Administrator's Corner

December 13, 2021


We made it to the last week of the year! Let's finish strong! Be sure to be on time to your finals and do your best to study and get enough rest. Vacation will be here before you know it.

It has been a challenging time, but we are pleased to say that we were able to spend the entire semester in-person together! Thanks to everyone masking up and doing the right thing, we were able to avoid any big quarantine issues. 

We are especially grateful to our staff, students and families who have stepped in to provide food and gifts for those in need within our TJ community. We hope that everyone has a restful and safe holiday season, and we look forward to being back together in January.  


¡Llegó a la última semana del año! ¡Terminemos fuertes! Asegúrese de llegar a tiempo a sus finales y haga todo lo posible para estudiar y descansar lo suficiente. Las vacaciones estarán aquí antes de que te des cuenta.

Ha sido un tiempo difícil, pero nos complace decir que hemos podido pasar todo el semestre en persona juntos! Gracias a todo el mundo enmascarando y haciendo lo correcto, pudimos evitar cualquier gran problema de cuarentena.

Estamos especialmente agradecidos a nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias que han intervenido para proveer comida y regalos para aquellos que lo necesitan dentro de nuestra comunidad de TJ. Esperamos que todo el mundo tenga unas vacaciones tranquilas y seguras, y esperamos volver juntos en enero.

Mike Christoff

  • Thanks to Lisa Freedberg, Leonard Fox, and all of the amazingly talented art students who shared their work last week during the Art Exhibition!
  • Congratulations to Amaris Medina, Deqa Muse, and Jessica Nesbit for winning Excellent Speaker awards at Cherry Creek High School's December Congressional Debate Tournament. Way to go, Spartans!
TJ DECA was amazing at our Annual DECA District 3 Conference. Over 500 students from 12 schools competed throughout the day. We had 30 Qualifiers (see below for names) and 2 State Officer Candidates that will all qualify to compete at the Broadmoor in February. If you get a chance, congratulate them when you see them in the halls.

Special shout out to Ms. Hammel, Ms Tocci, Mrs. Davis, Ms. Kennedy, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Showers, and Mr. Mason for helping Mr. Nicolo chaperone the event. Our students were professional and demonstrated everything we expect from TJ Spartans!

Thank you all for supporting TJ DECA!

Baca, Alex - Business Services Marketing
Berz, Jack - Automotive Services Marketing
Burns, Andrew - Retail Merchandising Services
Cardoza-Villanueva, Cynthia - Business Finance
Covarrubias, Manny - Entrepreneurship
Eyassu, Sara - Hotel & Lodging Management
Gonzalez, Zoey - Human Resources Management
Hanselman, Denise - Apparel & Accessories Marketing
Hauer, Max - Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Johnson, Jesse - Marketing Communications 
Kahn, Miles - Restaurant & Food Service Management
Lakaous, Sara - Restaurant & Food Service Management
Leonard, Grace - Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Little, Kate - Marketing Communications
Lupo, James - Entrepreneurship
Maggio, Lauren - Apparel & Accessories Marketing
McPherson, Adam - Principles of Hospitality
Ornelas, Grace - Quick Serve Restaurant
Pointet, Erin - Quick Serve Restaurant
Price, David - Business Services Marketing
Quinney, Caitlin - Principles of Business Management
Robert, Owen - Entrepreneurship
Shukert, Henry - Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Simasko, Lauren - Business Services Marketing
Thakor, Khushi - Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Trautman, Lily - Hotel & Lodging Management
Trujillo, Dean - Principles of Marketing
Whistler, Macy - Human Resources Management
Yeh, Suzie - Principles of Hospitality
Zizzo, Sophia - Sports & Entertainment Marketing

State Officer Candidates:
Little, Kate (2nd Term - currently serving as State Officer, running for State President)
Zizzo, Sophia
  • Nine of Thomas Jefferson’s own elite Choir students performed at the 88th annual Denver CityWide Honor Choir. Students Ava Ambs, Grace Blanchard, Corey Bodin, Nic delaPaz, Bodhi Layer-Carlson, Amielia Lauritano, Maddie Lindstrom, Jesse Mishell, and Juliana Willson worked throughout the month of November to collaborate with multiple DPS high schools for an evening of music. Jesse Mishell shared a solo on a song from the Mixed Ensemble called “The Innocence” beating out numerous other fine vocalists. CityWide is hosted by Denver University at the Lamont School of Music’s Newman Center. Each student sang beautifully and represented TJ with incredible talent and poise. Kudos to the awesome job of these students! Please click below for the video!
CityWide Honor Choir Dec. 7, 2021
All students are expected to be in their finals for all of the classes on their schedule.

Monday December 13th
Period 2 – 7:30-9:00 
Period 3 – 9:05-10:35
Period 4 – 10:40-12:05
Lunch optional
Test make up – 1:00-2:45 by appointment only
Tuesday December 14th
Period 6 – 7:30-9:00 
Period 7 – 9:05-10:35
Lunch optional
Test make up – 1:00-2:45 by appointment only
Wednesday December 15th
Period 1 – 7:30-9:00 
Period 8 – 9:05-10:35
Lunch optional
Test make up – 1:00-2:45 by appointment only
Thursday December 16th
Make up by appointment only
Friday December 17th
Half day- no students
Holiday Break Food pickup will take place from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm THIS THURSDAY, December 16.
Please contact Megan Perkins with questions ( or 303.870.0579)

La recogida de alimentos por las vacaciones se llevara de 7:30 am a 3:00 pm ESTE JUEVES el 16 de diciembre.
Comuníquese con Megan Perkins si tiene preguntas ( o 303.870.0579)
Happy Holidays from the TJ PTO! There is no meeting in December but we hope to see you at our next PTO meeting on Tuesday, January 11th at 7:00 pm. 
If you use Amazon for your holiday shopping, remember to use AmazonSmile. When you select Thomas Jefferson High School Partners, a portion of qualifying purchases get donated to TJ PTO - a gift that keeps on giving! This is such an easy way to support your TJ community and spread even more holiday cheer. Purchases you were going to make anyway can make a difference. Simply shop at or in the Amazon Shopping app with AmazonSmile turned ON.
Get your TJ gear online! Huge selection of your favorites! Sale running now until December 27 (expect delivery to your address the week of Feb 7)

Go Spartans! 

Email us at if you have any questions.
Families of Multilingual Learners are invited to join the DPS community at a virtual Multilingual Education Districtwide Advisory Committee (MLE DAC) meeting on Dec. 15 from 5-6:30 p.m. 

At this session, families will have the opportunity to learn more about DPS Board members. Families will also receive important information and resources about SchoolChoice, the enrollment process and ACCESS Testing.

Families can register here and join the meeting via Zoom. For more information, visit the MLE DAC site or call 720-423-2040.
Click below for a full list of holiday resources!

There are 3-4 paraprofessional jobs available here at TJ! The job would pay $15 and would be from 7:20 am-2:50 pm. Please contact the main office if you are interested.
Our goal is that all students graduate college and career ready. One of the ways we achieve this goal is to support students' career and college exploration through programs that provide opportunities for students to discover how their interests and passions might someday fit into the world of work. There are many resources to help you learn more about career and college programs in DPS, visit to learn more! Handouts:  English  / Spanish
Matthew Mason (He/Him/His) 
Navigator at Thomas Jefferson High School
DPS Career and College Success

Phone: 720-466-1617 | Email: | Website

Opportunity for students: 

TEDx Cherry Creek is an event open to high school students from across the Denver Metro Region. Applications are due on Jan. 22!
Did You Know…?

Winter Vacation is almost here! TJHS staff will be on break from 
December 20th - December 31st. 

Students' last day of finals will be Wednesday December 15th, with a return date of Tuesday January 4th. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season celebrating with family and friends. See you back here in the new year!
Mental Health and Social Emotional “Did You Know”: Compiled by Natalie Koncz, Ed.S., NCSP and Samanda Davis, LCSW, MSW.
Keep up the great work, Spartans! You are crushing the college process! 
Plan to have your applications with all early January deadlines submitted and transcript requests completed by December 15th to allow time for your documents to be provided to the colleges. 
If you have not yet applied for FAFSA or CASFA, make a plan to get that done this month! 
Check your email regularly for updates from your colleges and 
SHARE YOUR ADMISSIONS WINS! Make note of your institutional scholarship deadlines. These opportunities are one of THE BEST forms of $$$$ for college available to you. Apply to the institutional scholarships for at minimum the top three colleges to which you’ve been admitted! 
Wednesday, December 15: CA and all other Transcript Request Forms DUE

Katie Damas 
Future Center Advisor CC Fellow
Future Center Phone #: 720-423-7134 
Rm 135
Emily Webster
College Advisor | Thomas Jefferson High School
Denver Scholarship Foundation | a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
789 Sherman Street, Suite 610 | Denver, CO 80203
Class of 2022 - Seniors
Our class leaders are committed to providing Senior parents with continued support and the latest graduation and senior events. You can reach out for more info:

Class of 2023 - Juniors
STUDENTS! Pre-Sales for Class of 2023 T-Shirts have started!
Click here to order:   2023 T-Shirts
T-shirts are $15 each and ALL PROCEEDS go to your Senior Prom! 
1) Fill the form out above on the 2023 T-shirt link with size, etc.
2) See Carla Allen our Treasurer with your $15 payment (Cash, Credit Card or Check to: Thomas Jefferson High School - Put “2023 T-Shirts” in memo line)
3) Your Class Advisors will be notified of payment
4) T-shirt Pick up will be Announced - Then Rock Your 2023 T-Shirt!
If you have any questions, please see your 2023 Sponsors Mrs. Berg or Ms. Taylor!


Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 7:00 p.m.  

Zoom Details:

Topic: Class of 2023 Parent Meeting

Time: Jan 12, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 1385 8187
Passcode: 280268
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,81013858187# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,81013858187# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 810 1385 8187
We always need more help and input! If you have any ideas or comments and would like to get more involved, please contact Catherine Poirier or Christy Jordan - Our 2023 Class Staff Sponsors are Rebecca Taylor, MA and Annie Berg, MSW,
Class of 2024 - Sophomores
Parent Meeting – Join Us!
Class meetings will be held the third Tuesday of month at 7pm.  
There will be no meetings during November and December due to the holidays and school breaks, please plan on joining us in January. 

Our next meeting details:
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Jll McLain’s house 

Class Donations – Every dime counts!
Sophomores are quite possibly the best “10s” out there! Gather those dimes (pennies, quarters, and ten-dollar bills too) and make a donation to the Class of 2024; money raised will be used for the Class of 2024 After Prom. 

Please click on the PTO Square link to support the class. Feel free to pass the link onto family and friends! Corporate matching is always appreciated.

Extraordinary parents – come get involved! 
 Reach out with questions, comments, and ideas. We look forward to a great year!
Rebecca Moore
Tambyr Reed
Robin Morrissey
Dyanna Spicher (parent)
Class of 2025 - Freshmen