Principal's Letter
Principal Kramer
Dear OLG Families,

What a tremendous week! We celebrated last Thursday in our Charleston Wrap recognition assembly (see FB for more), socialized as adults at the Beers & Brats and then came together in community on Catechetical Sunday! This week in classrooms we've been wrapping-up the last of our MAPS testing and making it this short academic week count for everything we can. Thank you for all your support of these amazing students and faculty we have here at OLG! I feel blessed (and a little younger looking) after such a tremendous few days!

A quick reminder for MS families that tonight is the Regional HS info night hosted by us... starting at 7pm!

Tomorrow while your children are at EDC or in the care of others, you have blessed us with a staff day of inservice. Our staff will be gathering for a day of three R's: Reflection, Retreat, and wRiting. This day is set aside for our staff to continue to grow in their faith and leadership, and continue to build on the great work we've begun the year together. Again, thank you for working with us on providing this necessary day to move our dreams forward.

I also wanted to share that our Development Director position is now in the first round of interview, with a second round being scheduled in the next week or so. I look forward to sharing more news with you soon.

The Ministry Fair is this weekend after ever Mass.... come see what else is happening in our greater community, and swing by the PO and School table to say hello to your friends! Read on in this newsletter for more info on so many of our upcoming events.
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Important Dates
Oct 10th - Regional Catholic High School Information Night 7:00-9:00 pm, School Hall
Oct 11th - NO SCHOOL Professional Development/ Fall Retreat for Archdiocesan Teacher Excellence Day . K-8 EDC open - sign up here ELC closed.
Oct 12th - Ministry Fair 6:30-7:30 pm Walmesley Center
Oct 13th - Ministry Fair 8:00 am-1:00 pm Walmesley Center + Coffee & Donuts by 8th grade and Preschool/Pre-K
Oct 17th - All School Mass led by 5th Grade - S tudents in full uniform
School Happenings
Tuition Assistance Grant Application Available
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance this year to our school families. All families must apply each year through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.

Fulcrum Application Due Date : 1/8/2020 
(note: Please complete before Dec 20th, OLG's Christmas Break!)
The popular math night is back! Exercise your brain skills!
SAVE THE DATE: Family Math Night Nov 14th 6:15-7:30 pm at the School Hall

* K-3rd grades play fun family games that encourage problem solving reinforce the skills and concept students are learning
* 6th to 8th grades lead math games for K-3 families
Parent Org News
Parish Ministry Fair this weekend!
We need volunteers after each mass this weekend to help answer questions at the Parent Org table. Remember we are ALL part of the PO so you don't need to hold a position on the board to help out. If you are available please reach out directly to Jori McChesney

  • Saturday 10/12: 1 volunteer from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
  • Sunday 10/13: 2-3 volunteers per shift, 8:00am - 11:00am and 11:00am - 1:00pm
Beers & Brats: Huge Success. Huge.

This year's Beers & Brats event shattered last year's totals for pre-sale, attendance, and day-of sales. The weather was beautiful, we made a lot of money for the PO, and a good time was had by all! Check out the fun

Thanks to our AWESOME first-grade parent volunteers, parents Dan Campbell and David Lindholm who donated the beer and brats, respectively, and to everyone who came out and had a good time.
The kids are brainstorming costume ideas and pumpkin-shaped candy is hitting the shelves. Get gift cards to shop all your Halloween necessities to raise money for OLG. There’s nothing spooky about earning on things you must buy anyway. Shop Halloween!   
B ox Tops
Clipped Box Tops are being collected in the month of October for fall turn-in. Please turn them in at the school or in the container in the church library. - CLIP IT 

NEW! The Box Tops for Education Program is changing the way we can earn cash for our school. Participating brands have begun to change their packaging from the traditional Box Tops clip to the new Box Tops label. We will continue to earn cash for all clipped Box Tops until the expiration date printed on the label. PLUS, earn digitally by scanning your receipt containing participating products. - SCAN
Ideally, we can " double dip" during the packaging transition by clipping traditional Box Tops  AND scanning store receipts containing participating products. Watch a video to learn more or contact Erin Pedras with questions. Thank you for helping our school get new recess equipment!
CYO News
Basketball Registration closes Oct 14th - Register Today!
CYO basketball is available to all school and parish families with kids in 4th-8th grade. Practices begin the week of October 21st and will be 2x a week. Please register ASAP as it helps us with uniform ordering and coordinating with other parishes.

After you register for Team Sideline, you will be able to register for CYO sports
2019 CYO Italian Dinner
Saturday, Nov 16th 6:00-10:00 pm
Please join us for dinner, dancing, raffle, photo booth and support Our Lady of Guadalupe's CYO athletics teams! More information

This is CYO's biggest fundraiser of the year. Your help will ensure that this year's dinner will be a success!

OLG Parish News
Altar Server Training
Are you interested in being an altar server? Children 4 th  grade and older, and adults are invited to attend one of the two upcoming trainings: Monday, October 21,   3:15-4:15 pm, or Saturday, October 26, 10:00-11:00 am in the church. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together. Information Helen Oesterle 206-935-0358. 
Seattle City Council District 1 Forum
Monday, October 14th  7:00pm
OLG will co-host a District 1 Forum along with Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) and the League of Women Voters. We will have the incumbent City Council member, Lisa Herbold , and candidate, Phil Tavel . Our very own parishioner, Brian Callanan, will moderate. Come hear about issues impacting our area of the City and get informed before the election on November 5. Doors open at 6:30pm. Babysitting is available for children ages 1-5. Please respond to Marion by Thursday, October 10 to request a spot. 

Fair Trade Your Halloween
October is Fair Trade Month and Equal Exchange is celebrating by discounting their chocolate mini bars just in time for Halloween. Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy a year for Halloween and about 90 million pounds of chocolate candy the week of Halloween. Imagine how much good could be done with that purchasing power! Help support fair wages, promote environmentally sustainable policies, and empower communities around the world. Visit today to order your chocolates! #FairTradeHalloween  

Caring for God's Creation
Consumer appetite for the latest trends have led to a rapid increase in clothing sales. Yet the average number of times a garment is worn before being discarded has fallen. This is called “fast fashion” and it has a significant impact on our environment. It is estimated that 73% of the materials used to make clothes end up in landfill while just 1% of old garments are turned into new ones. In addition, the fashion industry also uses vast amounts of water, energy and chemicals like fertilizer and dyes in its production processes. You can change this by buying quality clothes that last longer, buy clothes at our local thrift shops, and donate your clothes to one of our local charities—no matter what the condition [it can be recycled into new products!]   More information
Volunteer for the October Community Meal                               
The Community Meal happens each month at OLG and strives to provide a free meal for anyone in the greater community who wishes to attend. We need your help to make it happen!  Can you help on Sunday, October 27 to set up (around 9:45am), serve the meal (around 12:30pm) or cleanup (around 1:30pm)? You do not need to stay the entire day; just for your shift. We are also in need of homemade or store-bought desserts to share with our guests (drop off any time after 9:45am).  Sign up here  or with Colleen  

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651