Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership.
Dear OLG Families,
Today was the last day of Fall
MAPs testing, and we are excited to see how our students will grow this year. MAPs gives us the opportunity to test 1st-8th grade on national normed material, then to see how they grow through the year by assessing their learning again in the Spring. Thank you to parents and staff alike for your efforts to make sure our students were rested, fed, and in school during MAPs days. Your students' data will come out around our Fall conferences, November 7th, 8th, 9th.
Speaking of growth, tomorrow is
no school for students
while our school staff is
Growing in the Light of Christ. Our inservice day will be focused on our growth in our faith, how we transmit our faith knowledge to our students, and how we make all students safe. I'm sure our students will be enjoying the three day weekend, but know our staff will be hard at work growing and learning.
In our newsletter this week is updates on our Wednesday After School Tutoring, a reminder about FACTs, information from Ms. Heidi, our Counselor, last chance CYO basketball signups, and of course lots of upcoming event info. Of special note regarding October events:
Oh... and both these October events are going to be a GREAT time! As Father Jack mentioned at Mass this past Sunday, we are better when we are a church of "one another." Lets join one another in these upcoming events!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Friday, Oct. 12th
No School K-8
Teacher Excellence Day
Oct. 15th - 22nd
Halloween Grams on sale
See Parent Org section below
Saturday, Oct. 20th
Beer & Brats 2-5 pm
Adults only
Thursday, Oct. 25th
All School Mass led by 5th Grade
K-8 students in FULL UNIFORM
Picture Retakes for all grades
Friday, Oct. 26th
Noon Dismissal - 1/2 Day
EDC open
Saturday, Oct. 27th
School Carnival 4-7pm
Middle School Dance 7-10 pm
After School Tutoring Update
Wednesday AST is well underway! Middle School and adult tutors have been paired with K-5 students to work on reading, writing, and math. We will not be accepting any more students for the first trimester as we are full! Currently we have over 70 students participating in the AST program. We are so proud of our middle school students who are volunteering and modeling positive leadership! All of the students are working hard. Keep up the great work! Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tuition Assistance Grant Application Available
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Grant program is designed for families and students currently enrolled or applying for the next school year in any Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Seattle. At OLG we partner with Fulcrum to provide over $100,000 in tuition assistance this year to our school families. All families must apply each year through FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment to qualify for a grant—all awards are made based on financial need.
Fulcrum Application Due Date: 1/4/2019
(note this date is during OLG's Christmas Break!)
Many Incidental Expenses (e.g. EDC, milk, band, etc.) are coming due in FACTS
If you have not signed up for
for incidental expenses in FACTS, you will need to authorize payment for each invoice before the due date. Otherwise, there will be a late fee(s) charged to your account. To make a payment, log in to
and choose
Make a Payment
. Or,
nroll in Auto-Pay
If you have questions about your FACTS account, please contact
Laura Wong
Kimmy Fulton
Carl Sandberg
The fog comes on little cat feet.
It sits overlooking the harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
This poem came to mind yesterday morning as I stood on the corner with our 5
th Grade Safety Patrol. Foggy mist is part of the inevitable signal that fall has arrived, that daylight continues to grow shorter. The month of October has always been a favorite of mine. Trees take on vibrant colors, (it’s my birthday month!), and we are caught up in Halloween silliness… But October is also a month of more serious focus, such as Breast Cancer Awareness, the Month of the Holy Rosary, as well as Bullying Awareness month ...
Continue Reading
Halloween Grams are BACK!
To celebrate the season and the upcoming OLG Halloween Carnival, we'll be selling Halloween Grams before and after school outside, anytime in the front office, and in the cafeteria during lunch on select days for one week between
Monday, Oct. 15 and Monday, Oct. 22. For $1 (cash), you can write your children (or your children can send their friends) a sweet or festive message. The card and a Halloween surprise will be delivered to recipients during school hours on Wednesday, Oct. 24!
Ticket sales for our new event, B&B, are ON FIRE!
Thank you OLG! Can't wait to see everyone there enjoying local beer, brats, light gaming, and live polka music. We're going to have so much fun! Get crackin' on that sitter!
B&B tickets available online through Oct. 17 at 5 pm
Excited for Beer & Brats and the Carnival?
Carnival tickets available online through Oct. 24 at 5 pm
We're still seeking:
- White pop-up tents (to borrow)
- Gently used crayons
- 2 liter bottles (we're looking for 24 total)
We've had many questions regarding Family Procurement Requirements!
Each OLG Family is required to contribute to the annual Auction, either in a $200 cash/check/Amazon SCRIP contribution, or in item(s) valued at no less than $200 by Nov. 30th, 2018. (Early Bird Deadline is Nov. 16th!)
The OLG auction enables our teachers to access resources that enhance creative lessons and develop leadership in our children. As a core fundraiser for the school, our auction enables the fabulous service opportunities and faith development that our community is known for.
Basketball Registration Closing Now!
Celebrating the Canonization of Archbishop Oscar Romero
This Sunday, October 14, Blessed Oscar Romero will be canonized a saint alongside Pope Paul VI. He is the first saint from El Salvador.
Learn more about his life
Ministry Fair October 20-21
Learn more about the many ministries and groups in our parish, while also finding ways to get involved in our parish as a volunteer and/or participant. The Fair will take place after all the weekend masses in the Walmesley Center.
Ending the Silence Matters
Youth and parents/caregivers are invited to St. James Cathedral Pastoral Outreach Center on Sunday, October 21 from 6:30-8:30pm.
Ending the Silence is a program for students in grades 7 – 12 that helps inform youth about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if they or a loved one experience symptoms of a mental illness.
Trickle Down Town
Movie Premiere
Local filmmaker Tomasz Biernacki has created a film about the homeless crisis in Seattle. Many parts were filmed right here in West Seattle. You can see the film for free at its premiere at the Admiral Theater on October 21
st at 7pm. Tickets and a trailer are available at
www.pechara.com. Can’t make it on the 21
st? You can also catch the film at High Point Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW) at 7pm on November 3.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651