NEWSLETTER - Volume 2 - Issue 2 - February 18, 2019
O ur Mission: To provide, with reverence, practical karmic astrological information to help our readers with significant life issues concerning relationships, work, and personal/spiritual growth.  We encourage you to send your stories and/or questions to: [email protected].
Partners for Karmic Freedom, Inc. is moving as of 2/26/19!
Please note our new address:
8110 Colonial Village Dr., Apt. 108, Tampa FL 33625 .
My Karmic Home
by Linda Brady
Photo of Linda in London
by Michael Brady
I wrote this article as I was flying back from London to our home in Tampa. We were there during the Sun’s journey through the sign of Aquarius. The trip was the epitome of Aquarius. We went to teach and share our Aquarian philosophy and karmic astrology with like-minded people from two countries. We didn’t see much of London, we were too busy. We spent our leisure time in a beautiful parlor sipping English tea in front of a roaring fire. On my last morning in that lovely boutique hotel I had a powerful karmic experience.

I knew before we went to London I would find important information concerning my karmic home there. (I have Saturn in Gemini in the 4 th House which symbolizes home and Gemini rules London). That morning, while looking into the fire, I had a vision of a tall, dark-haired woman performing a ritual on a cliff while in front a group of robed people. It was a Celtic ceremony! I have known for years that I have had past lives as a Celtic priestess. This experience was different; it felt real and emotional. I felt as though I had come home. Being in London (which was Celtic long before the Romans developed it), in front of that wonderful fire, brought me back to my spiritual home.

It is two weeks later and I am wondering, as I reread this article, why it feels important to share this experience with you. Usually my newsletter articles are teaching tools. Then it occurred to me that my sojourn in London was created when Jupiter entered Sagittarius. Jupiter moved in Sagittarius on November 9 th, 2018 and within two weeks we were invited to come to London. Jupiter in Sagittarius will encourage us to awaken and embrace our internal, spiritual teacher and will inspire us to teach and inspire others. Jupiter also rules long distance travel. So we went to London to share our knowledge. My vision is that you will be open to similar Jupiter opportunities to aid you in expanding your life’s journey and your Soul’s mission.  
On My Mind...The Emergence of the Aquarian Family
by Michael Brady

Last June, Linda, Darlene and I planned for the new year, including the idea of a newsletter. My thinking was...over the past 30 years, as we did our “Life Mission,” the idea of a newsletter came and went a number of times. However, at that June meeting, we re-evaluated its usefulness and decided to try again…this time we would publish it digitally. September 2018 saw the first issue published. 

In early November, as a result of that newsletter, we reconnected with a client we met in person 12 years ago when she came to Vermont from Brazil to study Karmic Astrology with Linda. When she saw the newsletter, she contacted us immediately and invited us to London, England (where she now lives) to work with her and her family for five days. We happily agreed. Next ... Read more...
Photograph by Darlene Elkins
The Silence Between the Words
by Janey McCarthy
Art by Sally Smith

Listening — attentively, respectfully, and open-heartedly — establishes an honest connection with another in the present moment, when we choose to authentically express who we really are. Me in a state of silent exclusive receptivity, listening. You in a place of sharing, speaking your gift of personal expression. As a species, we all long to be ‘heard’. Seen. Acknowledged. Valued for all that we uniquely are. In the silence between our words, have we actually created an opportunity for much more than simply an exchange of ideas?.. Read more...

Serendipity Circle by Linda Brady
Photograph by Darlene Elkins

As Michael mentioned....we discussed doing a newsletter. We did not realize how complicated it would be. We persisted and Darlene figured it out. I did not know where that action would lead.Of course we later learned it would lead to our visiting London. Priscilla and I met twelve years ago after she read my first book. She traveled from Brazil to Jay, Vermont to do a retreat. She has been on my mailing list ever since and we have had intermittent contact with each other. She moved to London and was our host while we were there. I asked her what precipitated her inviting us to London at this time. “I read your newsletter,” she answered. THAT IS...Serendipity in action!
by Karen Krull 

When you talk, you are only remembering what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.
~ Dalai Lama
Change Your Career, Start Your Business
Are you tired of working in a job you hate? Do you have a career you dream of, but fear has stopped you from pursuing it? Have you always wanted to start your own business, but you don’t know where to start?
Whether you are ready to make a big change, or you want to start with baby steps, now is a great time to take action. Your magnificence is too brilliant to waste. I can help you go from dreaming to doing with either the Launch-You or the Change-Your-Life coaching packages. Visit me at . Individual sessions also available.
Contact me at [email protected] or (917) 842-3415 for more information.
~ Suzanne Bellavista Murray, MS, Life Coach & Karmic Astrologer