Administrator's Corner

April 10, 2023

Spring sports are well underway and our teams are having a great season! If you want to come watch and support the Spartans this spring, visit our Athletic Events Calendar for all the latest updates on schedules:

It's that time of year again... testing! We are required as a school to have 95% testing participation. Please see the schedule below:

College Board Testing Week April 12-14. There will be no school for students who don't test on that day.

SAT Week Schedule - Start at 7:30 each day

-Monday- Normal School

-Tuesday- Normal School (yes, there will be advisement)

-Wednesday - 11th graders (by credit) only for SAT (7:30am - approximately noon, unless students have accommodations)

-Thursday* - 10th graders (by credit) only for PSAT10 (7:30am - approximately 11:30am, unless students have accommodations)

-Friday* - 9th graders (by credit) only for PSAT9 (7:30am - approximately 11am, unless students have accommodations)

*Students with 2-Day testing accommodations will be notified via email.

-Seniors with Edgenuity can come in during testing - (enter through doors near Senior Parking Lot/Robotics doors)

Los deportes de primavera están en marcha y nuestros equipos están teniendo una gran temporada! Si quieres venir a ver y apoyar a los Spartans esta primavera, visita nuestro Calendario de Eventos Atléticos para ver las últimas actualizaciones sobre los horarios:

College Board Testing Week del 12 al 14 de abril. No habrá escuela para los estudiantes que no rindan el examen ese día.

Horario de la semana DEL SÁBADO - Comience a las 7:30 cada día

-Lunes- Escuela normal

-Martes- Escuela normal (sí, habrá asesoramiento)

-Miércoles - 11th grado (por crédito) Solo para SAT (7:30am - aproximadamente mediodía, a menos que los estudiantes tengan alojamiento)

DPS Monthly School Lunch Menu
Click here to access DPS Online Pay

-Jueves* - 10th grado (Por crédito) Solo para PSAT10 (7:30am - aproximadamente 11:30am, a menos que los estudiantes tengan acomodaciones)

-Viernes* - 9th grado (por crédito) Solo para PSAT9 (7:30am - aproximadamente 11am, a menos que los estudiantes tengan acomodaciones)

*Los estudiantes con adaptaciones de prueba de 2 días serán notificados por correo electrónico.

-Las personas mayores con Edgenuity pueden entrar durante las pruebas - (entrar por puertas cerca de las puertas del estacionamiento / robótica para personas mayores)

Anne Rice

Athletic Director and

Assistant Principal

Week at a Glance


  • Regular classes
  • Class of 2026 Zoom Parent Meeting: 7:30 p.m. (details below)


  • Regular classes
  • Birdcall Fundraiser for Unified Spartans (details below)
  • PTO meeting: 6:00 p.m. in room 111


  • SAT (11th grade only - no school for 9th 10th and 12th grades)


  • PSAT 10 (10th grade only - no school for 9th, 11th and 12th grades)
  • DECA Slices Fundraiser (details below)
  • Class of 2024 parent meeting: 6-7 p.m. in room 111


  • PSAT 9 (9th grade only - no school for 10th, 11th and 12th grades)
  • DECA Slices Fundraiser (details below)


  • College 101 for Junior students and parents: 8-10 a.m. (details and RSVP form below)
  • Volunteer Painting/Decor Making Day (After Prom): 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (details below)
Kudos Korner

  • Big thanks from the faculty and staff to PTO for the Magic Food Bus last week! It was a wonderful way to be welcomed back to school. Everyone enjoyed amazing food and felt the love from our incredible TJ parents. Thank you! (Senior parents - word on the street is that the Magic Food Bus also does graduation parties!)
  • TJ PTO recently installed new artwork into the bus stop near TJHS. This installation features "community collages" that were created by the seniors in Lea Rabon's Photography 3 class. This semester, she assigned a unit on public art and this installation is the resulting work. Check out the awesome TJ Diversity Collages by Efren Alvarado, Cielo Merlin, Dallas Smith, and Roselyn Benally. Way to go, Spartans! And thanks, PTO!

Robotics News

On Wednesday, March 22nd, through Saturday, March 25th, TJ's beloved FIRST Robotics team, 3648 Sparta Robotica, was back on the field competing at the Colorado Regional! Playing this seasons game Charged Up!

After the events in Utah, the team decided to change their intake design from a claw system to a rolling intake. Think of a vacuum; instead of suction, it's powered by PVC rollers that pull the cone into the intake, like the fabric spinning scrubbers in a carwash. With just two weeks to CAD (design), cut, and build this mechanism, the team worked vigorously to get it done. 

On Wednesday night of load-in, the robot was fully put together. Thursday rolled around, and the team was "Charged Up”. The practice matches went off without a hitch. The drive team settled in with a sudden change of Drive coach and found their groove. 

Friday morning, the team was ready. They meet in front of DU and set the day's mood with a team meeting. Throughout the day, the team got better on both Friday and Saturday. Increasing the number of points they win each round. Ultimately continuously scoring over 110 points as an alliance. 

In the end, 3648 Sparta Robotica ended their season, making history. The 2022 to 2023 season team is the first team in Sparta Robotica history to be a first pick for an alliance. Being chosen in the finals for the 6th-seeded alliance, ultimately placing 16th out of 43 teams. 

Let's hear what some of team has to say about their season:

"I'm incredibly proud of what this team has become over the season and what they will become after I graduate. Seeing this team grow throughout the season shows how driven each person is. The Colorado regional was by far the best regional we've had since I joined the team my freshman year." Kendall Seils, Senior 

"It was a stressful and hard time for people, but we came together to help each other, have fun, and kick butt. It was an amazing way to spend our last competition with the seniors. Wishing them the best of luck." Asher Frost, Junior.

"Watching the underclassmen take lead roles and voice their opinions on components shows the drive they had for this year and how hard they will be working next year." Alex Silva, Senior.

Kendall Seils

Public Relations Coordinator

TJ Classical League News

2023 Colorado Junior Classical League State Convention

The TJ Classical League is our after school club where students study the Latin language while immersing themselves in the history and culture of the ancient Roman and Greek world. We are part of the state and national Junior Classical Leagues. On March 30th and 31st of last week, seven of our club members joined other Latin programs from around the state in Estes Park for the annual state convention. The state convention is a chance for students to engage in friendly competition with other schools in events ranging from academics to visual and performing arts and physical activities all focused on Classical themes. While other programs are offered as daily Latin classes during the school day, TJ only meets twice per week at lunch and after school in a club environment. Our students performed exceedingly well this year with each of the seven students placing in two or more events. Additionally, one of our members was elected as the State Historian for next year. If you see these students, please congratulate them on their well deserved accolades!


2023-2024 State Officer Elections

  • State Historian, Emanuel Morales-Gomez

Performing Arts

  • English Oratory Lvl 1: 1st place Emanuel Morales-Gomez
  • Original Skit: 1st place Thomas Jefferson: Lacey Arritola, Mattie Brightwell, Magnolia Craig, Farah Djama, Emanuel Morales-Gomez, and Myla Washburn


  • Greek History Lvl 1: 5th place Farah Djama
  • Latin Literature Lvl 1: 2nd place Myla Washburn
  • Mottos and Proverbs Lvl 1: 3rd place Daniella Prime-Morales, 2nd place Emanuel Morales-Gomez
  • Mythology Lvl 1: 3rd place tie Myla Washburn and Daniella Prime-Morales
  • Ancient Geography Lvl 2: 5th place Mattie Brightwell, 2nd place Magnolia Craig
  • Roman Daily Life Lvl 1: 2nd Emanuel Morales-Gomez
  • Roman Daily Life Lvl 2: 5th Farah Djama, 4th place Lacey Arritola
  • Roman Daily Life Overall: 5th place Emanuel Morales-Gomez


  • Computer Enhanced Photography: 1st place Mattie Brightwell
  • Traditional Photography: 2nd place Mattie Brightwell


  • Discus Throw: 2nd place Magnolia Craig

SkillsUSA News

It was an exciting 3 days as TJ students once again made us proud at the SkillsUSA State Leadership & Skills Conference in Pueblo Colorado. Spartan values were demonstrated throughout the conference as students competed and participated in all their events.  Give these students a shout out when you see them.


State Gold Chapter of Distinction Award (Qualifies our chapter to be a candidate for the  National Model of Excellence Chapter)

Gold Medals 1st place

3D Animation- Dixie Atkinson, Maleah Mcfee

Computer Programming: Peter Diamond

Silver Medals 2nd place

3D Animation- Jack Hered, Cohen Foster

Photography - Rachel Nelson

Prepared Speech- Emanuel Morales

Bronze Medals 3rd place

Digital Cinema- Kate Little, Rachel Vanwagner

Computer Programming- Michael Benissan

Photography- Amelie Miller

State Officer Election

Vice President- Jesse Mishell

National SkillsUSA CTE Recognition

The Outstanding Career and Technical Educator Award- Jerry Esparza

(Formal recognition will be given at the National Conference at Atlanta in June)

Birdcall Fundraiser for Unified Sports

Save the Date: First Annual Film Festival on April 17th

Join us for TJ's First Annual Film Festival! Video Production students from 10th, 11th, and 12th grade have a total of 48 videos nominated across 8 different categories. We will show a highlight reel for each category, and each winning video will be played in full.

Festival will take place on Monday, April 17th at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. FREE ADMISSION!

PTO News

Donations Encouraged!

The PTO is making plans for next month’s Staff Appreciation Week - May 1-5. Parents who would like to support our daily treats and gifts planned for the week are encouraged to make a tax-deductible donation to the fund online here

The April PTO Meeting is tomorrow - Tuesday, 4/11

The final business meeting of the school year will feature officer elections and the approval of our 2023 Spartan Grants to the school. If you haven’t had a chance to join us yet this year for a meeting, we’d love to see you - 6pm in Room 111 at TJ. And we’re still looking for a Secretary and Fundraising Chairs for next year. Please consider getting involved! Email for more information. 

March PTO Minutes and Financials are now Online

Click here to find the most recent PTO documents, as well as last month’s meeting minutes and an archive of past meeting minutes and monthly financial statements. 

DECA Fundraiser

Baseball Fundraiser Interest Survey - Responses Needed by Friday

The TJ baseball team is looking into a fundraiser selling stadium seat cushions. These are high-quality seats that can be used at any and all TJ athletics events or anywhere you go where there are bleachers or seating without a back! Please check out the survey at this link ( and respond by Friday 4/14 if you are interested. We will make a determination whether to run the fundraiser based on interest from the survey. You will find a mockup of the design in the survey. If you have any questions, contact Coach Baughn at

College 101 - April 15th

If you are planning to attend, please fill out THIS RSVP form so we can be prepared with light breakfast and if you need interpretation.

Si está planeando asistir, por favor llene este RSVP (reservación) para poder preparar con un desayuno liviano y si necesitan interpretación.

Announcing the 7th Annual Thomas Jefferson High School Auction!

Help make a difference for TJ: When everyone bids, TJ wins. The auction is a great way to have the money you spend on everyday items go to TJ. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the school and will benefit our classroom grant program. 


We need YOU to help to make TJ's Auction a's how you can help:

  • Register to bid now: TJ 2023 7th Annual Online Auction | Register Now | Bolder Events (
  • Bid on items you already buy every day and have 100% of that money got to TJ!
  • Bid on fun items including gift cards, travel packages, athletic tickets, cool experiences & great gifts…and….an AUTHENTIC COLORADO AVALANCHE SIGNED JERSEY!
  • Be sure to check out the "Show your TJ Spirit!" section for fun TJ items!
  • Send the AUCTION LINK to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and encourage them to bid and post the link on your social media platforms!
  • Remind other TJ families to get in on the auction action!

Contact Megan Perkins (megandperkins@gmail.comor Becca Mahoney ( with questions!

TJ Food Distribution Program

The April Food Distribution will take place on Thursday, April 20 from 3:00-5:00 pm at TJ!  

Any family that is in need of food support is welcomed and encouraged to sign up HERE. Please note that you MUST sign up for us to have food available for you at the distribution.  


Reach out to Megan Perkins (, Becca Mahoney ( or Jillian Krause ( with questions!


La distribución de alimentos de abril se llevará a cabo el jueves el 20 abril de 3:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m. en TJ!

Cualquier familia que necesite apoyo alimentario es bienvenida y animada a inscribirse AQUÍ. DEBE registrarse para que tengamos alimentos disponibles para usted en la distribución.


Comuníquese con Megan Perkins ( si tiene preguntas.


Thank you for your continued support! If you are interested in making a financial contribution to the TJ Food Bank, you can do so HERE

Important CMAS Message for Juniors

Juniors! Next week on Friday, April 21st you will be taking CMAS. Friday, April 21 is when you are scheduled to take CMAS. Be sure that you bring your chromebooks fully charged that day. There will not be any loaners available, so if you’re having issues be sure to come to Ms. Delgado before April 21st.

Senior Checkout - Health Center

This next announcement is for any graduating senior. Make sure to book your Senior Check-Out Appointment with the Clinic. This is a senior specific appointment where you will receive a pamphlet filled with helpful health information, different resources, and be able to speak with your provider about accessing care after graduation. You will also be able to discuss any health questions or concerns you may have. The clinic is open from 7:30 am- 4:00 pm Monday-Friday. Book your appointment today!

Prom Information



Address: 1325 Glenarm Place Denver 80204

*Please remind your students to continue checking Schoology, Remind, Advisement Lessons, and Spartan Edition for updated prom related information!

*Tickets will be sold the week of April 17th and April 24th during lunch in the main lobby. Ticket prices: $40 per duo, $25 per single. 

*MANDATORY PROM SAFETY ASSEMBLY FOR ALL SENIORS- 4/19 from 1:45PM- 2:45PM in the Auditorium. Please look out for more information coming from Mr. Christoff!

*If your student is planning to bring a non-TJ student as their guest, they must speak with Mr. Skari to get a Prom Guest Permission Slip.

*If your student’s attendance rate is lower than 93%, they must speak with Mr. Skari. 


Resources Available for Prom

If you have a student in need of PROM attire assistance, click on the link below for resources.

Denver Health School Based Health Centers are offering $30 visa gift cards to any DPS Student or Sibling who gets their Covid-19 vaccine!

These are the requirements:

·     DPS Students or DPS Sibling

·     Must receive Covid-19 vaccine at the SBHC site during a provider visit

·     Visa is gifted for EVERY Covid vaccine dose (1st, 2nd, booster) However TJ only has booster doses at this time – the bivalent Pfizer booster – this can only be given after the primary series.

·     Multiple visa gift cards can be gifted to the same family – example: 2 siblings are scheduled – family is gifted one $60 visa card or 2 -$30 visa gift cards.


Funds for additional family members receiving doses will be loaded to the initial visa gift card provided two weeks after visit completion.

Call 303-602-8958 to schedule an appointment!

TJ Spirit Store

The Spirit Store will be open every month during First Friday. In the meantime, if you are looking for a TJ hoodie, t-shirt, PJ pants, joggers, hat, seat cushion, sticker, bracelet, etc., please email us at and we’ll help you get the items you want.

Yearbook News 

Mental Health and Social/Emotional Tips

Did You Know...? 

En español 

We have our LAST TJ Talks of the year coming up:

Tuesday April 18th, 5:00pm-6:00pm

Room 111 - IN PERSON!

Substance use continues to be an area of concern for our community and our students. As we approach end of year celebrations, Senior Prom, graduation and the upcoming freedom for our teens that can come with summer break, we thought it would be timely to address this topic now. 

The following information will be discussed:

  • Come learn a little more about parental responsibilities: liability laws, consent laws, Good Samaritan Law- presented by the District Attorney’s Office (Juan Silva- Chief of Juvenile Unit).

  • Most common substances being used at TJ right now; review of Healthy Kids survey data; current trends; responsible use of medication- Ms. Miccio (Prevention and Therapeutic Specialist)

We are excited to provide this opportunity! 


Mental Health and Social Emotional Tip: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW.

News from the Denver Scholarship Foundation Future Center

Spartan Seniors and Families, 

Keep up the AMAZING work and enjoy your final weeks of high school! Be sure to share your scholarship and grant wins here so we can list your name in the Graduation Program

  • Complete your Comparing the Cost of Your Colleges assignment/spreadsheet to help identify your best fit! Remember to consider academic and social factors too. 
  • Check your college portals REGULARLY and provide requested information PROMPTLY. Not doing so can cause you to miss out on financial aid.
  • Once you’ve made a college decision, be sure to complete your college’s Next Steps promptly to allow you preferred access to housing, orientation timeslots, etc. 
  • There are changes coming to the next FAFSA application. Please consult a tax professional regarding filing status and listing of dependents to make the best decision for your family situation. 

Important Dates and Opportunities: 

The Denver Scholarship Foundation Scholarship Application is OPEN for applications! 

Your Weekly Scholarship Highlights folder is FULL of scholarship opportunities. 

Friday, April 21st: MSU Denver/TJ Orientation Day, CU Denver Admitted Students Day

Monday, April 24th: DSF Scholarship Almost There info session REQUIRED

Friday, May 5th: Community College of Denver/TJ Orientation Day

Class of 2024 and families: Be sure to check your schoology course list for YOUR TJ Future Center 2024 course. Use the resources provided to continue your college planning! 

Please note, there are changes coming to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) application. Please consult a tax professional regarding filing status and dependents to make the best decision for your family situation. Your 2022 taxes will be used for your FAFSA application for your freshman year of college. 

Save the Date: College 101: April 15th. More info to come from TJ’s Counseling Team.

Emily Webster

DSF College Advisor

Class News You Can Use
Class of 2023- Seniors
  • THIS WEEK: Decore-Making/Painting Pre-Prom-April 15, 2023 11-3 at TJ - sign up below!



  • Come Join the After Prom Event Fun - bring a friend!
  • Many Volunteer Slots Available - the day before, day of, during the event and day after! 
  • Decore-Making/Painting Pre-Prom-April 15, 2023 11-3 at TJ
  • SEE SIGN-UP GENIUS for specific slots and fun people to volunteer with! 

We need 60+ parents and community members to step forward and be part of this really fun event! Your name is already in here if you signed up on the Google spreadsheet, contact Karla for any necessary changes. For more information contact Karla Henke


  • After Prom is a super fun, FREE event for Seniors that is Parent-organized and designed to keep our Students safe late into the night after their Prom Dance!
  • It’s a huge, fabulously themed event at TJ! Yes, FREE! 
  • Featuring incredible food, games, mini golf, tattoo artist, many giant inflatable games and fun, giant trike races, photo opportunities, prizes, drawings, casino blackjack, poker, roulette, relaxation, DJ, Karaoke and SO MUCH MORE! 

THEME: “Oh the Places You’ll Go” - 

  • Transforming TJ into a magical land featuring various, decorated famous Cities & attractions all around TJ! 
  • New York, Hollywood, Daytona 500, Maui, Las Vegas, Pebble Beach, Disney World and more!!



PRIZE PATROL - help us get to 100 PRIZES!   

  • WE have more than $3,000 worth of prizes to give away!
  • We are CLOSE but still need gift cards or cash prizes for After Prom!
  • $15, $20, $50 or more! 
  • Prizes for Casino, Daytona 500 Races, Karaoke, Door Prizes and more! 
  • Click here for more information:  

Prize Patrol After Prom

Contact Sam (303-884-7435) or Jennifer (720-949-4091) Williams with any questions or prize pickup coordination if unable to leave at the TJ office with Mrs. Melanie! We couldn’t do this without you, thank you!

2023 PARENTS:  



Please DONATE $23 for ‘23

 $10 $23 $50 $100 $230 whatever you are able to do! This money supports 2023 fun class activities, community-building, senior year events and of course AFTER-PROM! 

Click here to DONATE!

2023 Class 2023 Class Donations | TJHS PTO 



* PRIZE PATROL - Help us get to 100 prizes! Friday, April 14, 2023. Please turn in your gift certificates or prizes for After Prom by today! (We will gladly accept after this date, but want to get the majority in!) 

*PARENTS: DECORATION MAKING/PAINTING AFTER PROM PREP: Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. TJ Front Lobby - Come by even for an hour to help! 

*STUDENTS: SENIOR PROM TICKETS GO ON SALE: Monday, April 17, 2023 - Thursday, April 27, 2023  in lobby.  Price announced on Spartan Edition - cash is great, credit cards to Mrs. Allen Treasurer.  If you want to help Mrs. Berg and Mr. Long sell, please contact them! info at bottom of page.

*STUDENTS: SENIOR GROUP PANORAMA PHOTO: Thursday, April 20, outside in front of TJ during 4th Period around 10:45 - BE THERE! 

*PARENTS & STUDENTS: SENIOR PROM & AFTER PROM: Saturday, April 29, 2023!

Senior Prom Dance 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. at the Denver Athletic Club (Tickets on Sale in April) “Night Under the Stars!”

After Prom Events  11 p.m. - 2 a.m. at Thomas Jefferson (Free event with Student ID) 

“Oh the Places You’ll Go!” 

*PARENTS & STUDENTS: SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT: Tuesday, May 2nd in Auditorium by Invitation only - Time 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  





2023 Class Sponsors are:

Catherine Poirier or

Christy Jordan - we will get you involved!

2023 Class Faculty Sponsors are:

Mrs. Annie Berg, MSW, - Room 114B

Mr. Nic Long, - Room 237


Class of 2024- Juniors

The end is near! Can you believe in a few short months the Juniors will be SENIORS?! The parents and community have been so generous with supporting the Class of 2024 and we can’t thank you enough!


April 13, 6pm

Room 111

PLEASE mark your calendar to attend. We will be discussing a few important matters, including:

  • Teacher Appreciation Week – Junior Class, May 4th 
  • Prom and After Prom 
  • Upcoming Senior Events
  • Senior Sleepout (August 20)
  • Parking Lot Painting
  • “15 Minutes of Fame”

Please consider donating to the Class of 2024 Prom!

Class Donations

Have you donated to the Class of 2024 yet? If you have, thank you! If you haven’t, now

is your chance! As a final push for the current school year, we are asking that each

family donate $50-$100 to the class for after prom. If this happens, we can guarantee

funds for after-prom and can focus on fun Senior year events and planning!

Of course, donations at any time and in any amount are always welcome and corporate

matching is always accepted!

Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto

family and friends! (

Extraordinary parents – come get involved! 

 Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!

Rebecca Moore

Tambyr Reed

Robin Morrissey

Dyanna Spicher (parent)

Class of 2025 - Sophomores

Please consider making a donation to the class of 2025!

$25 for 2025!

Class of 2026 - Freshmen

Save the Date for the first Class of 2026 social event: a "Bottom of the 9th" Tailgate Party! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The event will take place on Thursday, May 4th immediately after school near the baseball field. All freshman and their parents are invited to join us at the event then stay to cheer on the TJ JV team at their last home game against South.

We need your help in making this event a success. 

Please look at our sign up genius for event supplies and volunteer needs:

Our next class meeting will be over Zoom on April 10th at 7:30 p.m. to finalize details for the "Bottom of the 9th" event.

If you have any questions about the event or upcoming meeting, please contact Carrie Alleman at or Sheila Tyler at  

Stay Connected, Spartans!