Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Happy All Saints Day today! Last weekend we had our 8th grade Mathletes win an award, and a great Carnival. Special thanks to Hillary and Shauna for their excellent organization and direction, and all the volunteers who helped put on this tremendous event. And now we are into November already! This morning Fr. Jack was so impressed at Mass with all the students participating so well... shall I even say... saintly! Thank you for rallying this morning and having your child ready for Mass after our Hallowed Eve! Come again this Sunday for Family Faith events around the saints and a continuation of our faith celebrations in community with our entire parish! In-parish families, now is also the time to complete your sacrificial giving cards to maintain your active involvement in parish life.

This time of year also means FCE Envelopes came home today (empty and return tomorrow). First Friday is tomorrow: dress in OLG Spirit Wear, Progress Reports are coming home tomorrow, and Fall Conferences are upon us next week!  
Contact your teacher directly if you need more time than one slot provides, or if you must meet outside of the scheduled conference days & times (November 8th & 9th).  EDC is also open these days (see below).

Math Night and and final chance to vote is next Tuesday (check-out to read-up on issues and voter info). Book Fair is also happening next week. And read on for CYO Dinner, Fair Trade Sale, and more upcoming events. There is a lot going on at OLG!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates

Nov 2nd - OLG Spirit Day; Vision/Hearing check; Mid-tri Progress Reports go home
Nov 4th - Set back your clock - daylight savings ends; Family Faith Sunday 9:30-10:45am at Walmesley Gym
Nov 6th - Math Night 6:30 at School Hall
Nov 7th - Veteran's Day Assembly hosted by our 4th Grade class 9:30am in the School Hall. Noon dismissal. Sign up for EDC Nov 7th
After School Extracurriculars... in December!
Sign up now for our special after school workshops for grades K-8 in December.
FACTS to Know
Tuition Assistance Grant Application Available
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance this year to our school families. All families must apply each year through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.

Fulcrum Application Due Date: 1/4/2019 
(note this date is during OLG's Christmas Break!)
Student Life
Congratulations to our 8th grade math team who won the Most Spirit Award at Seattle Prep on Saturday! With 176 8 th graders from 22 different schools – it was a collection of math brainpower that nearly blew the roof off the Seattle Prep gym! Congratulations to our mathematicians!
Parent Org
The popular math night is back! Exercise your brain skills!
Family Math Night Nov 6th 6:30-7:45 pm at School Hall
  • K-3rd grades play fun family games that teach math facts
  • 4th and 5th grades solve family math problems where parents learn new math concepts
  • 6th to 8th grades lead math games for K-3 families

THANK YOU Halloween Carnival and Beer and Brats Team!
Thank you to all the team who coordinated the Halloween Carnival and Beer & Brats. Both events were a huge success! Thank you especially to Hilary Reeves, Shauna Fredrickson, and Sandra Watson for all your efforts!

Spirit Wear Orders coming home next week
If you ordered spirit wear, your orders will be coming home next week.

Have you signed up for SCRIP yet?
Look for an order form and directions on getting setup for Scrip in this week's FCE!  More information 

Auction Procurement Deadline
Reminder that to be entered in the Early Bird Drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card, you must turn in your family procurement form and item by Friday Nov 16. Look for more details in this week's FCE!
Donate to our school just by shopping at our local West Seattle Thriftway. West Seattle Thriftway will refund 1% of all purchases through their 1% Cash Back Community program.  Save your receipts and bring them to the collection box in the office.  That’s all there is to it. Get your family and friends involved too! 

West Seattle Thriftway
4201 SW Morgan St
CYO News
Italian Dinner tickets now available!
Ciao! Down with Us!
Saturday, Nov 17th at Walmesley Center

Appetizers, Dinner, Dessert, and all Beverages Included
Wine grab! Raffle Tickets! Give-aways! Dancing! More information
Raise money for CYO Athletics

By using your computer to purchase tickets, you can choose your table and seats.
OLG Parish News
Remembering those who have died
During the month of November, beginning with the Feast of All Souls, we remember all those who have died, including parishioners from this past year. We invite you to bring a picture of your loved one and place it on the Memorial Table near our All Souls Banners. You can also write their names in our special Book of Prayer. We will keep all of them in our prayers.   Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.
RSVP (Ritual, Scripture, Verse and Prayer)  
In preparation for Advent, we are offering a four-week, parish-wide series designed to build closer relationships in community and foster a deeper spirituality. This year, groups will be invited to reflect upon Pope Francis’ recent document on holiness, recognizing that all of us are called to holiness. For more information, please contact Helen Oesterle at 206-935-0358, x108, or visit our parish website

OLG Immigrant Ministry Welcoming New Members
Come join OLG’s Immigrant Ministry as we seek new ways to encounter our immigrant brothers and sisters through education, advocacy and community building! Our next meeting is Friday, November 9 at 9:30am in the Pastoral Center. We are looking forward to seeing you. Contact Jennifer for more information.
Many people of faith are concerned about racism in America today. Where do we start? What can we do? What is “white privilege” and its role in society today? How can we respond to the systemic nature of racism in our politics, economy, public education and criminal justice system?  The Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center invites you on Saturday, November 10 from 8:45am–3pm at St. Joseph Parish (732 18th Ave E, Seattle).  RSVP by November 2 .   $25 Suggested Donation includes lunch.  

Mass for the Deceased Homeless
You are invited to gather at St. James Cathedral (910 Marion St., Seattle) on Thursday, November 8 at 5:30pm for a special Mass in memory of the men and women who died on the streets, in shelters or hospitals, or by violence in our community this past year. Please join to honor their memory, to celebrate their lives, and to pray for them. All are welcome to bring winter hats, gloves, and scarves to be distributed to those in need. 
Catholic Bishops Endorse Initiative 1639 to Support Gun Violence Prevention
Highlighting the sacredness of human life, the Catholic Bishops of Washington State issued a statement endorsing Initiative 1639 on gun violence prevention. The full statement is available at
This week's tip on Caring for Creation
As we enter the fall/winter heating season, consider keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature. The Department of Energy estimates savings of 1% for each degree reduction per 8 hours. Cutting back 7-10 degrees during hours when you are sleeping can bring a total savings to as much as 10% a year. Dress in layers and keep a sweater handy!

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651