BRATECC | Number 38 - December 2022
December 2022 Newsletter
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Featured Member: Bradesco
BRATECC’s Contributing member, Bradesco, is one of the largest financial institutions in Brazil, considering the total assets, number of branches and customers. Serves in Brazil and abroad different kind of clients, individuals, companies of all sizes and the most important national and international companies, institutional investors, and financial institutions. The bank offers a wide variety of services and products that include all modalities of credit operations and deposit-taking, a full suite of cash management products, FX and Trade Finance, credit card issuance, leasing, supplementary pension plans, investment banking, asset management, and intermediation and brokerage services. Through it fully owned subsidiary Bradesco Seguros, the largest insurance company of Latin America, issues all types of insurance policies. All operations follow strict ESG guidance and principles. Its global footprint includes branches in NY and G.Cayman, subsidiaries in Mexico, Luxembourg and Miami, and a rep office in Hong Kong. The Bradesco Securities broker dealer operates in NY, London and Hong Kong. Bradesco is also actively engaged in the digital banking era.
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Monthly News
United Airlines Ordered 200 Boeing Planes, Breathing New Life Into Plane Manufacturer
“In mid-December, United Airlines announced a massive order of Boeing planes that includes 100 new 787 Dreamliners. This announcement also revealed that United Airlines could add 100 more aircraft to the order."

"Not only will the carbon emissions drop, but fuel costs will also decline as a result of newfound efficiencies."
Investimentos na cadeia de valor do gás natural no estado do Rio podem ultrapassar R$ 110 bilhões em dez anos, aponta Firjan SENAI
"Os investimentos em projetos confirmados e potenciais na cadeia de valor do gás natural no estado do Rio podem ultrapassar R$ 110 bilhões em horizonte estimado de dez anos. O período considera planos estratégicos de empresas, a viabilidade dos projetos de consumo e a perspectiva de produção do gás natural."

Last year, Bram Offshore was recognized by Petrobras as the Best Maritime Logistics Company of 2020
"Today, we celebrate the victory of the 2021 Petrobras Award, not only for Best Maritime Logistics Company for Bram Offshore for the second consecutive year, but also for Best Onshore Logistics Company with Brasil Port Logística Offshore and Estaleiro Naval LTD (B-Port)."

Diversidade na indústria de O&G deve ser mais evidenciada
"Dar espaço de fala e visibilidade às estatísticas pode desmistificar a ocupação de altos postos de trabalho pelo público feminino na indústria de óleo e gás. “A visibilidade que faz falta é a inserção real da mulher”, assegurou a diretora executiva do IBP - Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás, Fernanda Delgado"

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