Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership.
Dear OLG Families,
Our first major event of the fall is here:
this Saturday night, after 5:30 Mass! Student artists, as well as school staff and artists from the community are showing their best. Come enjoy a social evening with other adults from school, parish, and the community! Tickets available at the door!
As we enter into October we have events helping us
Grow Together in the Light, both in healing growth and also in thankfulness and blessing. The archdiocese and our parish have events this month centered on the
challenges we face in our church today and how we heal together.
It's a busy week these next few days with 7th and 8th graders invited to the
High School Information Night at Holy Rosary on Wednesday, Archbishop Sartain addressing
prayers for healing on Thursday, and then on Sunday, October 7th we celebrate in our own parish the thankfulness and blessings of our staff and all educators with
Catechetical Sunday and the formal ribbon cutting of our newly renovated ELC & music room! What a month... and we're just beginning. Read on for more events and info below.
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Saturday, Sep. 29th
OLG Art Walk 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Walmesley Center
Friday, Oct. 5th
Spirit Wear
Blue Friday
Wear OLG spirit gear (anything with OLG) or sports gear from your favorite Seattle team (from Seahawks to Sounders, to local little league)
Sunday, Oct. 7th
Catechetical Sunday
ELC Ribbon Cutting after 11am Mass
Early Learning Center (ELC) is open for all to see the great space!
Coffee & Donuts after Mass
at School Hall
By 8th grade & Preschool/Pre-K
What are incidental expenses?
Incidental expenses are expenses other than tuition/registration (e.g. milk, after school care, classroom auction fee, field trips, etc).
Note: If you have not paid the $15 classroom auction fee and $30 EDC annual registration fee (if applicable to your family), these fees have been added to your
account as incidental expenses.
Auto-pay for incidental expenses
If you did NOT set up your FACTS account to
incidental expenses, the expense will NOT be automatically paid when due (like tuition) --
You will need to authorize payment for each incidental invoice before the due date
. To make a payment, log in to
FACTS and choose
Make a Payment, or,
nroll in Auto Pay
Art Walk: THIS Saturday September 29, 6-9pm
Join us as we kick off the school year at our first Art Walk - A Visual Feast: An Evening of Inspiration, Imagery and Inclusion on Saturday, September 29th from 6-9pm at the OLG Walmesley Center in West Seattle. This Adults-only...
Read More
Beers & Brats Oct. 20, 2-5 pm
OLG Halloween Carnival Oct. 27, 4-7 pm / OLG-Only Middle School Dance, 7-10 pm
These events are looking for a few things to borrow:
- White 10x10 Pop up tents
- Octoberfest Decor
- Cornhole Gameboard
- a Craft Donation
- Corn Stalks
- Pumpkins
- Gift cards for prizes
- Candy
Auction: Masquerade Ball - Saturday, March 2nd
Official 1st All Hands Auction Team Meeting: Oct 9th @ 7pm - Please join us if you're interesting in helping, and we'll put you on a team! Or email
olg.auction.chair@gmail.com for more details.
Auction Volunteer Roles (still available):
- Sponsorship Coordinator - Role includes communicating with past sponsors; Identifying and engaging with new potential sponsors; detailing benefits; collecting sponsorship donations; and gathering logos/art/promotional items.
- Bank Chair 'Night of Auction' - Processing transactions the night of the Auction; Learning to run Maestro (via tutorials), delegating to volunteers additional check in/check out table duties. Filling this role will save the school $1000 that will be a direct benefit!
Box Tops - Time to turn in Box Tops! Please drop off labels from Box Tops products at the school office or in the container by the church library during the month of October. To learn more,
visit our web page or contact
Erin Pedras. Thank you OLG families!
We appreciate your time and participation!
Basketball Registration is now open for Grades 4-8
Cost is $105 per player and sibling discounts do apply ($20). Make sure you take your discount(s) at check-out when you register.
Save the Date: Saturday, November 17th
The CYO Sports Board presents the 2018 Annual Italian Dinner. More details coming in October. If you have questions or can volunteer, please contact
Erin Pedras at 206-355-8355.
Shelter Volunteers Needed
Did you know Holy Rosary hosts a shelter for up to 10 women every Saturday and Sunday night from September to June? OLG is now partnering with them to make this happen! We need volunteer drivers as well as hosts who spend the night onsite. Training is provided. Contact
Diane or
click here.
September Community Meal
All are invited for this free, restaurant-style meal on Sunday, September 30 at 1pm. Come enjoy a hot meal, served right at your table in the Walmesley Center. Share fellowship with others and build community. This month's meal is provided by St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church.
A Mass of Healing from the Sin of Racism
Join with Catholics from the Archdiocese of Seattle to celebrate a Healing Mass from the social sin of racism. Together, let us pray for justice and peace for all races and peoples, and seek an end to racism and raise people’s awareness of this form of evil. All are welcome. Fr. Jack will preside at the Mass here at OLG on Sunday, October 14 at 5:30pm. Sponsored by the Catholic Racial Solidarity Group. Contact
Patrick 206-382-4515.
Catholic Relief Services Responds to Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines
www.crs.org to help our brothers and sisters in need.
Ministry Fair October 20-21
Learn more about the many ministries and groups in our parish, while also finding ways to get involved in our parish as a volunteer and/or participant. The Fair will take place after all the weekend masses in the Walmesley Center. In addition, if your group or ministry would like to have a “booth” but have not yet been contact, please let
Helen know 206-935-0358.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651