Gifts, and Coffee Today!
OLG's annual Ethical Trade Sale is going online this year! Several promo codes are available:
Free shipping on 11/14-11/15 (code: SEHOLIDAY20)
$10 gift card on 11/21-22 (code: SEGC20)
Many of the artisans, farmers, and communities we support through the sale are struggling this year as COVID spreads and sales slow. Through our virtual sale, you'll find a large variety of unique, quality gifts AND 20% of sales come back to us! Win, win, win!
or at checkout simply type in the sourcecode = OLGFAIRTRADE
Interested in products from our other annual vendors?
Volunteers Needed to Move Garden Soil from Parking Lot
Thank you very much to the Trainor family for volunteering to move the remaining garden soil to our planting areas!! They could use some extra help as many hands make light work. Contact Helen, 206-935-0358.
Join with others as we gather that day to give thanks to God for the many blessings in our lives. Food donations for St. Vincent de Paul can be brought to the parish office anytime. The need is especially great this time of year.
Shoe Boxes of Joy Due Wednesday, Dec 2
It is that time of year where we create “Shoe boxes of Joy” for the variety of people served by CCS’ Volunteer Chore Services. Click here important guidelines. Please pay attention to the new information pertaining to COVID precautions. You can drop off the boxes here at the Parish Office or at the school. Helen, 206-935-0358.
Please Ignore Emails That Look Suspicious Asking for Money or Gift Cards
Please ignore emails that appear to come from Fr. Kevin asking for Money or Gift Cards. This scam has reemerged again at OLG and with many pastors in other parishes too. The Archdiocese is aware of the issue and has been trying to address it. Fr. Kevin wants you to know that he would never email parishioners asking for money in this way. Please share this information with others who might have been contacted.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651